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PTSD-( post traumatic stress syndrome) a result of years dealing with Adult Stepkids

usedup1's picture

I dont have enough words or time to describe the effects both mentally and physically, of dealing with Adult SD ranging from Control-, harrassment-, emotional blackmail-, bullying and abuse---
I hope that nobody has to deal with these symptoms of PTSD from years of turmoil, as I obviously have.

Had I been prepared or known the signs, i may have been able to question my decision on whether I was strong enough to handle it, or simply walking away from saying "I Do".

Here are the symptoms of PTSD--
Prolonged (chronic) negative stress, resulting from dealings with a Narcissist or Psychopath.
Reactive depression, which causes the balance of the mind to be disturbed.
The Target being unaware that they are being Exploited, with usually moments of "enlightenment" as the person realizes that the criticisms and tactics of control are invalid.
Victims cannot bring themselves to believe they are dealing with a " disordered personality".
NAIVETY is the greatest enemy. The Target is bewildered , confused, frightened , angry and after "enlightenment" very angry.

Target experiences regular intrusive and violent visualizations,and replays of events and conversations.

Sleeplessness , nightmares, events are relived.
people wake up more tired than when they went to bed.

Fear--horror--chronic anxiety--panic attacks triggered by reminders of experience.
palpitations--Sweating--Trembling, and eating disorders.
Mental Paralysis in response to any reminder of the Narcissist or thoughts to take action against the Narcissist.

Physical numbness ( toes, fingertips, lips)
And the inability to feel joy.
sufferers report that their spark has gone out and even years later find they just cannot get motivated about anything.
Target has a harder and harder time avoiding or saying anything which reminds them of the horror of the exploitation.

Victims report impaired memory and/or can be obsessed with resolving the experience which takes over their life.

Feelings of withdrawal and isolation are common... The person just wants to be alone and solitude sought.

Emotional numbness ( disengage) and the inability to Feel Joy.
(Anhedonia) and deadening of loving feelings towards others are commonly reported. Our fear of never being able to love again
Targets become gloomy, depressive feelings in the morning, and feelings of vulnerability at night. The person starts to have an extremely short fuse and is often permanently irritated. Even by small events. Person is on constant alert vecause of the Fight or Flight mechanism, which has come permanently activated. Starts to perceive any remark as critical.

Sorry this is long... But I hope this may enlighten anyone who may be feeling any of these symptoms of stepmotherhood that resulted in part time dealings with Adult SK from years of your being becoming violated in anyway! !!!

Orange County Ca's picture

Counseling can do wonders. You'll be taught how to divorce yourself from the need to feel needed by people who want to cause you pain thereby removing all of their power over you.

You will be AMAZED at how they can help and if they have not helped in the past then they were incompetent and you need to keep switching until you find the one that can help.

usedup1's picture

Very enlightening!! The two are very similar, and women need to know that whatever they are feeling, theres a reason! And their not going crazy, their not the britches that some may perceive! They were naive to the fact that years if this could have an effect on the emotional welfare!

Bringing this subject to the forefront could help alot of women understand they are not alone!!

usedup1's picture

Counceling definitely repaired the symptoms I was having of PTSD. Its been since Jan of 18-2010 of my last appt. Loved the therapist I had so made a huge difference!

Theres still residue that lingers but only when SD30 oozes in once or twice a year!

I dont disengage or figure out who to call and have lunch or dinner with when SD30 appears, and i actually go with my DH to visit her. One a year!
Im on a different level. Huge difference when your man proves he loves you by his actions! He has my back. Hearing "I love you", are just words..
But.. seeing "I love you" gives you strength. That's what DH needed to do. Show me!!
All I know is SD would never be part of my tribe..
I thinks anyone who bullies is an empty shell. Insecure and pitiful. . But, I hope she does decide to get the help needed, so she can be at peace someday! The days of dreaming she would fly off the edge of a cliff or thoughts of her meeting a guy who kidnaps her to Mexico are gone!!
she's slithering away.. But nobody should have to be as miserable as she is. And I wish her well.

SugarSpice's picture

ptsd is a result of trauma and abuse. skids abuse us with the help of our spouses. it comes from being on edge all the time 24 / 7.

i am not surprised at all to hear of this. you will feel better when you finally stand up to them. if this means disengaging or giving them a taste of their own medicine, you will feel a lot better in the long run.