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Should I regret marrying older man with child?

123k's picture

So, it took a lot from me to finally decide to get outside opinions on this matter. I feel like I might be a bad person for feeling the way I do; maybe I am selfish and think too higly of myself? You be the judge...

About me: Pros: I am in my late 20's, early 30's. Never married, no children. Successful 6 income figure job. According to others, extremely attractive, funny, and outgoing. Any old lady I meet, wants me to "meet her grandson," before I tell her I am married. Cons: Am a serial monogomist, jump from long-term relationship to the next- only had three relationships my entire life. Was in a very emotionally and physically absuive relationship that ended badly and I feared my life. I've had three relationships, and each one was bad in its own way. To put it this way, I dont have a type, but my choice is always bad when it comes to relatioships-everything else I am 'smart' in - except for love. I am the type of person that loves hard and sacrifices myself to make things work. I also feed from others energy and If I am around negative people for long enough, I become negative. This only applies to people I love, like spouse, siblings, etc. So I choose my circle wisely and keep a small handful of people around me.

The story: After a very long abusive relationship, I jumped back into a relationship with an ex (the one who got away) thinking he would be the same man from years ago and protect me; he was always in the background protecting me even when I didnt know. The guy has a proven track record of loving me and caring for me. My ex got too crazy (stalking me, guns, cops involved, etc.) so when my husband asked me to marry him, I said yes, thinking this would make all my problems go away. And heck, the guy was awesome to begin with (we only dated about 6 months again before getting married). The reason why we broke up to begin with is that I couldnt see myself getting married to a man who was married previously and had a child; I wanted to be the first in everything- knowing a child comes first, I didn't want to share my man with someone else or have a constant Ex lurking in the background (although she is chill and doesnt interact at all with me or cause problems). So going through what I did in an abusive relationship, I realized that it is the person that is important, not the little things like a child or ex- as long as he treated me good, why should I look elsewhere when the man of my dreams is staring right at me?!

My issue: Right before the wedding, he started to change. Tempermental, argumentative, emotionally unaware. He has become quite cocky in an unattractive way. Honeymoon I spent crying. Since we have been married, we fought almost every day, and spend more time apart than together. In the few years that we were apart, he changed. When I try to talk to him about his behavior and how it makes me feel, he reverts it back to me and tells me that I AM the problem, that I am now too sensitive because of my past, and "taking out what the other guy did on him." He is right in a way, I am emotionally exhausted, but I dont take anything out on him. I told him before we even got into a relationship again that I am not ready and I need to find myself first before I can start another relationship. He told me that he would help me and be a shoulder to cry on until I find myself again. But here we are. Examples: We do not see each other at all all day, he comes home in a bad mood. As soon as he opens the door, he is huffing and puffing and I walk up to him to make small talk, but he makes me feel a certain type of way especially since I havent seen him all day, I would assume he doesnt want to talk to me so I become quiet and let him do his thing. Then he says I am in a bad mood and quiet and asks why and says I am always like this when he walks in. I've tried giving him space, tried being hyper and happy, tried asking him whats wrong- same end result day in and day out. He does not call or text me all day. I send him nice texts throughout the day wishing him a nice day and that I miss him. I dont get a response or I get a "Me too." He wasnt like that before, he was emotionally aware and supportive. and when I say I dont get any attention, he says that not everyone is sitting at a computer available to text or call all day. So, he doesnt have two seconds in a 10-12 hour work day? So that gets me going... thats just one example. But these I guess I can work with and we can work through. I tell you this stuff so I can tell you the next part and it makes more sense.

He has a 8 year old kid who is about 20 pounds over weight. We barely see each other. He works 6 days a week, sometimes comes home in time to sleep. He works alot- I give him that. In the mornings, maybe -3/4 times a week his daughter comes, so he spends the morning with her and takes her to school. He is so involved with her in the morning, sometimes he doesnt even hug or kiss me bye and just storms out- I get it I guess. The only time he comes home early is when he needs to pick up his kid, then we spend the rest of the day together. We have her every Friday night and sometimes I am with her alone on Saturday until he comes home, and sometimes on Sunday all day to have a 'family day.' I barely get time to myself with him. I cant be affectionate with him in front of her in consideration of how she might be feeling about the situation- if I do hug him or sit next to him, she wedges herself between us or when I show him love, she says or does something to redirect his attention and he thinks thats 'cute.' so I just stopped being affectionate. She is disrespectful, talks back, doesnt clean up after herself, her hygiene is sub-par, and he continuously finds excuses for it. He blames her behavior towards me on us always arguing and her telling her mommy that she is concerned bacause I am always yelling at her dad. To be fair, I try to let things slide, but her dad picks fights with me and when I tell him not now, not here, not in front of her, he keeps going on and on so I burst and yell back- but because I keep getting poked. Of course she doesnt realize what her dad is doing, she only sees what I do. He says that she normally cleans up after herself but shes rushed in the morning so she doesnt.Okay, but what about the rest of the day? Not only does she leave dishes and cups, she leaves wrappers, napkins, you name it. If she used it, someone else needs to pick it up. She dropped chocolate on the floor and my dog ate it and was sick for two days. I told him it was probably chocolate, he said that his daughter isnt stupid enough to do that- so I guess I am and I did it? I found chocolate wrappers on the floor of the bathroom, and it was chocolate she likes and I dont eat, and she knows she cant have junk food because of her weight so I guess she was hiding it in the bathroom. But i didnt even bother going at it with him. She is unlady like- she is not conscous of what she is wearing and spreads eagle wide with a dress on or picks her wedgies in public, she doesnt wash her hands after using the bathroom. I brought it up with him casually, and he gets offended and argumentative about it. Its like she is an angel and can do no harm. I feel like an outsider in my own home. Everything revolves around her, I knew it before but I didnt KNOW it. For example, we do not spend time alone at all, we used to be intitimate at once or twice a day, now we can go for a month or two, so I assume maybe some time alone away would be good for us? No. he wants all three of us to go on vacation together for a week. It hurts me to hear it. He wants me to take a week off of work to be miserable and walk on egg-shells? I wont be able to have fun, drink, or do adult-things, or even be intitimate. I don't understand the things he does; I feel like everything he is doing is drifitng us more apart. When I try to talk to him, he argues and tells me that he feels like he is always doing something wrong. How can I fix something when the other party wont accept responsibility? He snapps on me, speaks to me in a disrespectful tone, and when I react, he only holds on to my reactive behavior, not what triggered the behavior which was HIS behavior. I feel like all I do is work, barely see my husband, spend time with his daughter and his family, my weekends are ALWAYS SHOT, and on top of it, I am extremely extremely bored. I also feel like because he is 10 years older, he is not into the same things I am into. I want to go out and have fun. He would rather spend that day with his kid. I suggested at least once a week to go on a date- that hasnt happened. We havent been on a date in two months. He thinks going to grab a quick dinner to bring home constitutes a date. He also committed to getting back in shape and he hasnt- he is gaining weight which makes him look older. I am always mistaken for 20 or 21 years of age. So I kind of feel ashamed to be around him sometimes, when he is overweight, has a kid who is overweight, and I am a slim young girl. I feel like I look like a gold digger which is not the case.

I feel like I am extremely young, successful, attractive and he is not adding benefit to my life, if anything, I feel like I am being dragged down. 6 months after our wedding, I moved out for a week-  I wasnt happy and said twice that I am moving out if things dont get better, he told me that if thats what I want then it is what it is. He didnt try to make things better. We got in a fight and I said I cant take the constant fighting everyday anymore and I should move out, so he asked me to move out and I did. We talked and I felt like a marriage cant end this way without trying, so I moved back. Within that week I was out, I was so happy and reverting back to my happy self. I moved back and things changed after that- his demeanor was better, but now its reverting back. We have not been married a year yet. He is 10 years older than me, carrying baggage that I dont know I can live with. But I am ashamed of continuously unsuccessful relationships and I dont want to have another one under my belt. I want to make it work. I wish he would revert back to the man he used to be. I think I could deal with the kid drama if he were there emotionally. I married him for being there emotionally for me. Why else would I marry a man much older than me, with a kid? I hate the way that sounds, but its true. I feel like I really gave myself the short-end of the stick. I should have waited to see how things would end up before getting married, but I was too dumb to. So now I am here and I don't know what to do. I am not happy in the relationship and I am not happy out of it. My family has noticed the difference in his behavior and personality; my mother continously calls me to ask if everything is okay because 'She knows her daugher isnt happy and wishes Id talk to her." I dont want to though. I was extrremely extremely close to my family- my mother was my best friend. I dont like to be around them much now because 1) anytime I see them, he comes there after work and we have to leave early because he is tired and then just goes home and watches tv 2) I dont want them to realize I am not happy and for it to affect and hurt them.

 When he and I broke up the first time, I compared everyone to him and no one could ever compare. This man? If I were to meet him and not know him, I wouldnt even respond to his hello. I don't know if that man is underneath all of this 'new man' or if he really is gone. I fell in love with a different person and a different story. Its like I am picking up where I left off on a show, and the new season has the same name, but a completely different cast and story.

123k's picture

See, that is what my family says. When I moved out the first time, my family said that he did everything in his power to win over a girl like me and now he is showing his true side. But I dont beelive that, I've known him for 10 years- we were friends. I dated him for almost 3 years and it was great. I dont see how someone can pretend for so long?

I have started to schedule my own thing now- I have recently made time outside of being with him and his kid all the time- but he is working anyway so I dont see it affecting him much or triggering a change in his behavior.

The problem is that there is always two sides to the story. According to him, I am unsupportive of him spending alot of time to grow his business, I don't try to create a relationship with his daughter, I am quick to react to his behavior, and spending a vacation together will help us all three bond better together.

I wish it were easy tojust dump and move on, but I am married and I take marriage very seriously. I want to exhaust every possible avenue before giving up. I suggested counseling, but he thinks I am 'mentally unstable' so I should work on myself and what I've gone through in life and love myself before I can learn to love anyone else. I agree to his point, but what he is insinuating is that I am mentally ill therefore creating all of these problems that don't exist. He says that I used to have tough skin and take things lightly and now I am sensitive and take things too seriously and overthink.


Basically, we both have different variations of our story...

second1's picture

I think whoever said it was correct.  He was all that he could be in order to win you.  Once he did, he didn't need to put on an act.  I know this because my husband is 10 years older than I and he is the.same,exact.way.  He does the whole thing about   being to sensitive, etc., etc. to me.  For a long time he had me really thinking I wasn't trying hard enough with his family, with his kids, etc. and I bought into the whole thing and would double down on trying harder and walking on egg shells.  One day I just got tired.  You know the saying that "you are going to keep pushing it and one day I just won't care."  Well that happened to me so please be careful.  For us, going to a counselor didn't help because he would just agree with everything the counselor suggested, but he never put it into action and when I questioned it - it somehow became my fault.   Anyway, don't mean to make this about me, just wanted to let you know I feel your pain and frustration.

Rags's picture

This was how my XW was.  The woman I dated and  was engaged to was not the woman that walked into the hotel honeymoon suite after our wedding and reception.


Harry's picture

When he refused a week adult vacation.  No two side to a story when he does not want adult fun for a week.  There family vacations, what you can do with SD and there adult vacation. Both can be done. And SD gets to do adult vacations when she becomes an adult 

Thumper's picture

Never go backwards. Hooking up with former anything is not a smart move. 

Now i do know of a few women who shop around for guys to get pregnant from . Kids equal money Sad but very VERY true.

When in doubt do nothing that means do NOT go back.  You should not have to come here for an anwer WHEN a decision to re-hook up is in your best interest. Your old enough to know it' not a good idea.

GoodLuck signed older and wiser 


123k's picture

Ye, he did refuse an adult-only vacation; I feel like he feels guilty for 1)being divorced and 2) being remarried, so he has to involve his kid in everything. I tell him to have alone time with her so they can bond better and she not feel like I am always there or she has to share. He takes that negatively and asks if I dont like her or if I dont like spending time with her. Then reminds me that my relationship with his daughter is very important for our future. Which I take as a threat, but at the same time, how can I argue with that? Obviously a wife for him is replaceable, a child is not...


I did plan to have children, but now I do not. I actually missed a period and thought I was pregnant. He was happy, I was devastated. That actually took a toll on our relationship. I was vocal about  not wanting to bring a child into uncertainty. He took it as I could walk away at any moment which is why I didnt want a child. It made him put his guard up towards me. I was relieved to finally get my period. So that should explain how I feel about children. I think I do want children, just not right now, or maybe never. Like, I feel like if I divorce him, I am completely done with relationships and would never want to be married or start a family; I am tired of failed relationships. And I am old school, so I would not have a child without being married first. Also, I will not be intimate with anyone who I am not in a relationship with. Being as, I would be done with relationships after him, its doubtful I'd ever have children.


Yes, you're right. Backwards is in the past for a reason. I originally said I am stupid when it comes to relationships. I can give great advise, just not use it myself lol

StepUltimate's picture

Your gut is telling you how it is, backed by your family. Counseling can help you regardless of whether your husband goes. There's a lot of good support & advice on this site, glad you're here. 

Siemprematahari's picture

I think you have not allowed yourself time alone to heal from your past relationships. You've jumped from one to another and another and have carried that baggage to each. If you can't love yourself, how the heck can you love somebody else? You need therapy from the abusive relationships you have been in and break the cycle. Your H may not be physically abusive but he is mentally & emotionally and you need therapy in order to figure out why you continue being involved with the same type of men.

Your marriage is toxic and no he's not adding anything of value to your life. Go away for a few days and do some soul searching. Ask yourself if this is the man that you want to stay married to and if you truly want to have a child with him (which in all honesty I don't think you don't). Don't drag an innocent child into this toxic relationship. I wish you much strength & healing.

123k's picture

and to further clarify- I always wanted children; I always wanted to start a family. I just don't want to bring a child into chaos...

SteppedOut's picture

If you really want children, but feel like you will be bringing one "into chaos" in this situation you should stongly consider if you can get the relationship out of chaos. If not you REALLY need to make some decisions for yourself.

Do you want to give up having your own children so your husband can continue to treat you the way that he is? 

SM12's picture

Trust me when I say a good narcissist can lie and put on a good front for as long as it serves their purpose.  Even years!  My XH was loving, attentive, everything you could want in a man until three months after our wedding.   We dated and lived together 2 years before marrying.   After three months he thought he had me trapped.  He because abusive.  I was terrified.   Then came promises to change, blah blah blah.  Eventually I became a shell of a person and he was ruling the home.  I got out but not after a lot of years of hell.  Not saying your DH is abusive but he clearly isn’t the man for you.   Get out and find someone who adores you.

CANYOUHELP's picture

You have no kids of your own and you are a "catch" for the right man.  This man is not the man for you, regardless of your past.  He is clearly married to his chunker for what ever reason, but you did not sign up to be the family endentured servant. It is not easy to leave a marraige, being successful, as you are---you feel even more a failure;  but it is not you. YOU are not the failure.  You do have to protect yourself and make the change you need.  Being alone is much better than this (where you live now is the lonliest), and my bet is you will not be alone long anyway. Slow down and wait for a man with NO kids........ You deserve so much better than this guy. You deserve an adult vacation with a man who desires one with you too!

markwvualum's picture

Marrying someone who is divorced with a child is a whole bundle of baggage you don't want to deal with on many levels. Are you happy being him and his child's slave for the rest of your life? Please remember this is not your child and you have no obligation to this kid. None! Find somoene childless. There's nothing wrong with marrying someone older as long as they aren't the type that no one wants who is their age because they have issues.

Rags's picture

I am the older man.  However, I have no BKs.  My DW of 24+  years is the one who brought the kid to the mix.

I have no regrets marrying a 12 year younger woman or raising the SKid as my own.

As far as I know, my bride has no regrets either.