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oh, BM, will u EVER grow up?

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

this weekend was going fine until this afternoon when SD!# called cause she wanted me home. i was down south a bit to visit some family and was not planning on being home till after dinner. SD13 was supossed to be with BM until 8pm.

BF was trying to sleep, as he works the midnight shift. BM apparently wanted to drop off SD13 at home so she could hang with friends. we dont allow her to be home without adult supervision, even at 13, cause she is untrustworthy.

BM drops off anyways and SD13 has a friend with her. i get a call from BF cause SD13 got upset and broke a glass all over the driveway. her excuse? cause BM wouldnt take her and friend to the mall. BM calls me to say she cant handle the 'teenage years' and said 'friday and saturday were enough'. really? we have SD13 fulltime, deal with so much shit, and this bitch cant deal with 2 and a half days?

Anywho78's picture

Ah the joys of motherhood...

Sorry you're stuck with the teenage years because BM can't be bothered.

giveitago's picture

We got landed with it too! 11 year old twins, abandoned by their mother, on the side of the road after a fight with her then boyfriend/husband? Anyhow, SD gave her another chance, also the greener grass thing since being at ours meant school is their job and, though not many rules, they had to abide by them. You know how teenagers are! SD kicked up at school again and the principle expelled her, she made such a violent exhibition of herself that she was taken to hospital for disturbed teenagers and her mother abandoned her there too. We picked her up and have dealt with most of the stuff involved with teens who's minds turn psychotic because of trauma etc. and who's behaviors are learned from their mother, ohhh and maybe genetic stuff too! It's been hell on wheels, still ongoing, but they know daddy loves them for ever and ever, no matter what, even when he's mad at them! I love them too. DH is only now beginning to take a firmer line with them since they came of age. DH is still rather passive with them but they are getting the message that they have to stand on their own two feet and make it in today's world. It's vastly different from when I was a child, though there were still 'disturbed' kids and bad kids. For a while there I thought there would be NO taming of the wildcat that was SD! It seems that the secure juvenile detention center she is in right now is helping her with intensive therapy and want to continue to help her. This kid is smart, got her GED at barely 16 and took her SAT and started UNI at barely 17.
I do see a little introspection with her lately, that's always a positive thing! Shine on girl!