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O/T: Anyone watching Sister Wives tonight?


Sister wives comes on in about 12 minutes on TLC and I was wondering if anyone else was interested enough to watch it?


Im not giving any spoilers but it is definitely insightful and answered the questions I had regarding the previews.


Im not giving any spoilers but it is definitely insightful and answered the questions I had regarding the previews.

Synaesthete's picture

I meant to watch this but totally blanked on it last night! When is it on next?

Whateva's picture

I am just watching this show and frankly have never seen a bunch of women cry so much. Clearly this lifestyle isn't as freeing as one might claim


beezgirl's picture

Yes mam! This show has definatly caught my attention. I can barely deal with a BM let alone three other woman sharing my husband :S haha.

Whateva's picture

Can someone enlighten me on how all of these families are being supported??? and how is everyone driving a lexus???

I definitely watch Dexter. This Sister wife crap is more fascinating than anything


Seasons's picture

Well, sure they are probably receiving some type of assistance either in the past or now and not only this but, they have a tv show that people are watching?

Whateva's picture

yeah ppl are watching a TV show now, but they all live in very decent homes, and if this is a "reality " show then I dont think they were given houses and cars to be on a reality show...???so they were living this way before the show i would imagine- was curious on how they can live such a lifestyle with only one person working first night watching the show so i dont know the history .....anyway cant see getting hooked on this one. The one new wife seem to cry if the sun shine



Im watching the older ones and am wanting to strangle Robyn and Cody right now. One for putting me through all this drama when I want to know what the bomb Cody is dropping and for Robyn not thinking the other wives had to know! What!!!! I havent even watched the finale and I am already ready to strangle her! She always seemed a bit weird, chasing Cody out the door for a kiss when he is trying to get to his wife in labor. Ummm.... guess she was afraid he would forget about her while enjoying that special moment with his wife in labor and new baby. May change my mind after I watch it but right now, I could very easily smack her. :sick:

unbelieveable's picture

I am watching this right now...I am so confused. hahaha! I hate sharing my FH with the sd's, the FMIL, and the ex...I just can't even imagine.

Frustrated New Wife's picture

I've watched it from day one. It is kind of offensive (in a way), but it is so fascinating! Meri, Kody, and Janelle all work. Robyn gets on my damn nerves with all of her crying that and it seems like she has the maturity of a 16 yr old. Kody really grates on my nerves b/c he is immature too! I agree with young stepmom...the "bomb" was a HUGE let down. I love how Robyn said "I moved all the way up here, I should get just as much time as the wives do even though we aren't married yet". Um, the last I checked noone forced you to move there and you have been married to the man 16, 17, 20 years...IMO


Isnt that the truth. It has to hurt that he is getting so super excited over this wedding and doint things with Robyn that he didnt do with the other wives. This one has to be especially hard for Christine because she was the last wife so this is her first taste of this. I read somewhere they are being investigated now due to their airing of the program and that one of the wives lost her job and Kody has lost certain contracts due to this as well. I also read where they put all the kids in public school. I wonder if this had to do with education or private school becoming so expensive with adding three more kids. I, myself, am unsure but I do know that this would never work for me. Now, Im waiting on next season!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Crap! The suspense is killing me. Somebody PM me and tell me what "the bomb" was. Pleeeeaaaase!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I watched the one episode where one of the middle wives had a baby. That's all I've seen of it.

Sure drives home the HUGE differences between polygamy and polyamory. I don't think polygamy would work for me. For me, what's good for the gander has to be good for the goose, and all decisions have to be made as a team.

In their house, it all seems to be revolving around the husband. That just isn't the way the world works.

It seems like he gets to do most of the fun stuff and the wives seem to take turn doing allllllll the work.

Um. No thanks.

anabihibik's picture

I can totally respect that line of thinking. That's exactly what I was trying to respond to you about on another post last week on a similar topic that didn't go well. For me personally, it wouldn't work. But, I can respect the equality that you're talking about.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Smile Thanks Smile

Frustrated New Wife's picture

I didn't read about the loss of jobs due to airing...uh oh. I agree...their whole life is wrapped around the husband and that just isn't healthy. From what I have seen, I wouldn't be wrapped aroud Kody. I, for the life of me, cannot see what attracted 4 women to this man! I like the first 3 wives, but I do not like Robyn at all. I feel sorry for Christine b/c she just had a baby, but her husband is all worried about his "wedding" with Robyn. Hello! You just had a kid. I mean it might not be any big deal to him b/c he already has 12, but if it isn't going to be a big deal then stop having them! My biggest problem with this show, is that from what they have shown on air, Kody doesn't spend enough time with his kids b/c he is too worried about himself. I mean I know they have suburbans and everything, but why does he drive a 2 door Lexus sports car? Am I the only one bothered by this?

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

No, I'm a little peeved about a lot of it, too. Little things, actually.

For one, I don't know how many kids they have, but I know how many adults they have, and on the episode I saw, the 3 wives were out buying a claddah (sp) ring for the future fourth wife. They were saying that in the end they got that one because of price, and that there never seems to be enough money to go around.

Okay, if there's a shortage of money, does it make sense to take on more responsibility and further divide resources? Especially with the new baby coming into the house.

Also, I feel that when somebody has a new baby, they should get to shine for a while. The mom and the baby should get to feel special. It's a special time. Her husband should help take a load off of her so she can bond with her baby. They should be spending time together. That's what the adults should be focused on. And making sure all those kids get attention. Not dating somebody else. Not planning a wedding.

But, again, that's just my never to be humble opinion. Priorities seem skewed. That's all.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I've seen a couple of documentaries about some of the younger women in plural marriages. Many of them say that they don't necessarily believe in plural marriage, and would not have chosen it for themselves, but their choice is often to obey their parents (father, who is often also plurally married) or to be shunned and exiled completely from the community, to have no contact with their parents or siblings. Not much of a choice either way. At least through current events they're gaining a voice, though.

purpledaisies's picture

WOW I watched the first one and I thought it was all about KODY and KODY wants and nothing else. So sicking. I'm with NormaJean, it should be all involved and everyone should be equal! I don't like Kody at all I think all he wants is to with different women and to make the the ones he is with to accept it so he can have his cake and eat it too.

I'm all for letting people do what they want, but that is not for me. I want it equal, everyone in the relationship has a voice and opinion and help to make all major decisions! If the others have a problem with a person that is being brought in the relationship then it shouldn't happen. They must all agree before doing so.