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SD got drunk trashed boat ..out of our lives now .. yeah .. or feel bad ? I right or wrong???

atleastnotalone's picture

I have posted on here a few times and have read many, many post that have made me feel much better about my situation and not alone with my .. to all you .. thank you.

So now after years I really got what I always wanted .. them totally out of my life. How this happened.. ?

ss now 19 .. is ok .. never really gave me problems but is weird emo doesn't speak type .. just not like how I would raise my child. At 19 we are lucky he is going to community college taking simple simple classes but bm raised them like animals so even this is big step. New husband is at least happy with that.

Sd and bm .. always the real problem .. well they imploded themselves with no help with me.
sd is 17 .. I always knew for years and years she was a total little manipulative bitch .. dear daddy never believed me and always though it was just me hating her because bm is so evil and makes our life hell.
NOTE: Unil this time sd and I have never had any bad words between us. I have gone out of my way to take them on amazing vacations (bm has never done anything for them or taken them anywhere ever)
We take them on cruises, ski trips .. they have gorgeous rooms in our house I let them pick everything out .. I have treated them exactly as I treat my own son if not better. Many times making my son take the back seat to them when they are around because dad doesn’t seem them all the time.

Anyhow .. long story short .. sd got drunk ..really really drunk .. broke into our boat .. had friends over .. trashed boat .. ripped doors of hinges type of thing … clogged drains .. ripped toilet seat off... food thrown at walls .. drinks and alchohol spilled everywhere. On a phone tip dad and I go over to boat to find this mess .. at first I did not enter boat and stayed in car. I went onto boat only to tell dad I was leaving .. daughter was totally drunk .. screaming .. everyone from dock was standing outside. As I walked into boat she started screaming at me calling me whore .. bitch .. every curse word .. then came at me to punch me. Grabbed my hair and tried pulling it out .. I although not happy to admit but it felt good .. I went back at her and punched her and grabbed her neck to get her off of me. After dad pulled her off me or got us off each other should I say .. I immediately left .. daddy took her back to bm house. Took away brand new 2011 car she just got .. she was going to drive it home in 20 min .. trashed out of her mind.

So daddy expected a call and a sorry next day but got none. Waited and didn't hear anything. Called BM and was told sd was upset about what happened and not ready to talk yet. SHE WAS UPSET???

It took us over 2 days to fix and clean boat. BM has run the show since. Dad told both bm and sd only way she was getting her car back was to apologize to he and I. I clean boat and winterize boat. To go therapy with him or by herself. He and I stated going to therapy with great guy .. we needed third person to sort out all the mess previously caused by step brats and BM.

At first she wrote email saying she would do all that was asked and wanted car back .. now this is coming up on 2 months ago. Dad wanted her to go to therapy because she has been bing drinking daily and had extreme change in attitude in last 2 years. After boat dad finally opened eyes and saw there really was a serious problem and saw it as a way to force her into therapy with car taken away.

So time after time she has put off therapy.. I mean its only sitting down in office with a nice guy and talking .. not asking much from her. Every time a session is arranged she makes excuse or doesn't show. So finally dad has had it. She now refusing to do anything he had asked to get car back. Will not apologize.. will not go to therapy. At first emails where “im sorry Ill do all that you ask “ .. now after 2 months its “f you Im not doing anything you ask”

We believe most of this comes from bm since there has been neglect issues for years. Don’t think she wants therapist to hear all she has done .She leaves kids alone for days to go visit boyfriend .. teens with no supervision. Doesn’t tell dad .. SS tells dad after it happens. Lets daughter drink and smoke .. even brother who is 19 has told BM that sister is out of control and not to leave her alone. Her house is right out of that show “hoarding buried alive” on tv .. cat and dog poop on floor everywhere.

So here we are .. no contact with sd .. bm refusing to back down. So I got what I wanted .. as it stands and if I stand firm contact with them will pretty much be over. Problem? I really feel bad for dad .. my husband .. he just lost 27 year old (only 1/2 brother to sd .. only saw each other 3 times in life) in accident in april and this is happening now. Which makes me hate them even more because wouldn't you give dad a break after losing child?

I know he has finally saw them (bm and sd) and her especially daughter for person she has always been .. she has proven she only uses him for money and has no respect .. everything I said about her in past has been proven 100% true. But now that I got what I want I feel terrible for being happy because husband is so upset and sad about how things turned out.

What would you do .. be happy you are finally left in peace ? Or try and step in more to help work situation out. I feel if I contact SD and say I forgive her she will be more likely to work things out with dad .. I think she is scared and embarrassed with what happened with me. BM blames me of course for her miserable life even though I have been nothing but nice to her even though I quietly hate her with a passion and hate the fact her daughter would have to apologize to me .

Am I wrong … not sure what is right thing to do.

Aeron's picture

Be happy that you're left in peace. I have a much less serious case (please god let it stay that way) of this currently. My SD hasn't been to see us in 9 months because bad bad daddy got married when she specifically asked him not to.

Of course you're happy to not have to deal with what has been an incredible problem, that's completely normal. And of course your feel terrible for your DH. I deal with this constantly. I am so relieved not to have to deal with my SD being around and causing problems and lying, manipulating and throwing temper tantrums, but her dad is crushed that she wants nothing to do with him. This being compounded with the tragedy of losing a child can make it even harder, but if this is the way she treats you when she is in contact, it's not healthy for you or your DH and a little distance for a while might really be for the best.

Honestly, if all she has to do is apologize to make it all better and get back her car, she's one lucky little girl. I would have called the police on her for vandalism, assault and underage drinking.

It might help you to talk to a therapist on your own, but your feelings are normal and IMO, you should stand your ground.