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OT- Exh remembers MY DD's birthday


All right this freaked me out a little. I had to drop off my 2 kids with EXh on tuesday night, this also happened to be my DD1yr's birthday (my now DH's child).

DD was in the front seat with me, playing with the radio, was off.

Xh pulls up and says "you teaching her how to drive on her 1st birthday". :jawdrop: Ummm WTF?

BD9 says "dads talking to you". I was ignoring him. I got out to put DD in her seat and said "oh yeah sure" and pretended to be laughing. I hate that ahole but my kids were there.

WTF why would my XH remember it's my DD's birthday, it's not his kid. This man can not let it go. Xh has told my BD9 that he's still in love with me, whatever, he never was in love with anyone but himself. Xh takes me to court 2-3 times a year for the last 4 years we have been apart, mostly over stupid crap.

I read an article that says the one in the relationship that is taking you back and forth to court, or always contacting you, is the one that's not letting go. Now what they meant was unneccessary stuff.

My xh creeps me out more and more every time I see him. Bleh

AllySkoo's picture

Frankly I'm more creeped out by the fact that he's telling BD9 that he's still in love with you. SO not appropriate on ANY level.


This was roughly 4 months ago. I dont know when he told her that, but she just out of the blue said "mom you dont love dad right?" I was like "i dont have those feelings for your dad anymore" and she said "dad said he still is in love with you" and all I could say was "oh ok".

Wth do you say to your child? He's creepy.

AllySkoo's picture

Ick ick ick. He's putting your daughter in a very adult position by "confiding" that in her. (In truth it's more that he's using her to get to you - which is way worse.)

*sigh* I don't know what you do, really, other than what you did. Don't really respond. If they do start to question why you aren't together when Dad still loves Mom, I guess you could use it as an opportunity to have the "sometimes love isn't enough" discussion. Like, while you might *love* a pet tiger, it isn't a good idea because tigers need other tigers, that sort of thing. Whatever age appropriate analogy you can think of.


She didn't ask further but more because she could see in my face I was a little irritated, not at her mind you but him.

He's a nutjob and wish I had known that before having kids with him. But I stick with the "you dont know someone until you divorce them" adage. LOL


They didn't remember it was her birthday that day until I picked them up. If he would have said on saturday I would have thought that because they thought her party was on her birthday which is this saturday.