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Step-Parent Support

FedUpinBC's picture

I've been googling until my fingers have hurt in search of support for step-parents and I am stunned to find that all kinds of supposed "support" offered for the Steps is so unattainable for the average person! Online coaching is offered but at a fee of $100.00 an hour USD, many sites offer "online" coaching for fee's that I am sorry someone who doesnt have unlimited access to funds just would not be able to access. It kind of makes me wonder why if a step-patent is supposed to be an integral part of the family unit and expected to operate with grace and maturity here why help for steps isnt as accessible as it is the the bio parents?
I dont know about the USA but here in Canada all kinds of mediation, and courses, communication workshops etc are offered FREE OF CHARGE to the fighting bio parents, and they can attend however many times as required, I have yet to find anything for the step parents in terms of emotional support, counselling, or otherwise that is as accessible as these parent courses which I find SICK!
Where would a step parent turn to if the only support we can access in online blogs or self-help books? what if as a step I would need to speak to a counsellor to navigate my situation and get a handle on my emotions? what pay hundreds of dollars as the step because there is nothing offered to me like there is to them? I dont see that as being very fair.
So the parents can scrap and be ridiculous and step parents have to PAY for help that's awesome

FedUpinBC's picture

Free of charge counselling in my area is only available to the bio parents. Insurance will cover some but not alot and counselling is super expensive