Skids Cousin
I don't know if i'm overreacting or not with this one. My dh's ex asked if her sister's son could stay with the skids whilst at our house this weekend. I feel really anxious about the whole thing. First of all she didn't ask if it was o.k with me. My dh did say he would have to check with me which I was really happy about. The thing is. Is this normal. I don't want this to be a regular thing and I don't want to get involved with any part of her family. I did set down a few rules that if he is disrespectful at all then he is to go home, which dh agrees with. I feel as if I will be the one that's out of place in our home.
Please Help. Just need to vent!
Get your ground rules sorted out early...........
Hi Confused, another Aussie These things are never easy (I sure do know that one). I had to come down hard on my partner with rules about ex inlaws, ex wife and step kids (manners, chores etc.) and it took some time to change things, but I did.
If you are uncomfortable with anything connected to ex family you should say so.
Just keep smiling......................