Non custodial dad distance from daughters?
Hi all! I'm new to this website and came across it trying to find people online who can relate to me since I don't have any friends who can. I'm a 30 year old step mom of 2 preteen girls ages 9 &11. I've been with their dad for 6 years and married for 1. We have no kids of our own and have discussed it but want to be more financially stable before that happens... From the day I've met them I instantly knew I wanted to be apart of this family. They are good kids-of course we have had our fights and with one of them
There's an on and off attitude issue but for the most part I feel I'm in a pretty good situation. There mom's 15 years older than me and remarried. She's over the drama and since my husband and her got pregnant within 2 weeks of dating then did it again- they never really fell in love- so luckily there's no raging jealousy. She actually married the man she left my husband for 7 years ago, but for me a complete blessing. Anyway there was some drama about 4 years ago because my hubby couldn't work (terrible car
Crash, broke both legs) and eventually the nice ex wanted money and took him to court...eventually it all cooled down so as of the last few years we are ok. My husand doesn't talk to her alot. She does her own thing raising them with school religion doctors ect despite the multiple times he has requested to be involved( in court order they share all those decisions ) right now they come over every other extended weekend (sat- mon)/holidays/2 weeks in the summer. Its not alot. Anyway what I'm getting to is lately maybe in the past two years I've noticed my husband be more distant when the kids are over. He loves them dearly I know he does but it almost seems like he doesn't know how to connect w them. They follow me all around and have talked to me about so many personal things. I know I know much more about them then he does. I'll even mention stuff to their mom she gets confused about. He is always trying to find excuses to not be around-cleaning cooking or always needing to go to the store. I've tried to talk to him several times about this thinking maybe I'm taking over his visitation or maybe he feels he doesn't know how to talk to them. It kind of makes me sad because I'm constantly asking him to be around us when they are over. I even always make plans and play dates to find stuff to do! He would sit around all day. I love him dearly but keep worrying about this. Sometimes I think his ex robbed him from that parenting time he needed to bond with them. She calls every day they are over and rarely do they talk to their dad when they are at their moms. I know mom's usually are the caretakers but I hear them talk about their step dad all the time and today I heard one say " I want to sit in between my two favorite parents" but apart of me thinks she slipped because she is way closer to them. Any suggestions what I could do? I even think he's given up on trying to get involved in their schooling, doctors ect because he doesn't ask their mom anymore about appointments ect. Is it possible for a non custodial parent to just step back because they don't feel a connection with their children? The older one is so so up her mom's butt with everything it's actually annoying -such as sitting in the passenger seat when it's illegal "I don't care mom says it's ok!" Me:"I'm not mom"
It's almost like she's oblivious to obvious things but as long as mom says it's fine she doesn't think otherwise. I get it it's her mom, I guess I don't ever remember being like that. Don't worry I never bash her mom in front of them and would never. Their mom actually really likes me-or pretends to I don't really care I just want peace. Has any other steomom's related to this? I use to always try to make plans so they would have their alone time and when I mentioned that to my husband today he's like "no no I want u to be here when they are, I love us all together!"...confused.
this is the most perfect way
this is the most perfect way to practice disengagement.
I think you make many good
I think you make many good observations. Yes, he may just not have really bonded with them to them due to limited time, some may slam him for that but time spent together does create those bonds. The fact that he is not really using the time he has may also be that he just doesn't know or feel comfortable with them as they get older and since he really doesn't have much time with them or much say practically he will 'leave it to the women'.
There are many dads that kind of 'give up' and accept the status quo. Also I grew up in an intact family and my Dad wasn't the mushy hands on type-he was the provider and the main disciplinarian when we were young and that was pretty much it though we are all very close now. Have you had a serious talk with him about it? Maybe go out for the day with friends and let him have the chance to be one on one with them.
I've tried several times to
I've tried several times to talk to him and he thinks nothing is wrong. I just get sad hearing about how close they are with their stepdad when I find their real dad kinda boring. We have a pool and he dreads going outside or to a park or anything kid related unless it's indoor. Idk I worry he has disconnected from them alot. I understand it may be hard since now they are preteens and you simply can't force a relationship though. I am going to start to make my own plans when they are over
My thoughts are that this is
My thoughts are that this is probably just who he is. You might not have noticed it when the relationship was new or he might have been working double time at the beginning to show you all of his best qualities and none of his worst. Then he had a trauma and you probably made several allowances for that which I think anyone would do. Two years ago would have been right around the time that everything settled down into a predictable routine. I have a feeling that if you could hear BM speak candidly about why she left she would detail some of your same concerns.
That being said, I know at least two people who credit their step mom as being the reason why they have any relationship with their fathers at all. Their dads weren't good parents but their step moms refused to let the lines of communication close and now as adults they have decent "friend" relationships with their dads.
I think if you take a step back he might snap out of it and make more of an effort or he might still continue to be aloof. It's really a gamble on what you should do but you're in no way obligated to pick up his slack.
Funny you say that because
Funny you say that because I'm starting to think this is who is too. He didn't have supportive loving parents himself and seeing them so little and randomly maybe he just doesn't know how? It's strange because when I see them we all just click and get along so well. I am going to start making plans when they are over. I know they will be upset though aND it hurts because I look forward to seeing them too:/