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SS12 has suddenly developed a BAD attitude with DH

DaizyDuke's picture

So, DH called SS12 last week and asked what was up with his cell phone usage. SS phone is on my plan so we can see how many minutes etc. he is using and were concerned when we saw that he had over 1800 minutes and almost 6000 text messages (yes, he's barely 12!)

I heard everything DH said and he was NOT being mean or hard nosed. He asked SS what was up, why all the calls and who is he talking to so much. SS said his girlfriend (yeah.. again he's barely 12) and his friends. DH told him that is way too much phone time for a child his age, and that he should be concentrating on school, playing a sport or something more constructive and that if this continues that DH will be taking the phone away. To this SS said "Yeah right" in a snotty little tone. DH said "Don't try me and don't give me attitude either, or I'll come down there right now and take the phone" That was pretty much the end of the conversation.

So 4 days later, out of the blue, DH gets a text from SS that says "Alot of the minutes on my phone are because I have been letting "trevor" use my phone. OK Fabio" ("Trevor is BM's Boyfriends son) I about fell over when I read that he was calling DH Fabio... what the hell??? DH text him back and just said "Easy" because he was pissed and didn't want to make a bad situation worse... and I can't blame him. Of course SS is full of crap that he comes up with this excuse 4 days later, but whatever.

So anyway, SS must be mad at DH because other than this text message, DH hasn't heard from him since he talked to him about the cell phone. Of course BM doesn't help, she treats SS like a 2 year old, has every excuse for him when he does something wrong, tries to be his best friend and I can totally see things going downhill fast.

It's just so riduculous to me, that the parent who acts like the true parent by acutally parenting and expecting more from skid is the one that skid turns on. Guess he wants a Disney Dad, to go with his Disney Mom.

buttercookie's picture

suspend his phone for a few days that'll change his attitude and you don't even need to physically take the phone. I'd send a text stating because of this attitude you lose phone service for x amount of day(s) your ss will learn not to play that game

VioletsareBlue's picture

Yep just tell the phone company that the phone was "lost" and to suspend service and you will call them back when you find it. That way you avoid any fees.