sd15 and her drama
sd15stb16 came over yesterday and turned on the waterworks to get fdh feeling sorry for her. she started crying on the way home from school bc she has no friends any more- no shit, thts what happens when when you act like a stuck up bitch and you ditch all your friends for an older boyfriend.
I got home and she went and sat in her room in the dark by herself, of course fdh- "where's sd15??" idk, he goes looking for her and tells her hes worried and doesn' want her by herself in her room, and come down with us while we are cooking dinner. So she comes down, scarfs her food while texting the entire time and gets up and literally darts from the table. Runs up to her room and my bd9 says "sd15" is crying. Fdh goes running to her room and now I guess her and her bf got into a fight.............
I'M SO OVER THE DRAMA AND THE BULLSHIT WHEN SHE COMES OVER! It's so sickening, her fucking crying, she was over for 4 1/2 hours and cried 3 times and Fdh went running after her consoling her and I honestly believe its all for attention
I'm sick of it all, if shes not creating drama shes crying and if shes not crying shes asking for $. I'm sick of the anxiety surrounding her visits I'm just over it all
OH yes, it was for attention
OH yes, it was for attention and drama. Trust me, your SD and my SD are like fucking twins separated at birth. If the spotlight isn't on them, they have to CREATE drama and a reason for sympathy and attention.
Her dad chasing after her and consoling her is exactly what she wants. Had he just said "Sorry you're going through a rough time right now, let me know if there's anything I can do for you" and left her alone, she would've gotten over her bullshit crocodile tears quickly and realized dad's not falling for it anymore.
He's not doing her any favors by treating her this way, but you already know this. HE needs to get it through his thick skull that the LESS drama he feeds into, the better.
Sorry honey. Frustration at its finest. I've definitely been there and done that. It's why I love wine so much!
Exactly- he waited on her and
Exactly- he waited on her and and foot and talked to her about her friend issues and even compared him and I and how we don't have a lot of seperate friends anymore and gave her advice on boys. Thats exactly why she runs all the way to the top floor and waits for daddy to chase her. :sick:
I held my tongue for the most part and made a smart comment like omg, you better go running up there and see why she's crying this time. He got mad at me and said " is it wrong I'm worried about her??"
" Fdh goes running to her
" Fdh goes running to her room and now I guess her and her bf got into a fight............."
This is why I do not miss being a teenager. AT ALL. The whacky hormones were too much. Hearing about my peers and their constant fights with their "boyfriends" were too much.
I think fdh should have left her alone. Forget about guilt parenting. Everyone needs time alone to think clearly. Not that sd would admit to wanting it, but maybe it would have helped her to just have some space.
Yes, my therapist says oh
Yes, my therapist says oh shes just a teenager - I don't care anymore that shes just a teenager, I'm so SICK of her not being held responsible or accountable for anything. I'm sick of FDH being so defensive and complete;y up her ass when shes over. Our house and environment is FAR from normal when she's around. I HATE it
This is soooooo
This is soooooo familiar...yes my SD13 is a triplet to Redwings and your SD13 will talk like she's out of f***ing mind just to get attention...and the daddy daughter text fests are really ridiculous...all for attention!!!
Exactly, no one comforted me
Exactly, no one comforted me either its a part of growing up. It's choices. She wanted a boyfriend now she doesn't have friends. She thinks she her life is so bad- it makes me sick. I just wanna distance myself. The resentment towards her and FDH just keeps building...................
Life is just OH SO HARD for
Life is just OH SO HARD for these teens nowadays. UGH. SARCASM FONT NEEDED
Why is she allowed a phone
Why is she allowed a phone while you are eating?
I thought I was hard and
I thought I was hard and mean...
No- honestly- when SD13 was coming around- she doesn't now- EVERY time she was here it was something!
- twisted ankle at the park- everybody having fun and the world stopped because she had an 'owwy' DH ran to her
- during the winter, one of her cousins put ice and snow down her back in the midst of a snowball fight in the yard. OMG- came in crying, Dh runs for a blanket, grandma turns on fireplace, 4yr old who did it got yelled at... He is 4. His hands are tiny! How much snow could he have shoved for crissake??
- headache at the beach and wanted to be alone in the raft- PUSHED her cousin out (9yrs) into water about 5ft deep, cousin doesn't swim and panicked. DH? made sure 9yr old ok, then waded out to see 'Why she's so upset." Whatever...
good kick in the ass and she'd be fine.
Now that he's seen the light- she texts him that 'You've changed so much since you met OCS."
Many of my friends have children- chaos when we get together- there are 12 of them under the age of 6. EVERY single one better behaved than SD13, and he now sees the difference. He sees that I'm not mean and hate his princess- it's called discipline.![Smile](
I'm actually in a super happy place right now bc she wants nothing to do with me...
Now that he's seen the light-
Now that he's seen the light- she texts him that 'You've changed so much since you met...
YEP!!!! That's exactly the way stepdevil14 is.