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problems with bm

nicole 12680's picture

i'm new to the group and we're having major problems with my husbands ex wife whom they have 1 boy 9 years together. me & my husband currently have 2 boys together and 1 on the way. my husbands ex has always done anything she could to hurt are get at my husband, mainly she just uses the boy to get at him by influenceing the boy to not want to come over to visit or see my husband. well the ex has decided that she now wants more money even though she has a degree & doesn't want to work. so we aren't happy about this mainly because we feel since she is capable of getting a good paying job but also because she doesn't want to work then why should we have to give her more money, to us she should be doing her part to.
but anyways 2 weeks ago was ss b-day well my husband asked him if he was going to come over well he did but just like for 4 hours to get his b-day gift and then bm came to get him. well my husband was pissed because he's tired of him not coming over and when he does its only to get something. also SS barley passed school this year and exwife is obessed with SS playing sports and we believe if a child is not doing good in school then they shouldn't play sports. well when ex came to pick up SS my husband asked where was SS report card well the ex lied and said she hadn't gotten it yet and my mother n law was also here at our house to at this time. my MIL told ex wife my husband needed the report card well ex started threating that saying husband didn't have no right to see it and she was going to take husband back to court for full custody well of course this just started a huge fight. my husband called ex back later and told her the reson SS didn't come over was because of her and husband was tired of this and was going to start inforcing his right to see SS every other weekend wither they liked it are not.

so the following sat we get a restraining order where she is saying husband threatened her and her son and they are afraid for their lives. so this order stoped husband from being able to get SS the following weekend.

i'm so sick of this crap with her she really is a pathlogical lier. she is the kind of person who lies about what she has for dinner ( no kiding ) the saddest thing is that now she has SS lieing like her to.

we saw our lawyer and she just laughed at it and acted like it wasn't much to worry about and thought she could take care of it when they go to court about it next week but still its going to cost us just more money all the way around and they are still going to have to go to court over the child support.

sorry so long i'm about to go crazy over this crap.


stepmasochist's picture

I only ask that because I know how hard it can be for these BFs to deal with crazy BMs. If he didn't, I hope everything turns out okay. Surely, there must be someway through character witnesses or something that you can prove what a liar she is.

Hopefully this situation can be solved in the best interest of SS.

And when you think you're going crazy, just rant here. That's what the site is for!

Best of luck.

Tara12's picture

She sounds like the BM I deal with - whenever they get pissed off they threaten with going back to court for more money. BM in our case didn't get it and cost herself hundreds that she did not have (as well as us) just because she threw a hissy fit. She found out she couldn't get anymore. What is in the court order and has your H had an increase in the past few years? Also they will factor in that you have 3 children together so that could possibly make the amount go down. Your H also needs to enforce his right to have SS EOW per the court order. Please let us know what happens. I don't believe you husband threatened her I just think she is pissed because she wants to hold all the cards and just be a witch and tell your husband what to do and she is using that child to get it. Good luck. The attorney should at least be able to sort out the visitation for you guys. And try to have your H cut out the phone calls, get the court to set up a schedule and phone calls only in case of an emergency otherwise she can send an email.