Step parent acknowledgement
I'm looking at Facebook and I come across a post that says "It takes a really strong man to step up and raise children that are not his. Real men stand up " Now I'm not saying that step dads do not deserve the recognition, because they do. It is not an easy task for either step mom or step dad. But I have seen quite a few of these types of shares about step dads. What about the step moms?
Just made me think when society does acknowledge stepparents that it is the step dads being heroic. It is just expected of step moms.
because society views men as
because society views men as heroes to damsels in distress.
these moms have been "wronged" and "abandoned" by their children's fathers! these new men come along and they are just a godsend!!!!
stepmoms are always viewed as homewreckers or turf-stepper-onners.
"sorry your stepmom has to
"sorry your stepmom has to teach you how to be a decent person, turns out your real mom was a bigger bitch than any of us anticipated. " Wow. LOL. I love it. I feel like when SD is here that is exactly what SO and I are having to do for that exact reason.
"It takes a really strong man
"It takes a really strong man to step up and raise children that are not his. Real men stand up "
Real men do not get bent out of shape over what qualifies as a "real man".
I don't disagree with the
I don't disagree with the statement, that isn't my issue. Stepfathers should be acknowledge. I'm saying what about the stepmom's who do the exact same thing? What about the women who have no moral or legal obligation to children who are not her own getting a little bit of social recognition? Shouldn't both step mom's and step dad's be recognized equally?