Should I just give up on SD?
My dh got a call from BM the other night. SD12 hasn't been doing class work at school, particularly in math. SD12 claims she stayed after school to do the assignments and finished all 12 off them. Funny thing is the teacher doesn't have these assignments. SD claims the teacher must have lost them. She had her mother call us the the other night to explain the situation, but I'm pretty sure it's BS from both SD and BM. SD just doesn't want to get in trouble down here.
DH has been trying to get ahold of the teacher to verify what is going on. This isn't the first time this has happened. BM is more interested in being her daughter's friend than parent. SD12 walks all over her and she is ok with. SD screams at her every morning and when it gets to be too much, BM calls us and expects us to punish her. SD is also a terrorist when she comes down, screams at her sister all the time, argues with me constantly and picks fights.
In fact last weekend she argued that I should not judge her because she skipped an entire 2 semesters of homework last year and that she would be better this year. Oh please, progress report says she hasn't completed one bit of class work for 3 out of her 5 classes all year. Now I'm pretty sure she has her mother covering for her.
What is the point of me trying to get her straightened out? She only comes down here 2x a month. When she does she lies about everything. Every time she does something wrong she cries to mommy and mommy makes excuses for her. Her mother has made us the bad people. Every time she is here she is in trouble for something and as long as she gets to go home and get away with murder she will hate us.
I feel like she is acting fake when she is around us and only shows her true self when she decides to fight with me. My DH doesn't want me to give up on her but what is the point. I've wasted so much breath fighting with her about simple things she should care about, like hygiene, school and being nice. It goes in one ear and out the other and when she asks mommy about it, BM tells her she shouldn't be so worried about school because she and new hubby are fine. Yeah fine on minimum wage with the 200 a week she gets from us. She always tens to leave that part out. I am that point I don't care anymore, should I try salvaging the relationship or give up?
If neither parent cares if
If neither parent cares if she messes up in school or that her attitude stinks and are always willing to make excuses and let her be that way, there's not much you can do for her.
I went through something
I went through something similar with my SS17. It used to piss me off. Then I asked myself, would I be this upset if my neighbor's kid was doing this? Or my best friend's kids? Would I get involved and try to correct this behavior and help?
Nope - and I see these kids more often than my EEOW with SS17.
Let it go. It's really none of your business. That's the attitude I took and it FREED ME!