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Someone elses ID - no response from dad?!?!?!?

hbell0428's picture

Okay?? I had posted previously about SD13 (8th grade) lying about going to middle school dance and we found out it was High S and then she was given a midnight curfew. all this because she told Daddy she had NO idea it was a high school dance...
So. I was doing laundry last night and found an 11th graders picture ID; which she got BEFORE the dance to get in; I told dad about it - thinking he would care - all he said was "oh ya, I know about that."?!?!?!??!!?!?? Did I miss something here...

Then I find out from my SD11 that the SD is going around kissing all these boys; just to kiss them. Oh my god help me.

What are some ways that you have made hubby see the light; before it's too late??

caregiver1127's picture

I agree with Foxie - but if you are under the age of 40 and don't mind being called Grandma - then your DH is headed in the right direction - who in their right mind lets their 13 year old have an ID of someone much older - some of the things I read on ST blow my mind - my parents were so strict and what is going on today just amazes me - I could never be a teenage today - it scares me just thinking about it!!

hbell0428's picture

I agree; and it scares me I have 3 bio's - 1 of which is an 11Y girl; I would NEVER allow this and she would be looking at her 4 walls for awhile; but here with my SD I have no say and if you do say something todaddy; you get the evil look and told that it;s not a big deal and he always says, "she is 13!"
My point exactly but it should be she's ONLY 13

Jsmom's picture

Why do these Dad's not get it until it is too late. DH didn't and everytime I pointed it out I was being mean. Now the first time, he punished SD14 severely for lying and manipulating, she got mommy to serve daddy with a CO modification. He couldn't win and gave her up. If he had listened to me early on about Facebook an the fact that his kids have no boundaries or rules, then we may have been able to stop the drama. Instead, he has lost his daughter and another few years of no rules and she will be completely lost herself.

Orange County Ca's picture

If Dad isn't willing to step in you are powerless to do so. The sooner you learn this the less heartache you will have. I know you hate to see any kid make these mistakes but the reality of the situation is that unless Dad is willing to back you up you're doomed to failure.

Why don't you accept the fact that this kid is going to grow up, for better or worse, without your hand in the pot? Whether you like it or not. Dad will get all the credit or all the blame for how she turns out - not you - providing you keep your nose out of it.

If you wish to alienate both of them then keep on telling Dad how horrible his kid is. Soon enough you'll find they're conspiring - unconsciously perhaps - to rebel against the authority you're displaying but don't really have.

Let the kid alone. You really have no choice without Dad's 100% backing and from the way he's been acting so far that will never happen.

Go tell Dad that unless she's starting a fire on the living room floor you're not going to intervene any more. You might find Dad stepping up to the plate, but if not just let it go.

VAStepMom's picture

Lord- girl you are tellin' my story!

You need to sit down with DH when you can discuss this without the skids around. ASAP.

Does skids live with you full time?

Explain where SD is headed with her behavior. No middle school girl can DATE a Junior in HS and not have issues related to sex.

She lied, she must be grounded. Period.

Frankly, I would go to the girls house who belongs to the ID, and hand it over to her mother and explain what happened.

Tell DH...that this incident has opened your eyes to where your SD is going..... and explain to him what to expect here on out with her..... (he will deny it, but you will later prove to be right.)

VAStepMom's picture

Lord- girl you are tellin' my story!

You need to sit down with DH when you can discuss this without the skids around. ASAP.

Does skids live with you full time?

Explain where SD is headed with her behavior. No middle school girl can DATE a Junior in HS and not have issues related to sex.

She lied, she must be grounded. Period.

Frankly, I would go to the girls house who belongs to the ID, and hand it over to her mother and explain what happened.

Tell DH...that this incident has opened your eyes to where your SD is going..... and explain to him what to expect here on out with her..... (he will deny it, but you will later prove to be right.)

hbell0428's picture

Yep she lives with us ft for the past 5 months....LONG months

even MIL has called and asked where his head is at?? If that tells ya nething