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SD19 eloped

paul_in_utah's picture

I guess it's technically not eloping, because she did not go out of town to get married (she is in the Army, and currently stationed in Texas). Even knowing how impulsive she is, it was still a bit of a shock. I think that DW might literally be in shock, because this was the last item we talked about yesterday. She just kind of threw it in as on off-hand comment, like "oh, by the way, SD19 got married last week."

I've had plenty of issues with SD over the years, and would not be on this site if she hadn't been such a divisive troublemaker for so much of my marriage. I guess I should probably thank her, though, since by eloping she has prevented the huge fight that would have inevitably happened if I refused to give DW the money to pay for a traditional marriage.

I wish SD and her new hubby the best, although I doubt he knows what he has gotten himself into. In particular, SD has very deliberately emulated everything her "perfect" bio-daddy has done. A few of these have been good things, like joining the army, but most have been bad, like smoking, drinking, speeding, and spending recklessly. If she continues to follow bio-daddy's example, she'll be divorced in a couple of years, and will have her first bankruptcy in the works.

I'll keep my fingers crossed, but I'm not holding my breath.

hereiam's picture

Elopement is a wonderful thing! No begging for money and no wedding to go have to go to.

My SD eloped at 18 and was divorced 3 1/2 years later. No matter, at least CS stopped and we didn't have to see BM at a wedding.

Congratulations! Now she will not have any reason to want to move back in with you. Until the divorce and bankruptcy, that is. Better make a rule right now.