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Other step moms in public

hippiegirl's picture

I was at the store getting dinner last night, when from behind me I heard someone say "look mom it's your ex husband". Then this girl yelled "daaadddyyyyy!" from across the deli. She walks over to a man waiting in line while her mom hangs back with the cart. Then I noticed the reaction of the woman who was with the man. She turned, looked at the girl, muttered a hello, rolled her eyes, and turned back around to the cashier while the man talked to the girl. I'm assuming, by her reaction, that this was the girl's stepmom. I guess my point is, since I've become a sm, I notice other sm's when I'm out & about. The look on her face was priceless! Similar to the way I would react to my ss in public. No question, just wanted to share this with all of you.

smdh's picture

I usually try to be stoic. I can't pretend to love my sd, but I do try to hide my disdain. That said, the poor woman probably didn't even realize she was doing it. As much as I try to be stoic, my dh has brought to my attention that I fail miserably at it.

smdh's picture

My dh actually asked me once "who are you talking to". I was in the kitchen. He was in the living room. My response was "I wasn't talking". Apparently I was talking and in a very animated, muttering kind of way. He realized I was pissed at someone, but had no idea what was going on. Fortunately, my tirade (of which I was unaware) was about my mother and not his kid.

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

I have these moments daily. I dont particularly like SD10, dont find her cute or interesting whatsoever. Its a HUGE effort for me to hide my feelings and show no emotion when dealing with her. I fail often at this, and DH points it out to me. I am just disengaged and indifferent most of the time.

RedWingsFan's picture

Oh that's my SD14!! She's dumb as a box of rocks! Will actually ask me how to spell the simplest of words. She failed a grade so is only going into 8th grade this year and we've met a few of her friends and they are just SO much smarter and more mature than SD.

The one incident that made me realize how dense this kid is: she had to fill out paperwork at a doctor's appt (had to take her to the gyno for a pregnancy test at age 13!!!) and she turned to me and DH and said "How do I spell my name in cursive?" My jaw must've hit the floor and every single person in the waiting area looked at her in amazement. Oh, you're old enough at age 13 to lay down with a boy and have sex but you can't even SIGN YOUR OWN NAME????

freedomSM's picture

I have run into my skids in places when they are not with us. I greet them but then look around for BM or her DH that acts like her marionette. Once it was at a fast food place on our way to visit friends. They did something to us, as usual. I do not like running into the skids for this reason. I wouldn't not greet them nicely though. Well, now that I've disengaged I think I'd be more aloof than hugging. It's the BM and her H that is the problem, as they've made me a target for so long I can't get past it or even begin to forgive them.

smdh's picture

I very loudly say something like "does your MOTHER let you act like this in public"? That way everyone knows she isn't mine and that I disagree with her behavior.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

The few things that I am dealing with right now in public is the fact that SS8 is calling me by my FIRST name still after years and the fact that SS8 has a baby brother, BS1 , right next to him saying, "daddy and mama."

That does feel odd to me and I don't want to confuse BS1. SS8 doesn't have to think of me as his mommy , of course. IDK?

Other SM's in public? I'm in a "nuclear" sort of town right now and do not even know any other women, in my sitch nor my age either. Bummer, you know?

tanyax120's picture

The first time I was in public with sd12 AMD her cousin we w
Were at the vibes, I was walking with all 3 of them then I realized I am the exact same height as sd and I must look more like an older sister than a stepmom. The second time we were out she ignored me completely so I.just hung back we were supposed to do a trip to six flags Saturday, I've opted out. No desire to be in public with those two.

hippiegirl's picture

I know right? The poor woman was just trying to order some chicken! What a way to have your evening ruined! Lol!