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Update on SD17 leaving - I slept like a baby

paul_in_utah's picture

Good morning StepTalk! And I can truly say that it is a good day! For those of you who did not see my exclamation mark-riddled post yesterday, SD17 is history! She moved in with her father yesterday. Not surprisingly, I had my best night of sleep in recent memory Smile

I wanted to post a quick update, and also hit on a couple of items that I left out in yesterday's post. During the "sit-down" with bio-daddy, SD17's step-mother, DW, and myself, a lot of SD17's bullshit came out. We had suspected that she had been playing both sides against the middle, and bio-daddy's comments confirmed this. Here are a couple of the real jems that I did not have time to address yesterday:

1. Bio-daddy reported to us that SD17 constantly complains that DW never takes her shopping, or gets her clothes. Pure bullshit!!!! SD17's closet is full to bursting with designed jeans, shirts, etc. Just a couple of days ago I posted about SD17 having nearly 20 pairs of jeans. But I guess that's "hardly any," right?

2. Bio-daddy reported that SD17 complains about us "never taking her anywhere." I guess that trip to Disneyworld was with my "evil twin," huh? Same with the Caribbean cruise? And the trips to St. Louis, the times we went to WWE matches, the trips to the national parks? Must have been my evil twin then, as well!

3. Bio-daddy reported that SD17 tells him that DW says that bio-daddy doesn't pay enough child support, or sometimes doesn't pay child support. Total crap!!!! DW very assiduously works to avoid talking about child support in front of SD17. IT NEVER HAPPENED. SD17 is full of shit, as you might guess.

4. Bio-daddy reported that SD17 complains that she is not allowed to use our home computer, even for school assignments. Guess what? We don't have a home computer anymore. Know why? SD17 crashed it playing on stupid-ass gaming sites! That computer was full to bursting with worms, trojans, etc., and would not even turn on anymore. SD never told us about needing a computer for her assignments; if she had, DW would have taken her to the library. Full of shit, once again.

Yesterday, I had the distinct pleasure of taking SD17 up to her old school to dis-enroll her. Being seen with me (a "mere" step-parent) was humiliating to SD17. To her, it must have felt like the "perp" walk outside the police station. Of course, she tried to stop and talk to her loser stoner friends, so I had to constantly keep pushing her along (we had to go to each teacher to get their signature on a form, so it took a while). After we were done at school, I drove SD17 to her bio-daddy's, and that was that!

There is stillw work to do, but we are definitely at a breathing point. Before I go today, I wanted to hand out my SD17-themed "awards." Without further ado,

1. THE OSTRICH AWARD, presented to my DW for willfully keeping her head in the sand with respect to SD17's many issues. Without her lazy "friend" parenting, this day would not have been possible.

2. THE "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER" AWARD, presented to SD17's bio-daddy, Mr. Walking Anus, who finally stepped up to the plate after nearly 15 years of pushing SD17 off onto my DW.

3. THE "PERSONA NON GRATA" AWARD, presented to myself. After all, I am "only" a step-parent, so I don't count!

4. THE LIFETIME DOORMAT ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, co-presented to myself and DW. SD17 trampled all over DW, and since I am "only" a step-parent, I also had to lay there and let SD17 run wild.

5. Lastly, the LAZY, ENTITLED, POT-SMOKING, CLASS-CUTTING, SHITTy GRADE-MAKING, RIGHT ON THE PRECIPICE OF NO RETURN AWARD, presented to my SD17. I don't think that she could have cut it any closer than this. I'm still not convinced that she'll ever get her head out of her ass, but I am completely confident that she would have had no hope at all staying with DW (due to the aforementioned "friend" parenting).

I really appreciate all of the support on this site over the last year. I will definitely post further updates on my situation.

Jsmom's picture

So glad to hear it went off without a hitch. Maybe she will get the boot up her ass that she needs to have a productive future...

TryingSoHard's picture

I think we must have the same SD. Spoiled, false sense of entitlement, devoid of gratitude, bullying, rude, lying, deceitful, mean, manipulative... did I mention spoiled?

I too have recently been relieved of the pleasure of having SD live with me. My life has improved so much.

On behalf of former doormat stepparents everywhere, I would like to offer my sincere congratulations on your new situation. The relief you must feel!

Since SD moved out, I have become accustomed to certain "luxuries" you will soon enjoy: not having to hide food, jewelry or clothes, a general feeling of well being and safety, not having to keep your keys and wallet between the mattress and box spring on your bed, not getting stolen from on a daily basis, not having to call the police, not having to worry about your house being burned to the ground when you're not home, no one knocking on your bedroom window, stoned, at five in the morning, not having to worry about coming home and finding drug addicted worthless fucks in your living room, no daily screaming, no slamming doors...

No one saying, "You don't take care of me." "Do you have any money?" "Can you take me to ----?"

Peace and happiness in your home!

paul_in_utah's picture

I am starting to see what you mean, about the "luxury" of not worrying about skids getting into stuff. Last night was the first night that I didn't have to lock my office. It felt so good!

ctnmom's picture

"Funniest and Most Entertaining Post Yesterday and Today" award- PAUL IN UTAH! (crowd goes wild!) Biggrin

Auteur's picture

Love your award ceremony!! Truer words were never spoken!! Not to be a negative nellie but I fear that biodaddykins will soon get sick of SD17's antics and she will bounce back over to you and DW's place. That is if DW shows ANY sign of weakness!

I remember the days, months, nay years as each day ticked by and the three side shows didn't show up or contact GG in any meaningful fashion. Makes it sooooo much easier for GG to focus on getting the dump of a house I live in fixed up!!

Auteur's picture

OH and did you do the proverbial "hand slap" aka done and done or "wash your hands of the sitch" on your way back? Heh Heh!

ThatGirl's picture

Congratulations!!! I know I felt like throwing a party when my SD left. I wanted to hang a banner that said, "Good riddance, you lying, stealing, pill-popping, drunken slut!" But that would be mean, huh? }:)