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Step Daughter recently moved to another state with biological mom

yugi302's picture

Long story short.
The court granted biological mom's move away request. Four months ago my 7 year old step daughter moved to another state with her mom and step dad. I am really close to my step daughter. But with the recent move our relationship has recently suffered. Whenever I call she ignores me, questions me on why I call her so often. She says that she doesn't want me to be calling her so often because she does not have an opportunity to miss me. I used to write to her once a week, mostly it was drawings of different disney characters. I crochet her some bows for her hair. With the holidays she has been very emotional and has been crying a lot. I decided to send her a paper hug. I try my best to show her that I love her and care about her. Perhaps I do the things that I wish my step mother would have done for me when I was young. She never showed interest in being a part of my life and I don't want that for my step daughter. But I am starting to think that it may be best for me to take a step back and let things be for now. My feelings get hurt every time she ignores me or tells me not to call her. I can't help but feel guilt though if I do less to show her that I care about her. I don't really know what to do.

Evil stepmonster's picture

Let her father do some of that. Maybe she's hurt that you are the one making all the effort.

yugi302's picture

I think you are right. I have thoughts about that myself. Her dad works a lot so I guess without realizing I was doing what he should be doing

yugi302's picture

Have been calling less, and not writing to her anymore. The letter idea came from her when she lived with me. I was just honoring what i said I would do.

bibleofdreams's picture

they might be poisoning her against you. If that's the case you can't really do much except wait until she is older and figures out its lies.