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oh my...what a weekend!

3bk1sd's picture

We had a pretty good weekend until today. SD11 was banging BD6's doll stroller around and broke it. I said to SD that she has to stop breaking things and she would be paying for a new stroller. She screamed at me, I couldn't understand what she said it was more like a loud high-pitched scream. I said "stop screaming at me" so she went to her room and slammed the door. I went upstairs and told my DH the story.(He's a paraplegic and can't get downstairs to the playroom, lucky him.) I asked him to please talk to SD about respecting me in our home and that she needs to stop screaming at me and breaking things when she's angry.
So when SD came upstairs later on he starts making friendly conversation with her. Meanwhile I'm thinking wtf is he doing, he must be going to work up to it and then let her have it. But sadly, no, he did not mention it at all, so I did. I said "I'm tired of you coming here with a bad attitude and then when you're angry you throw and break things. I'm tired of you yelling at me, this is my house too and it's going to stop, I have done nothing to you." She had nothing to say and went back downstairs. I said to DH that he should talk to her about respecting his wife when she's there and he said "Why? You just did a good job yourself." Later on he did tell her that she needed to stop breaking things and that she needs to change her attitude. Also, to his credit he sat silently beside me when I was giving my little speach. What I want him to say though is "when you come to our house you will respect my wife, I love her and will not tolerate your current behaviour towards her." If he doesn't say it I think that her behaviour will just become worse. For the first 4 years I tried very hard to be nice to SD. I am one of the unfortunate one's with a nutcase BM and her constant negativity toward DH and I sure isn't helping. For the past year or so I have tried to disengage as much as possible, it has worked a bit. Any advice is appreciated.

Goody Two Shoes's picture

Goody Two Shoes

Breaking things and kids yelling at me would be real deal breakers for me. It doesn't start with the kids. It starts with the parents of these kids.

I think you handled this fine. However, it is up to you to decide how much more of this crapola you are willing to take.

If your love for dh is greater than the crap, then by all means focus on your relationship with him and maybe the two of you can come to some sort of agreement on how to deal with this situation.

However, I wouldn't let her break any more things around the house, and that disrespect would have to stop. This stuff costs money.

It sounds like you have your hands full. I read that your dh is paralyzed, so your sd may feel that he is not in total control of being an authority figure and is using this to her advantage. However, his reaction is no different than a lot of these disney land fathers.