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Serious Advice Needed!!!!!!!!

Secondwiferoyalty's picture

My 8 year old son is under attack by my SD and her mother. Before we became a blended family, my SD would go home, after spening time with my DH, and tell her mother that my DH had scared her or was mad at her. It was like clock work. Every time SD was with him, the mother would call afterwards and require her two pounds of flesh. It became a system that my DH didn't challenge, but just accepted.

Then it started happeningredients to my son. SD would come over, have a great time playing with my children (2 daughters 1 son) and then go tell the mother that my son had offended her. As time went on the accusations became more serious. The day my son was released from the hospital after having an appendectomy, things seemed fine, but apparently not so. SD went home the following day and told her mom that my son watched her pee. She said that her wouldn't leave the bathroom and she was very upset. What really happened; the kids have a bathroom that is sectioned off. Main part has a sink, then there is a door with a shower/tub and a door with a toilet. SD had gone into the bathroom and shut the toilet door, but not the main door. My son when in and washed his hands, he was only 7 at the time, SD was 10. My oldest DD was 11, so being in the shared bathroom was nothing special and a regular practice between my bio kids. They don't watch each other, they just are used to sharing a bathroom.

Mother calls up and after talking to my son, I explained the situation.SD didn't even shut the main door, and she was behind a closed door. So no my then 7 year old didn't watch her peers and thinks that is gross. After that stressful conversation, she sends me a text saying SD claims DS touched her vagina, over her pants and wouldn't stop when she said no. I immediately freaked out. My DS had just got out of the hospital when this supposedly had taken place and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. That behavior is totally uncharacteristic of my SD. I immediately packed the kids up and went to show the text to my Ex-husband. We talked to DS and he was horrified SD would say such a thing. What actually happened was DS asked about his surgery and he proudly showed her his belly. She put her hand on his belly and he poked her in the belly (over her clothes) to tellet her where his stiche's were.

After mother relieves news that I am freaking out, she recanted and says she didn't think DS was doing anything sexual in nature, but has a boundary issue. She wanted to know if I would still driver her to the grocery store! Oh by the way, your crazed molester of a son assaulted my daughter, but it wasn't sexual, can you still drive me to Costco?

This should be the end right? Nope. A few weeks later SD claims DS pulled her pants down. After we talked with her and DS it turns out her butt was hanging out and DS told her to pull her pants up. She was very offended by this. Things were quiet for awhile and we implemented that SD couldn't be alone with SD for his safety.

A month ago SD went home and told the mother that DS made her eat something, she didn't know what it was and it was gross. Thank goodness there were witnesses and what really happened was DS asked her to try a Deviled egg and she said no, however, DS hounded her until we yelled at him to leave her alone and made him apologize.

This was the last straw for me. I demanded we have the children on opposing schedules and that DH take SD to counseling.

I had a group text conversation where I told the mother and DH that this is a serious problem and needs to be addressed. If I could, I would attach the conversation so everyone could read he telling me there is no problem and I am blowing things out of proportion. I got angry and blocked her number.

Last week DS calls for a family meeting, I declined to attend. She said my son poked her butt cheek with his finger.

No one is stopping this behavior and my kids are scared of SD. My son is being emotionally destroyed. The mother is an attorney and a judge, DH won't stand up to her, won't take SD to counseling. We have a baby together, but I want to back up and leave. I can't let this continue. Please advise.

mannin's picture

If it were me in this situation, I would get an attorney now and move out with my bios. This is only going to get worse and the BM knows her daughter is a liar and making up stories, but doesn't care.

You have to protect yours. Your DH is a failure as a father and a husband for not protecting and parenting his children. Your DS needs therapy also because I can only imagine how emotionally distraught he is over this.

uofarkchick's picture

So the mother is a lawyer and a judge but you have to give her a ride to Costco? Why are giving rides to your husband's ex? This whole dynamic sounds insane.

Secondwiferoyalty's picture

At the time she had had surgery on her foot.I was being kind and helping her till she unloaded the lies on me.

Secondwiferoyalty's picture

It's craziness, DH knows it's a serious problem, neither he or BM talks with SD about how her behavior is wrong and hurtful. It's like the abuser is makingredients the abused look and feel like the abuser. Is mind boggling. I want to keep my kids safe and I don't know how to do it without separating.

Disneyfan's picture

You really need a bunch of strangers to tell you what to do? You HAVE TO know that protecting our son is your first priority.

If not, then this can't be real.