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SD13 never wants to be around me again.

ocs's picture

Latest update ("Enough already- cops called" was OP)

A few weeks ago, BM the Snaggletooth crossed the line and went to my office and exposed her craziness. She told my DH it never happened and started all kinds of fabrications.

I refuse to be bullied by her like everyone else, so I called the police and they paid her a visit. Police do not take kindly to this sort of harassment and I am the one who said, 'don't arrest' her, scare and make her know I mean business and WILL NOT take her sh!t.

Cops showed when SD13, a friend and her bio son 2 were home. Dumbass has a melt down screaming to the cops that I am lying and make DH not pay his CS etc etc etc. (she showed cops her crazy too)in front of the children. Now- i'm not a bio- but if police showed at your door, would you not make the kids scarce? Either go play upstairs, outside whatever??

In any event, she didn't - kids scared, all crying and she very neatly takes the opportunity to lie to SD and say I'm making everything up and that I want her in jail, then who will take care of them. MOTY...

DH texted and called with her deep into the night and the whole time she is crying and screaming, berating me etc.. She just couldn't understand why I would lie and call the cops on her mommy.

DH stood his ground and mine and tried to calm her as best as he could. I am sorry for this- I didnt want her in the middle. I do think BM could have explained and soothed her, but instead fed into SD13's fear of abandonment. Again- MOTY

I am sorry this has caused so much drama for the relationship between DH and his kid, but in so far as I go? Skid hates me and never wants to see me again.. okie dokie- LOL.

LOL- Am I going to hell? Because I'm perfectly happy never laying eyes on her again.

RedWingsFan's picture

Am I going to hell? Because I'm perfectly happy never laying eyes on her again

^^^Nope! This is me too.

EvilWickedSM's picture

Dear Lord, what drama with the BM!!! That's ridiculous. It's a shame that she couldn't behave in front of the kids. As far as not caring if you don't see skid again....I'm pretty sure that you will find many of us have that same

Shook's picture

OCS,sounds like my BM & cops 3x. Only problem is, SS didn't start crying & didn't want to go with his mother. Man some people have all the luck! Good for you.

step off already's picture

Not your fault at all. You could have had her arrested, and you didn't.

SHE was the one who went to your workplace.

SHE was the one who acted a fool in front of the police.

SHE was the one who conducted adult business in front of her children.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

OMG, so you called the police on her mom and she never wants to see you again?

I'm calling the police on BM2 and BM3 right now. Hopefully by this time tomorrow, my stepdaughters will never want to see me again, too!

Fraking seriously? She showed up AT YOUR WORK? What brand of crazy is that shit? I don't even want to show up at my own work, and I'm my own boss. How crazy does this bitch have to be to show up at someone else's work sprinkling crazy bitch dust all over the place? That is a whole new level of cray cray.

TASHA1983's picture

Girl...I would gladly PAY to never have to see or have skid/bm around EVER AGAIN!!! So if YOUR going to hell then I am riding on your coat tails Wink