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waiting for the other shoe to drop

ocs's picture

Oh boy...

The Snaggletooth is being super nice these days. DH had to switch weekends because of some social events that we had. Normally he wouldn't switch and I would have gone solo, but these are special. DH is very strict with his weekends and it gives SD12 some much needed stability.

She not only graciously switched... but offered EXTRA time. She never does this... Should I be worried?

Normally she would have lost her sh!t with him and berated him for being irresponsible, then get SD to do the same... Yep MOTY... (the last time SD wouldn't come over for 6 weeks after we had to switch a saturday...)

justanothergurlNJ's picture

Should I be worried? YUP!!!! When ever BM is nice she is p to something or wants something in return and is just waiting for the right moment to drop the bomb!

overworkedmom's picture

Is she married or in a serious relationship? If not I would think she has just found a new man is and getting some! lol