not joking - SS's conversation to BM over pubic hair
Here's some f'd up shit I managed to banish to the back of my mind. This was prob 2yrs ago that my SS(now 14) had a conversation about his pubic hair with his mom. Before I stopped my husband he freaked the fuck out of me sharing this: SS brought up and talked to his mom about having apparently a lot of "man bush". I don't even want to know how that conversation went. She then called DH about it regarding trimming advice or whatever the hell they talked about - don't want to know. WTF? Middle school boys either figure that shit out on their own or talk to close friends about it. Fucking twisted and inappropriate if you ask me. Apparently I didn't block that memory out well enough because here I am still grossed out by it. It's not like SS's dad (DH) wouldn't talk to him - he went to mommy, gross. I would NEVER have talked to my dad about my pubes!
We handle it in a comical way
We handle it in a comical way in our house. I could never talk to my parents about anything. The lines were just not open. So the very first time I found out my son had pubes, I asked him if I could have a couple to put in his "baby book." I don't even know how I found out, but he was so proud of them LOL. I actually offered to HIM to get him some clippers if he felt he needed them. They were bugging him while playing soccer. His dad isn't worth shit, so if I don't talk to him about this stuff, where will he learn it? We are just matter of fact about stuff. My kids tell me all kinds of things like they are talking about what kind of cereal they want for breakfast.
Lol! My parents were always
Lol! My parents were always very talkative about puberty with their sons and about burgeoning sexuality. As the eldest of 3 boys I was the guinea pig for all things parenting.
Dad was much more direct and to the point than mom but she was the one that made it her mission to make sure her boys understood what was going on during puberty. She compiled a library of educational books that have now been recycled with her three grandsons. Interestingly GS#2 (my brother’s eldest son) found a hernia when he was reading the shower card on self testicle examination that mom has kept in all of their showers since I was a pre-teen starting puberty (I am 50). Two of mom’s puberty titles indelibly etched in my memory are “Boys Growing UP” & “Men And Their Physiques”.
I was actually the first to discover that the Skid was progressing into puberty when he was about 12. We were visiting my parents for Christmas and on Christmas AM the Skid was walking down the stairs putting on a clean T-shirt when I noticed a dusting of pit hair. I gave him shit about having dirty armpits. I was messing with him but he was mortified. I called his mom over and said “Well mom, our baby boy is not a baby anymore.” My bride burst into sobs. I was laughing. We have Xmas AM pics of him with his arms in the air standing on the stairs with me pointing at his pits with a ruler while his mom is standing to the side with tears in her eyes. That will be shown at his wedding reception slide show which will get me killed by both he and his mom. }:) }:) }:)
As I said mom was the sentitive one who took on the comprehensive role of puberty educator. Dad was more of a manly mentor.
My sex talk from dad was one for the ages. I was heading to bed one evening when dad called me into his and mom’s bedroom. He was in bed reading and told me to have a seat on the edge of his bed. He pulled his glasses to the end of his nose and said “Son, some day a little honey will want to drag you into the bushes. When that happens you will need some condoms. See that box in the shelf in the closet? (Pointing at a large box of Trojans). Grab a few of those before you head into the bushes and make sure you use them every time. Any questions?”
I recall no talks about manscaping or pubic hair though. Manscaping was not a thing when I was going through puberty. At least not outside of the PlayGirl circles anyway.
The closest thing to a pube discussion I ever had was with the father of one of my female swim team members. I was about 16 and had a small bit of chest hair and some treasure trial hair. Not much. I still don’t but that is beside the point. During a swim meet I was scratching my chest and my team mate’s father stopped next to me and said “Get used to it. It just keeps popping up all over the place. Stay the hell away from my daughter though.” Little did he know that his daughter had been leading me to the bushes for most of that swim season. }:)
Heck, my kids' Dad wouldn't
Heck, my kids' Dad wouldn't even talk to our son about shaving his face. When I mentioned to him that our daughter had some feminine products to keep @ his place for when she'd need them, he dug through her bag and threw them all over the lawn while screaming that his wife would take care of what was needed.
Is it any wonder that neither child was interested in talking to their Dad/SM about intimate matters?
Grooming is grooming.... why
Grooming is grooming.... why SHOULDN'T a kid ask a parent about it? My god, calm the eff down. It's not "gross".
I think most people would be
I think most people would be a little weirded out if I had gone to my dad at 12 and talked to him about if and how I should groom my pubic hair. I dealt with that on my own. Who has to ask someone about that?
With that in mind, just
With that in mind, just because the phone rings doesn't mean you have to answer.
That was a conversation I wouldn't have had.
The fact that you think it's
The fact that you think it's twisted and inappropriate for a young boy to be able to talk to his mother about his own puberty is just sad.
It's good that the lines of
It's good that the lines of communication are open, but I wonder why he went to his mom about it and not dad first. I didn't want to talk to my dad about anything like that. I guess manscaping is a strange topic too to talk to mom about first because you could just talk to your friends who is going to see this man bush anyways?? hmmm...interesting.
I could see Cesspool going to his mom instead of DH about 12 year old puberty stuff. He's super emotional and a cry baby, and super competitive. He's deathly afraid to let DH down in crying if he doesn't catch trout in the lake or any sports game he's playing if the ref calls something on him he doesn't agree with. He'll probably cry when he see's his friend has more pubes than him or a bigger winky.
I think if this happened to me and DH, I would just tease him about it and laugh. Then I would probably make fun of BM. It would be just another thing on the list for BM to twist around say that DH is a bad parent or something like that I'm sure.