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The Secret

tyra's picture


Just wondering if anyone has read or watch the DVD The Secret as seen on Oprah?

I am thinking it is time that I make some real changes in myself. Start having a positive dialogue within myself. Someone recommended this book/dvd.

I need to absolve myself of the guilt I feel about having and saying nasty things to the EX. And learn that she may strike again but I want to be prepared emotional for when she does.


MortgageMom's picture

This is a MUST SEE for any Stepmom... for anyone period actually. It wont teach you anything you dont already know, but it will reinforce what you know to be true in your heart and hopefully put it to action in your head! It all about the laws of attraction and the "ask and you shall recieve" theory - and how focusing on the POSITIVE instead of dwelling on the NEGATIVE will breed more happy things in your life.

I highly recommend it~ in fact I think I might need a refresher since BM's is just a crazy bi$ch!!! LOL!! Tell us what you think!