Okay so this is weird...
DH's ex-mother-in-law has been calling me to talk crap about her own daughter! BM my DH's ex.. I don't think I am the best person for her to vent to, seeing that I think her daughter is a total psycho. Ex mom in law is pissed BM is going out of town for Mother's day, and of course leaving the skids with us again. And the fact that she doesn't care to be with her own Mom on Mother's day. This is like the twilight zone or something. Oh and it gets better, guess where we are spending Mother's Day? At the ex-mom-in-law's home, and having brunch with her, mine and DH's baby boy, my BS15 and the skids. Hmmm, sounds pretty weird huh?! :jawdrop: The whole point of me posting this is to ask your opinion on this matter. What would you do?
I'd tell her I don't feel
I'd tell her I don't feel comfortable having conversations with her that pertain to her own daughter and if she needs to discuss it with anyone it should be the father. I could backfire on you and then you'll hear that you said this or you said that and it's not worth the headache. JMO
I don't see this going well.
I don't see this going well. Regardless of what she may be saying to you now, BM is still her daughter and that will always be more important. Also, spending mother's day at her house could piss off BM and cause some major PASing on her part. I dunno what your relationship w BM and the SKs is like now, but BMs are very fickle (most of them anyway) and this whole scenario just screams disaster. Good luck!
I don't understand why you
I don't understand why you are spending mother's day with her. She isn't tour mother or dh's mother. Hanging out with any of bm's relatives will never end well. How do you know she isn't using you? I say cancel plans and don't talk to her again. Weird.
Yes, it's weird. Why did you
Yes, it's weird.
Why did you agree to the silliness of spending Mother's Day with BM's mother?
Because my Mom died of
Because my Mom died of cancer. I don't have a Mom to spend Mother's day with, and BM's Mom is really nice to me and the skids love her. She also is really great to me and DH's baby. I just didn't know what to do about her calling me to talk crap about BM. I just let her vent and it worked out ok. BM and I have an okay relationship I guess, she is nice to my face, I know she still has feelings for DH, but she is engaged and has left us way more alone since she's been with her fiance. DH's ex-MIL are going shopping together on Friday for Easter for skids. So I am not canceling any plans for Mother's Day, it seems to be going well.
Also, my MIL and FIL live in
Also, my MIL and FIL live in AZ, so we really don't have anyone to spend Mother's day with. I don't feel bad about it, I would rather everyone get along.