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Sleeping Arrangement

ASC814's picture

I have been dating a wonderful man for 8 months, he happens to have a undisciplined 6 year old daughter. He shares joint custody so every other weekend she spends the night at my house. We don't live together, but are talking about it. My issue is that he sleeps with his daughter when he has her for the weekend. I told him that I find this disturbing and that if they want to sleep together he needs to go home. He has started laying down with her until she goes to sleep and 3 hours later he comes to bed, because he has fallen asleep, but shortly after that she climbs in my bed with both of us. I have had it, he says he is doing the best he can. It is starting to effect the way I feel about him because he isn't taking this seriously. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

SMof2Girls's picture

Ask him how it makes him feel to sleep in a bed with his daughter where he just had sex with you? Tell him that it makes you feel like a pedophile and you won't tolerate that behavior in your home.

It's creepy. End of story. Time for an ultimatum .. or this behavior will only get worse.