O/T Is this an a$$hole of a boss, or what!?
We got word this morning that a middle-aged coworker had a heart attack and was in ICU. Naturally, most of us saw this as horribly sad news and our first instincts were to send prayers and best wishes, and offers of help, to his family.
All except one. The sick sadistic SOB who is our "boss." Do you know what the first thing he did was? He had our admin staff contact the HR department to see if the guy was eligible to retire and if it could be "offered" to him.
Nice, huh? So while this man is fighting for his life, his "boss" is trying to figure out if his heart attack can be used as a way to get rid of him.
Any ideas on ways to get back at this jackass of a boss? We're tempted to send an anonymous note to the big boss and let him know ...
Not sure this is indicative
:? :? :? Not sure this is indicative of an asshole boss. My first thought is that the boss is investigating what benefits the ill employee is eligible for and seeing if he can retire if his health will not allow him to return. It may be a relief and calming to the heart attack victim to know that he may be eligible for retirement and that his family will be supported if he cannot go back to work. The boss is not just offering to help he is investigating what help can be offered.
But then again I am a boss and my first thoughts are usually around what I can do to help my employees when they have a health or family crisis.
Rags, while we all try to see
Rags, while we all try to see the other side of things - trust me on this one - this asswipe wants to get rid of the guy. He called him in a couple of months ago and tried hinting around to him about retirement then, and the worker was pissed, and insulted, about it.
None of us are stupid - we are all well aware of what retirement benefits we have and when we are eligible. Furthermore, if the guy winds up debilitated permanently he can file for SSI disability retirement. We don't need a "helpful" boss pointing it out every chance he gets - especially if you've just had a heart attack and you are in an ICU.
Last but not least, if this same thing had happened to a younger employee, asshole boss wouldn't be checking into SSI disability. He's got it out for old folks. Last time I checked, that's illegal age discrimination.
Also, my first instinct would
Also, my first instinct would be to think about the medical bills this guy may now have to pay. Knowing he's not got to worry about pushed out of his full-time job (should he recover and be able to come back) will be much more beneficial than trying to purposely shove him into retirement with a much lower income.
Ha, yes indeed he shows his
Ha, yes indeed he shows his asshole side, poor judgement and calousness constantly. We live through it daily! This is not a momentary lapse by an idiot - it's calculated meanness. I guess watching it happen year after year after year, and not seeing the tables turn on him ... gets us all fed up. I think that is the point many people get to when suffering under a bad boss - you reach a saturation point.
This is the same guy who realized the office needed some cleaning done one day, and then pointed out the two black females and asked them to do it. Why? Because isn't that a job for black women? What an ass.
this happens all the time.
this happens all the time. there are laws on disability and using a persons medical issues to let them go. he should consult with an attorney on thisl.