Stepkids, my husband's late-wife
I relly need some advises on this issue. It bothers me a lot.
My husband's late-wife passed away a couple of years ago and they have 2 daughters now 12 and 9 years old. During the last two years(we married in 2009) my husband kept bring the kids to the cemetery visit their mom on her birther and mother's day. Or bought flowers put in their room.
The issue is he never give me the notice in advance. He always "suprise" me at the last minutes by telling me he is going to bring them to the cemetery tomorrow or they want buy flowers put in their room tomorrow. Or when I suggest it might be better for all of us that they only go there once a year since kids' grandma also bring them there and they always visit their grandma's house where there keeps a lot of their mom's stuff which can bring their memories with their mom.
Since my husband always give me the last minute notice and he reject my request on the issue above and insiste on he will go with the kids whenever they want to go to the cemetery. It's kind of annoy me since I feel he does not care how this mean to me or how it can hurt my feelings.
Then when I show the upset on this issue my husband just play cool in front of me or the worst thing is we fight over on it again and again.
It happened again recently, then I asked him that he should ask their grandma to bring them there not him, but he insiste on he should be there with them. So I asked him if it's him wants to do it once a year not the kids? If it's him that want to visit his late-wife once a year?
I am very unhappy and I need suggestions please!
What I'm gathering is that
What I'm gathering is that you don't like that the skids and your DH go to the cemetery more than once a year to visit former wife's grave. That the grandmother should take them if they want to go more and that he goes without giving you notice.
Am I right?
This is tough. I am a widow and I can tell you that my SO would not dare say a word to me about visiting my late husbands grave. I am very sensitive to SO's feelings though and I don't tell him if/when I go. That's private for me. We didn't have children though either, so I only go if I want to visit.
Can you explain why you want more than a days notice? I can tell you that sometimes your emotions get to you and you feel the need to just talk with your late spouse. Again, I don't do this in front of SO. He has no idea. However, I was just driving home one day and suddenly felt the need to go to the cemetery. Death is hard and you can't predict how it affects someone.
I think you are taking his visits personally. He doesn't love you less because he misses her or the kids miss her. Its different. I can't explain it, but its just different. I can also see why he feels he should be there with his kids. Sometimes conversations come up, questions, as the kids get older they develop new ways of seeing their moms death. I'm sure he wants to be there to help them through it.
I am sorry if I don't come off as very sympathetic to your situation. I understand that it must feel strange to have your DH still thinking about another woman. I just also really see his side because I have experienced it.
Yeah,if I don't know they go
Yeah,if I don't know they go there it's totall fine,I told him I really don't need to know it. But if it's a specific day like we all know xx xxday is their mom's birthday...if there is a plan for it, he should plan it out earlier...then I can arrange my stuff to do, I don't need to stay at home alone feel sad.
He said the same as you said, that he doesn't love me less but what I can feel is his kids and his late-wife is on top of me. And during past two years they went there also on Mother's day which made me feel bad too since my husband doesn't want have kid with me because he has two already, I feel deeply sad when the mother's day comes every year since I feel it's so fake that I am not their mom and the elder one is not like me that much, and for the mother's day I have to share it with a person who is not alive anymore. It's just sad...
Thank you!
I don't know how can I be positive on this issue...I need help......
Oh Hopeless that is really
Oh Hopeless that is really tough. Ok so you know that birthday is a definite, so just always make plans then.
I'm really sorry about the Mother's Day and baby issue too. That was a condition of being with my SO. I was not going to give up having a baby. I think you should really consider how important having a child is to you and whether you want to be with someone who refuses. This was not an option for me. I did break up with SO because of this, but we later got back together when he decided that he would be happy to have another baby.
So I have been through this too.
I think that too much resentment is going to built here and maybe you will want to consider moving on. I hate to just say things like that, but again the baby issue is huge. A dealbreaker for most people.
Hugs to you!!
I'm sorry to hear about your
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. What exactly is it about this that bothers you? I actually think you have it worse than if you had married a divorced guy. You're competing with loving memories of a dead wife, who he would probably still be with had she not died. At least in a divorce, there is no longer love between the two (usually). Do you know what I mean? It's not coming out on the screen the way I'm thinking it in my head.
yeah,I think my husband feels
yeah,I think my husband feels guilty that he didn't show his love to her that much even he loves her. And they were happy couples till she passed away. And for our marriage from the very begining we fight till last year things get better but now we fight again.I just feel my husband is so selfish and mean. He totally does not care how I feels...
It's not easy to marry a guy who has kids especially not very friendly one, and I have to fight with ghost. I just feel I am totally a loser!
You are not a loser. These
You are not a loser. These step relationships take a huge toll on our self esteem. Please seek out counseling. I think you need to realize your importance and gain some self esteem from inside of you, not from your husband.
can you give any idea at how
can you give any idea at how I can gain some self-esteem from inside of me? I really want to know how can I overcome it?
I was really broken down over
I was really broken down over my step situation. I had huge amounts of anxiety, weight loss. I was plain unhealthy. I went to counseling to get it under control. I realized that I just spent too much time worry about what was going on with the skids and with SO. I had to take a step back and distance myself from their problems.
For you, i would say find a good therapist who can help with depression and self esteem. Ask around or do a search online for therapist groups. I also asked my physician to give me recommendations for therapists.
I ended up not just having issues with my SO and the step kid situation, but also ptsd from the sudden loss of my late husband. It was very traumatic for me. I carried that worry to my SO. He is a moody person and I made it my problem. What I had to learn is that his moods and the problems with his kids and ex wife were not mine.
Maybe you could work some on dealing with how he is handling his late wife's death (2 years is not very long at all, I promise you-- my husband died 5 years ago and I still have issues). You could also talk with them about helping you to feel good about yourself. Exercise was a really big deal for me too. I started going 5 times a week at least doing cardio and my panic attacks and nervousness went down so much. My depression lifted and I started feeling more confident in myself.
You will be ok. Just start focusing on yourself a little more. Its easier said than done, but maybe you worry about DH a little too much. Doing things for yourself will make you more independent. Go out with your friends, take up a new hobby.
My husband and the elder kid
My husband and the elder kid are very moody tooooo....especially the elder one, she can cry easily even we still not start to talk the issue to her.
Yeah...all your suggestions are all right. I should have my own life, I just put too much effort on them. I want to be a good wife, a nice SM but things does not worked out that way...maybe it's the time for me to forcus on myself a little more...
I think what you are asking
I think what you are asking for is just
They should beable to go see their mother when ever they want.
It sounds to me by your reaction that you feel threatened by a woman
who is dead.
That woman was someones mother..and I think your DH should take
them when ever they want to go..
If that was you dead in the ground...I am sure that you would not be happy
if your kids visited you once a year...or if a stepmother reacted the way you
are reacting.
The thing is my husband
The thing is my husband refuses to have kid with me so I don't think anyone will visit me after I dead. On the other hand, I prefer to have my ash spread into the ocean.
You need help..seems to me
You need help..seems to me that you are full
of excuses..
hoho...that's really nice!
hoho...that's really nice! full of excuses? If you can see it by person you will know who is full of excuses.
Once my husband's friend tries to help me out(they both are lawyers & Christian), after I told his wife what happened between us(that is half year after we get married), you know what she said, she said XX is kind of mean to you...
And do you know what my husband's close friend said to him, he said it in front of me 'XX is doing chrity things for you and your girls''s not easy.......
I am here making excuses? I don't need to waste my time using this way. It's my first time talking my problem in a public forums.
Thank you for your
Thank you for your comments... You are right...I am struggling and insecurity.
If BM has passed a few years
If BM has passed a few years ago and you've been married for 2 years - do you think that BD did a re-bound on you and you're a living substitute for BM? A couple of times a year for them to visit the grave isn't too much - I think it would be more for the kids than him. Maybe you will need to realise that this is something they need to go through and that it shouldn't affect you too much. Be empathtic to that situation and use the time away from them as 'me' time - God knows I'd love some 'me' time.
And I don't think what you're asking for is one can ever really know you're journey unless they have tread it themselves. are one are one can ever really know you're journey unless they have tread it themselves. Ooops!
Our journey started in the bumpy way. Maybe because of this reason, everytime when we fight, it will remind me how he treated me in the very begining of our's another story which I need to open another topic to say it...
I love my husband is more than he loves me. But so far I just feel so sad that marry to a guy who has been married before and have kids is so hard to deal, I don't know what can support me to continue this marriage.
Thanks your opinion it helps!
Hopeless, I suggest you go to
Hopeless, I suggest you go to Abel Keogh's blog. The posters there are far more understanding of the issues related to widowers. Abel has also written an excellent book about dating a widower and is in the process of writing a book about marrying a widower. He's a widower himself who remarried less than a year after his pregnant wife died.
Great! I will read it!
Great! I will read it!
My husband is not a very wise
My husband is not a very wise guy like Abel Keogh. Me too...we both stubben...otherwise things should be getting better or solved before we fight....
Love is such a powerful
Love is such a powerful emotion. It can drive us to absolute extasy or raving mad.
Like I said before about your journey - only you can know yourself. Don't sell yourself short, you are a wonderful human being with limitless potential. You are important too. You are valuable too. If you don't find that in this marriage, then you alone will have to make the decision as to whether to continue or move on without him.
You are the master of your own destiny. is so powerful is so powerful that sometimes it can destroy us!
Yes, but don't let it destroy
Yes, but don't let it destroy you.
Live and learn.
I think it's good that DH
I think it's good that DH takes the girls to the cemetery on BM's birthday, holidays, etc. They need to know her birthday, and I think that remembering her and going there on all holidays can help them feel closer to her.
Are the girls getting help for dealing with their Mom's death? Your DH should look into getting them help from a counselor who has experience in helping kids who've lost their parents. I hope that can help all of you.
Their mom passed away 6 years
Their mom passed away 6 years ago. And the younger barely know her mom but she feels it's a fun thing to do to go there. And they three went to see counselor after their mom dead, they all ok.
I feel it's totally fine for the kids to go to the cemetery because it's their mom but I hate my husband's attitude that he shows in the whole situation. Not only this issue but also many things he is not consider my feelings.
Every improvement in our marriage is all I fight & gain it, he has never done anything for me till I ask for but his late-wife's thing he can remember clearly, he totally does not care how an alive person-me's feelings. I hate my marriage, I feel till the end, they three(or Four) are a family I am still alone by myself.
hopeless123 I was a
I was a widow. It took well over 2 years for the children and I to get on with our lives. Grieving is a process that takes time and is slower for some than others. How far is the cemetary? It should not take all day to visit unless there is some great distance to travel. If you already know they will most likely be going there on certain days then just plan to do something else yourself on that day.
Their grieving of a loss seems normal for this point in time. It does not make your marriage any less. During the years following my husband's death I and the children visited his grave often. As time went on it became less often.
I eventually moved away from the area. I have not been back in over 12 years. I then married someone who had lost his wife. He had no children with this woman but she was buried in a cemetary close to the area where we lived. I could not imagine being upset if he visited the cemetary. It was his way of confirming to himself and her that in her short time on this earth she did matter and make a difference. Is that not what all of us want . Recognition that we mattered.
Would it help your relationship with all of them if you in some small way supported them in their grieving process instead of separating yourself. If you are out with the children and you see a beautiful wreath prior to a holiday you could ask if they would like to pick it out for taking to their mother's grave. Make a beautiful bouquet of flowers with them to take to their mom.
My children and I would have found the little acts of kindness like this to be endearing. There is a difference in losing someone that was living in your family household and losing your uncle or cousin.
The people in your household are your entire life. The effect is so much more and it does take longer to completely move on.
In time everyone will move on. The need to visit will become minimal. How you react at this time can make a difference as to how DH and the children feel towards you. I felt resentment towards people that expressed their opinions of how I and the children should put it all behind us, move on. Easy to say when it was not their experience to deal with. Allow them to finish working through their residual grief. It sounds like they have moved forward a great deal from 2 years ago. Remember the process can seem slow to all the people who are not part of it.
Yeah, I agree with you,
Yeah, I agree with you, actrully I can give them a support in some small way for this thing. But my husband does not know how to deal with it, he is either wait till the last minute to tell me what are they going to do tomorrow or till I ask him does he have any arrangement for that day then he start to talk. I just hate it so much!!! he has no idea how it bothers me.
And actrully the kids grandma takes them to the cemetery many times a year,like last year they went there 3 times(maybe more) and my husband took them to their 2 times!!! For the younger one she just like going out she does not know her mom that well she just think it's fun to go out than stay at home. And the elder one even she was with her mom very often but she is a very unnormal kid, I don't think she cares go there or not she even not raise the request this year but the younger one did.
Last night had a talk with my husband and he said he will bring the kid to the cemetery once a year around mother's day. I just feel what's the meaning for me to celebrate mother's day with them?
My husband never please me or talk some sweet words to me especially when he or his kid upset me, all he is doing is make excuse for himself or make excuse for his kids. I feel totally I am unimportant person in the family and I do everything for them...I am just like a maid!!!
No disrespect intended but I
No disrespect intended but I can understand wanting to give any child the opportunity to honor the woman who gave birth to them on Mother's day and their Mother's birthday especially one who has passed away. These are only 2 days out of 365, are something that come every year and can be marked on the calendar so they can be planned for in advance.
The one thing that I do not understand is why are you are staying in the relationship if you want children and he does not. This is no small issue. Most men do not understand and probably will never understand the pull a woman's biological clock has on her. The longer you stay in this relationship, the harder it will be for you to leave and the more likely it is that you will start to resent the skids. You need to do some soul searching so that you can decide what is important to YOU, what YOU need, and what makes YOU happy. This exercise is not selfish. You can't give happiness to others if you become bitter. If what is important to you is children and having children fulfills some deep need inside you, you need to consider moving on.
He is very selfish. Even
He is very selfish. Even jealous on how nice I treat our dog and actrully the dog is for the kids because
They ask it badly.
Second, at that day what I was mad at was first, the elder kid came to my room
Before bed time and faced the candle which we light in the room said it is a ceremony and started singing happy birthday song and we all know she did it for her mom since the next day is her mom's birthday. It made me a little bit uncomfortable then I told my husband but he was defend her said she said she was joking. Then I got upset said she should not make this joke since it's not funny.
My husband kept defending her and started yelling at me . I hate it when his kid did something wrong he always can not see it and instead yell at me, and even in front of the kid!
In our tradition when people pass away, her or his spouse visit the grave site in first three years is showed all her or his respect especially now he has the new family he should move on. It's 6 years now!
And for the kids their grandma takes them 3-4 times a year! I din't know why it's so important he must be there!
Now they three eating dinner happily together, it always be like this, always they three no matter it's my husband did something wrong or his kids, they are always together exclude me.
I have no family here, I always feel alone.
Hopless123 There is really
There is really nothing to be bothered about here, he takes his children to visit their mothers' grave, that is his place to do that, he is their father and these children need his support. You say your issue is that he does not give you a few days notice, then ask him for the dates or better still take note of them for yourself, ie: the anniversary of her death, her birthday, mother's day and any other special day, then you would know the dates a year in advance. If for whatever reason these kids want to go to the cemetery then who are you to stop them that is totally unfair.
I think that you have some serious issues that have nothing to do with his former wife or the children, but more to do with you feeling insecure in your marriage. You appear to be threatend by another woman, but in this case the other woman is dead, she is no threat to you, she cannot destroy your marriage or woo your husband away from you. However, if you keep up this attitude you will drive him away yourself by your jealousy of a dead woman.
You are clearly struggling with all this and as well as being a step parent which is so hard, you are also in what appears to be a very unhappy marriage. The first thing you need to sort out is the marriage, do you or do you not want to be in it. If you want to be in it, then you need to support these kids and your husband who also has to deal with the fact that he has two children who no longer have a mother and he must feel really sad for them. I don't know how far the cemetery is, but if it is close by and it took them an hour or so to go, and they went every week that should not bother you. As for the "Happy Birthday" singing the elder child did, perhaps she was trying to get to you, and why not, she would know you resent her visiting her mother's grave, so instead of allientating them over this, why not make it a celebration of their mother's life on her birthday, why not acknowledge it yourself, have a special tea, or get your husband to take all of you out for "mom"s birthday, acknowledging this woman is part of their lives and always will be is your first step here, then accepting that fact, which will be easier to accept if you realise she is no threat to you. You say your husband does not care about your feelings, yet you say all of his former wife's stuff is at Grandma's the kids live with you, if he didn't care about your feelings, trust me, all the stuff would be in your house. I would if the kids do not already have it, give each of them a framed photo of their mother to put in their bedrooms, acknowledge and accept her existence because this seems to be your second biggest problem, the first your insecurity in your marriage. If you are not prepared to do this, that is okay, if you want your own children, and I suspect this is playing a huge part in your unhappiness, discuss this with your husband when things have settled down over this cemetry thing, and if he still says no, then perhaps it is best you leave the marriage. All of this is entirely up to you. But if you continue to make things hard for him to take his children to the cemetery then you will be the one to suffer because he and the children will grow to resent you. I hope you can find some way to come to terms with this and save your marriage if that is what you want. Perhaps a therapist can help you solve your biggest hurdle your insecurity. Then again, if you accept that your SK have a mother and they wish to visit her grave and as their father it is HIS place to take them to support them, then you may just find his attitude towards you will change also. Change yourself before you try to change him, and good luck with this.
It's up to me if I want or
It's up to me if I want or not want this marriage. I think he is totally fine if I want a divorce. He has threaten me about it in the beginning of our marriage in every fight and once he took the actiont to, it's just one week after after marriage and the reason is his kid. That's why I feel insecure maybe.
Thanks for your suggestion but everyone's case is different. We just talked again and I asked him if it's him wants to go there, he kind of said yes. I don't know if he promised something to her late-wife. I just feel it just like the blog(the link above) said he still stuck in his past and can not move forward even he said he is moving forward. Anyway he said if it makes me so unhappy he will not go instead ask kids grandma to take them there.
They have pictures and vidos of their mom in their room also my husband keeps all the pictures they took in the past in the house, something we are using now is also from the past, so I am not very narrow-minded person.
I think hopeless, that there
I think hopeless, that there is much more going on here than the late wife and the visits. Its obvious that for whatever reason you do not feel like he is 100% in the relationship and the grave visits are just something you pin pointed as a problem. You are not comfortable with him. the resentment of you not being able to have children with him will build even more as time goes on.
Again, its only been 2 years. That is nothing in grieving time for a spouse. I am only just not getting past a lot of my issues and its been 5 years. Its a long process. Either you want to be there and understanding to help him through, or you don't. You are not going to push him through it by expecting that he doesn't want to see her grave. He does. He just feels bad to tell you. You can't make him feel guilty for that.
Again, there are other issues here, its not the late wife. maybe he's not ready for a relationship at all
It has been six years since
It has been six years since his late wife passed way, she passed way in 2006 and I met my husband in 2007 and get married in 2009. are right, the most problem is not the grave visit, it's just too many other things added together in those three years after we get married. Grave visit might just be the pin point...
Sorry, for some reason I had
Sorry, for some reason I had it calculated that she died two years go. I was wrong.
Sorry, but if he is always
Sorry, but if he is always threatening you with divorce then it is understandable you would feel insecure. Do you really want to stay if this is the case. If the main issue between you though is him visiting the cemetery I would not worry so much about that. You said his wife has only been dead 2 years, that really is not a long time. It can take 2 years just to come to terms with a death, then another year or so to really start living again. So it really is early days and it is very early days for the kids.
sorry, she has passed away 6
sorry, she has passed away 6 years ago in 2006, and I met my husband after 2007 and married at 2009.
This post actually kept me
This post actually kept me awake last night. I too am a widow, like your husband. I will do my best to be sensitive and not offend you with my post but I am just shocked by what you have written. Your husband and his children are suffering, and all you can do is talk about how selfish he is to want to go and take his daughter's to their mother's grave?
I am going to do my best to hold my tongue, but I will say this... Get some help or get out of this marriage. Those children have already lost their mother, they do not need to have their stepmother constantly battle with their father and them over their DEAD mother. You, my dear, are fighting a ghost. And you will lose this battle. I lost my husband 6 years ago. We had 3 children together. My children look like their father, behave like their father, for god's sake, they even SMELL like their father. That does not go away. Don't try to take it away from them. Saying that they have a photo in their room of their mom, like that should be good enough, is offensive to me. I'm sure they are scared to talk about their mom in front of you and that is NOT fair to them. Those memories must stay alive for them, and you freaking out at every mention of her is not allowing them to grieve her, or celebrate her the way that they should. This is NOT ABOUT YOU!
And, let me say this, I have moved on. I love another man now, and have for about 5 years. He struggled in the beginning of our relationship with the thought that if my husband had not passed away, we would still be together. He is probably right. But that is not my life now. I am able to love again and I can honestly say that the man I love is everything I could ever ask for (not being all mushy here, just stating a fact). I worked very hard to make him understand that. If your husband is not working with you on this, then you must either resolve this with him, or leave. You mention a number of times that there were issues at the beginning of the relationship, so why did you marry this man?
Your insecurity in this relationship is too much for you to handle on your own. Get counseling now. Help yourself and your family. I wish you luck.
and btw, and battle is not
and btw, and battle is not their DEAD MOM, since I don't know her and never met her. Our battle is the things between us or between his unbeheaved kid. Like this grave visiting thing or celebrate their mom's birthday thing, if he used another gentle way or just do it behind me not the rude way or take action first and explain later way. I will feel better! Most of the time the battle between us was when something happened he does not know how to deal it he just act like an oppressor, say and do something ignore my feelings in the very rude way! I am not a person who does not dare to fight back! Now it's our four people's life, he needs to think everyone, not just his kids, his late-wife(she can see nothing) but me too. Especially I am here all for him, if there is no love, how come I do everything for them. Kids are much happier than before(which everyone can tell and their grandma also said it to me too). He just does not know how to appreciated what I did for this family. Anything with his late wife or his unbeaved kid, he just turned to another person in front of me. I can never forgotten how he yell at my ears crazily in front of his kids.Shame on him!
I don't really want to do
I don't really want to do this, but I guess I have to... you keep going back to the "grave visiting thing" that he does and how he yelled at you in front of the kids. My guess is that he is tired of your not understanding (nagging, bullshit, etc.). I hate to put the blame on you, but seriously, I want to scream at you and I don't even know you. You say he should do it behind your back (I don't believe for a second you would be ok with that) or he should plan it out more (what does that even mean? he has to plan a trip to the cemetary and put it on the calendar?) and then you say that he should have their grandmother take them instead of him... The bottom line is that you are not comfortable with the connection he has with his dead wife. It is a battle between you and a ghost, whether you knew her or not. YOU have to let this go or it will destroy you and this relationship. I have seen it over the last 6 years. You just don't get it
Your oldest Step daughter is what,12? That means she was 6 when her mom died. And if she wants to go to her grave, I am really certain that once again, THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU. Have some respect and compassion, for god's sake.
And if he is violent and disrespectful of you, then that is something else all together. But you are the one that came here and stated that him going to the grave is something you cannot stand or tolerate. That is what this post was about... You can't change the story now and make this about how awful a man he is. Sorry, I'm not buying it.
Leave him and save everyone the drama.
He should not show me the
He should not show me the connection between him and his late wife, I don't need to know it. It's none of my business! Just like the husband keeps telling how blah blah blah his ex-girlfriend is ...It's stupid not wise at all! I don't think anyone like to hear! Not Me!Sorry!
I am not changing the story I just give out more information to let people here to understand my situation more, or I gonna to think over what's my problem, what's his problem. I can tell you that for those three years it's me tolerate every mistake he made or his kid made.
Yeah, the kid was 6 when her mom dead, and since then she becomes a spoiled brat, because between her 6-9 years old this period of time, everyone is spoil them but no one teach them how to beheave themselve, then what, I am the one who has to face the two damaged kids everyday!
Yeah, you mentioned respect here. Someone wants to get respect she/he should respect other people first. The sad thing is I showed my respect to them at the very begining, do you know what the first thing I did when I first came here from the airport? I went to his late wife's cemetery to SSSSSEEEEEEEEE her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then what I got back? His mom, his brother, his kids...and him....hoho... All I faced these by myself since I said before I am alone here!
Yeah! If he needs use our weekend to go there he got to let me know first. Why I can't be noticed in advance? Only selfish people just think do whatever they want, unless they live by themself.
Battle with a ghost? Don't you see what people wrote above? You can not see it because you are in the opposite position and I think you must be very controlling in your house too. Feel sad for your husband now!!!!!
Ummm. Ok then. Maybe you
Ummm. Ok then. Maybe you should re-read the other posts. I don't see any that are in agreement with your position. None. Like I mentioned before, please seek some counseling.
As for me being controlling? Lol. Not even close. I simply have a different outlook on life because of the things that I have lived thru. I learned long ago that I cannot change anyone else and can ONLY control myself. And I'm good with that. You should try it.
OK. let me tell you I am not
OK. let me tell you I am not here to let people agree with me but compare to other comments, yours is the most useless one and selfish one to me...from your comments I can see how's your role in your marriage. I wish you a HAPPY FAMILY which I don't believe you have!
We are actually pretty happy.
I'm sorry you don't like what I have to say but you can't control me like it appears you want to. And you being mean, or rude, to me because you don't like the truth, doesn't bother me at all. I'm not a teenager. I don't do drama. You stomping your feet and acting a fool doesn't mean 1 thing to me or anyone else here. I just feel for your step kids. I hope you and your husband both have enough common sense to keep this crazy behavior away from the kids.
I'm sorry that you are unhappy with your marriage. I hope you find the strength to take a good hard look at yourself, and your role in this, and make the changes you need to make to save it, if its going to be saved.
Your husband probably isn't going to change. Get used to that fact and move on. Sorry.
You still not get it, fool!
You still not get it, fool! Read others then look at yours! You have no idea how Self-admired you are ! But not surprise but glad I only see you one so far!
Well said Brady Bunch.
Well said Brady Bunch.
you don't know how trouble
you don't know how trouble how his elder kid is . She probably has ADD, we were plan to take her to see therapist but my husband is not willing to...she is just a spoiled brat ( which is her uncle-that means her mom's brother said it)! Can you image a kid like this plus a husband like this, I don't know what can support me to stay in this marriage!
Your husband is a lucky man
Your husband is a lucky man since you said you worked very hard to make him understand your love . But not my husband even he keep saying he will work it out but he is such an absent-minded person and very stubborn. He knows his personality is hard for people to deal, especially the close ones. He knows his late wife was unhappy bcz of this too. I just feel, he can never see what he has in front of him, nomatter before with his late wife or now with me. His late wife dead in cancer, I think the most reason caused it is she was unhappy, just like me now. Maybe after I passed away or after I left, he will realized how wrong he hurts me in those 3 years!
I really really want to open
I really really want to open other topic to talk about my three years marriage with a widower! Should listen to elder people's saying ....never ever marry a guy who got married before especially had kids...and now I want to add this on it'and never ever marry a widower either'!it's just a nightmare!
Lol. Finally someone said
Lol. Finally someone said it... }:)
See who can laugh till the
See who can laugh till the last ...
I was also a widow. The
I was also a widow. The whole visiting the grave thing was never an issue with me or my kids. I remarried fairly quickly and am happy with that decision. My kids were very young when their father died 2 and 9 months. My dh now IS their father for all intents and purposes. I did visit th grave a few times a year in the first several years-not with the kids because they were so young.
This issue is like any other in marriage. Just because the man has a dead wife does not mean that this woman does not have the right to have feelings surrounding his graveyard visits. It sounds to me as if she is saying that if he would plan the visits, give her advance notice, etc that she could deal with it better-I dont particularly think this is an unreasonable request. She would like him not to wait to the last minute to spring this on her while perhaps they are having a cozy family meal at home. I can really see how that would make her feel excluded? These people are now her family. Can you imagine how you would feel if they all got up suddenly and said they were going to visit their real mother and first wife and she is left there alone?
I dont think it is unreasonable for her to ask her dh to treat this issue with sensitivity. He can plan these visits at times that he knows she is not home. When I did visit my dh's grave-I didnt get up int he middle of my evening with my current husband and life partner and say welp, gonna go visit the grave, see ya! I waited until I was out and about on my own and stopped by there when I felt the need.
The death was also 6 years ago. Not last week, or even last year-but this little trio has had time to adjust to the loss. I respect that they would like to mourn at her gravesite-but my guess is that the op is the one who is doing all the "mothering" in this family. They've been together for several years. She is probably taking care of the girls and acting as a mother-but she is not acknowledged on Mother's Day at all-how craptastic! I cant imagine taking my two oldest to their fathers grave, a father that they have no memories of and who died many years ago, on Fathers Day and completing ignoring the fact that my dh now does everything that any other father does for their children-including loving them, supporting them, and doing tasks for them on a daily basis. He would be massively hurt and I would expect him to be.
Thank you so much what you
Thank you so much what you wrote here makes me cry. It's totally like what you wrote here. Thanks for speaking it out for me!!! Feel so Excluded...
The problem is if you go back
The problem is if you go back and read her posts, your argument doesn't hold water because she clearly states that her husband took the children twice last year. Twice and she's incredulous about it, almost like he took the kids twice a day. Lol. They went on mother's day and the dead wife's birthday. She knew these days were coming. He didn't look across a candlelit dinner and say "now I'm off to the cemetery".
Yes we each grieve differently, and perhaps they should be adjusted, but that's not for any of us to say. And I DARE someone to ever say to me or my kids, "hey, it's been 6 years. Move on already. No more cemetery visits for you."
If helpless included herself in these trips and tried to have some compassion for this aspect of their lives I believe that a lot of the issues would resolve themselves for all involved.
My youngest was 11 months when her dad died. She still feels a loss and a void despite the fact that she never even knew her dad. Our other kids we 12 and 7 when he died. We still think and miss him each day. And we have moved on. It doesn't matter. We still grieve.
Hopeless should absolutely be acknowledged on mothers day. She is their mother now. If they exclude her then that is her husbands fault. Not the kids.
And lastly, I believe the fact that he DOES NOT want a baby with hopeless is the heart of the matter. Hopeless, you need to decide if you can move forward without having a baby of your own. This is the most important issue. I was young when I had my oldest, so I am still young enough to have more kids but I never will. I had my kids with my deceased husband and I've closed up shop. I wont have any more with anyone. Not even the man I'm with now. Just can't. I understand how you DH feels. Can you accept that from him?
Again Brady Bunch you are
Again Brady Bunch you are absolutely right. A visit twice year that she obviously knows about 12 months in advance the mother's birthday and mother's day, hells bells, hardly worth all the fuss. And yes, you are right she has tried to change the story from her original post which was only about visiting the grave to now painting him to be a pig. Waste of time trying to advise her she doesn't want it, she wants people to agree with her, and if you don't then you are as in your case "controlling" sorry for your dh & family LOL
Seriously I do worry about her two stepkids God knows how this is affecting them. Don't care if their mum died 6 or 60 years ago, she is still their mum and they should be able to go to her grave twice a year without all this fuss.
Totally agree @Emotionaly
Totally agree @Emotionaly Beat Up. I'm done with this thread... I do wish her well, although it may not have seemed like it. I don't like to see anyone struggle. Life is too short.
Thank you all--alwaysanxious,
Thank you all--alwaysanxious, hippiegirl, echo, k, christag(the link), anon2009, godess-clueless, babydoll and especially to hismineandours!!! Thank you for all your comments and ideas.
After the whole week's discussion and communication, I and my husband worked it out finally . It's another huge step we moved forward in our marriage. Like K said ' live & learn' just do not give up easily! Believe love & be forgiving embrace to each other.