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totally pissed

epgr's picture

so our bio daughter is getting her tonsils out tomorrow, so one DH took her out to eat.. we tried to make it special for her so she wasnt so stressd out tomorrow... I did her hair, she put on a nice dress.. and called it a date, it was really cute...
anyways so SD11 is sitting in her room crying for the last hour, it is time for bio and DH to go and where is he.. in there talking, with SD, because she wants to go out to eat sometime.. its not like things are not done with her, its not like he does not take her places and do things with her he does.. most of the things he does not do with bio.. I told him off.. I said no matter what is going on God forbid if somethign is about bio daughter.. SD loses it, and pitches a fit and leaves bio daughter waiting for her dad to get done babying SD.. she is freaking 11 yrs old, she is not getting her tonsils out.. she needs to realize that there are other kids and something might be about them from time to time.. instead of her..
I am so pissed I dont even want to be left here with her right now.. but then again she is still in her room crying because I took pics of my daughter, not very often she gets to dress up.. so DH tells her I will take you out sometime.. grrrr

starfish's picture

start printing those pictures out and have them in a frame before bd gets home.... or at least have a couple hanging on the fridge... then sd can cry some more and stay in her room...

DISbelief's picture

Muuaaahhhaahhhaaa (that's my evil laugh) }:)


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

epgr's picture

lol.. I did just go and get tons of things.. jello, pudding, ice cream, sherbert.. and things to do when she feels good.. new crayons, coloring books, crafty things.. and SD had no choice she had to go with me.. she cried most of the way and on the way home I told her that she is the most selfish self centered person on earth, and that if she was getting her tonsils out she would be the one going out to eat and if bd played the jealousy thing she would be in trouble.. so I told her to put on her big girl face and deal with it.. and if she wanted to cry then she could do it in her room, but no one, not even her dad is gonna go in there and try to make her feel better..
going to print pics now!! you guys have the best ideas lmfao