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SD caught sneaking out - AGAIN!!

hbell0428's picture

Typical weekend of SD13 running around from Friday after school till Sunday afternoon.

So she comes in Sunday and of course starts chit chatting daddy's ear off! Meanwhile, we get a call from girls mom (from Friday Sleepover) that she found out SD and her daughter snuck out at 1 am to meet four boys. :jawdrop:

then we find out that one of them was SDboyfriend (which she was TOLD not to date) meanwhile they have been dating for months........

Dad approaches SD and STILL she lies about everything. It's like she has no feelings for anyone; basically telling us to F* off; no remorse at all!!

Her BM is 100% on our side with everything. SD lives with us FT; BM and her husband could not handle SD tearing family apart and she didn't know how to deal with her. So now she has put a wedge between her father and I. Which, Sunday was the first day he said he was sick of SD sh*t and he'll be damned if he will allow her to tear this family apart....... Smile

He took SD cell phone and laptop. No calls on house phone! Not sure how long grounded for? Opionions...

The only thing I would have done differently was that on Sunday after the discussion he allowed her to sleep the rest of the day!!

I would have had her butt up doing chores; why the hell did she just get to lay in her bed. I was doing dishes, laundry, cleaning; she should have been up!!


Jsmom's picture

Yes you are right. But, then she is his daughter and he created this mess, he needs to deal with it. You need to stay out of it. I know you have her full time, but it will just cause more problems between you.

If it were BS, he would lose everything and that includes his TV and anything electronic in his life. Then the 2nd time it would be a list of chores and the electronic stuff.

You can suggest punishment if he asks, otherwise, stay out of this. It is going to get much worse. Good thing for DH is BM has left it up to him. So no undermining there.