No time alone with partner, suggestions?
Wow this website is pretty great. Compared to a lot of people's problems mine aren't too bad.
My main gripe is that we don't get hardly any time to spend together alone. MIL lives with him and SD14 is there pretty much the whole time even though she is supposed to be at BM 50/50 (who lives two houses away). He works weekdays and is usually helping or entertaining FIL or friends or whatever at the end of the day leaving no time for us. SD4 and SS3 (who have a different BM than SD14) stay every weekend Fri night till Mon morning so doing anything in the weekends alone is not gonna happen. The MIL and SD14 don't babysit and its not worth the drama of asking the BM to have the kids on a night she doesn't have to have them. He has never tried to organise a babysitter. I've been with him 18 months, when I bring up spending time alone together he accuses me of trying to take him away from his kids and says he makes a lot of time to be with me. I don't consider 1 night of going out together every 2 months a lot of time. I need a bit more than that I'm afraid.
How do other people handle this? Am I just being selfish and need to accept that there won't hardly be any time to spend as a couple? This is the first relationship I've had with someone who's had kids and its a whole new ball park. I've had issues with the exes, disciplining kids, where to live, where to work etc. We've worked a lot of stuff out already but are stuck on this. I feel as though I'm way down on the priority list and not sure how much more I can handle. I do love him and I like the skids well enough, but I do miss having time with a partner that is just all ours.
Also SS3 wakes up in the middle of the night and jumps in bed with us. I've never been comfortable with it or liked it but BF won't put him back in his own bed. He's only 3 I know, but it just feels like the one place that we get to have thats 'ours' i.e. the bedroom, has been invaded. Definately a mood killer expecting SS3 to turn up any moment!
I can imagine if it were me
I can imagine if it were me in that situation I would feel completely overwhelmed, but then I am a solitary person, and maybe you like lots of people around you. Was this the situation when you moved in? Or did MIL appear recently with suitcases? If you don't even have the odd weekend to yourselves I would NOT call this "making a lot of time to be with you" .
Personally, I could never live with in-laws and wall to wall SKIDS. EOW is my limit, but we are all different. Your partner probably works on the "squeaking gate gets the most oil" principle, ie he gives priority to the person or people who makes the most demands. Perhaps you should ramp up asserting your needs instead of behaving well and getting ignored.
I haven't moved in. I don't
I haven't moved in. I don't want to live with him in his house, One I don't like the town, Two I need my own space every now and then and being able to retreat to my own quiet home is bliss, Three I couldn't live with MIL, she's great but I wouldn't be able to make the place my own, Four the exes are far too close for comfort. I'm quite a solitary person myself, I grew up with no brothers or sisters my age and have traveled the world on my own. This is probably why I have a hard time with there always being people there and no time to ourselves.
I've ramped up the assertiveness somewhat already. I've called a break, just a week of not seeing each other. I needed some space to think about what it is I need out of the relationship. It was meant to be no txting or calling either but he didn't seem to be able to handle that. Hopefully when we see each other to talk next time he'll listen to what I have to say and walk his talk. He's been going on about having the kids one week on one week off. Which would be full on but then at least we get some weekends to ourselves. I'm sure my partner already thinks I make enough demands already haha, but too bad, I'm fairly sure I'm not unreasonable. I envy all those SMs with EOW!
I applaud you for not jumping
I applaud you for not jumping in and living with him. I wouldn't like that living situation either. I prefer to have my space and for it to feel like my home. That's a lot of "his" people around.
I hope that he will consider having some couple time with you. It seems like if he just took a weekend or an evening 1-2 times a week that you would be quite happy. I don't think you are asking for much.
I agree with alwaysanxous and
I agree with alwaysanxous and Kes...this is getting to be a habit...this agreeing stuff...LOL
You might want to suggest that MIL can babysit, she lives in, right? Invite him to your place for a night. He could be so caught up in a circle with ALL of them that breaking out might never have occurred to him! Softly softly catchee monkey! Let him see how things can be when he gives you the attention you deserve. Sounds like he has a lot on plate right now. DH here calls it the squeaky wheel and it gets oiled to get whomever out of his hair if he's really busy. That I did not subscribe to, if I am squeaky it's squeaky clean and with clean linens and he knows which oil to use!
Honey, maybe you should
Honey, maybe you should consider moving on.. That is just too many skids and in laws (ha!) in the same place at the same time! ... And the boy invades your bed. I feel for you!! At least you have your own place! But like many of us SPs-- if we could do it all again we WOULDNT! And personal time with your man is a MUST! Maybe you should make this away time last for two weeks to get the point across!
Anyhow... Let us know what happens! ((Hugs!))
^^^LIKE LIKE LIKE^^^ Why do
Why do women feel the need to wrap their lives around a man in order to keep him!!??
I'll bet you are a fantastic person. What is this man doing to keep you!! How is he wrapping his life around yours to accomodate YOU!!
Give and take...but when you're the one giving all the time either you:
1. Resent it, get angry and leave, or
2. Get so used to it that you think you deserve to be the one to give.
I suggest you let him know what it is you need, what you are willing to give, but what you need out of this relationship.
Be prepared to walk if you don't get it.
You're young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Make sure you're treated with respect.
I complain about the same
I complain about the same thing with my husband. In the beginning he had the kids eowe (fri- mon. morning), eo monday night and every thurs. for dinner. Our weekends "off" we would spend time with each other. Eventually all that changed. He would go to things on the weekends he didn't have kids. He has 3 kids all in sports. Sometimes the kids would 9 or 10 games in a weekend!
We now have the kids 50/50 and now we have less time. I too told him I didn't feel like me or our relationship was a priority to him. When I looked at the calendar, we had 4 days a month to ourselves and now he wants to change custody again, which will leave us 2 days a month. He schedules his business trips and volunteering(he's the treasurer at church)around the kids custody time with him...that's why we have so little time.
I mentioned to him all that I do for the kids, him and our home. I told him 4 days a month is not being unreasonable and I give alot to our situation and I deserve more from him in return.
I also told him I feel resentment towards the kids because the world revolves around them. So, if the new custody arrangements get awarded to him, I asked him to not go to the kids events on our free saturdays. He is also responsible for making our plans for day we have together. I also shared with him that I need romance in the bedroom...candle's, music etc. So far, he's trying and I make sure he know's I feel appreciated and loved.
It's true when they "If mama ain't happy, Nobody's happy!" He needs a wake up call!
My SD is going to be starting
My SD is going to be starting soccer this week. My husband just informed me he is going to start using his vacation days on the Saturdays SD has games (he works Saturdays) so that he won't miss anything. I didn't ask him what would happen if it was a day BM had SD, would he still miss work and go to the game. I'm willing to bet he will. I'm not looking forward to it.
Oh no, this sounds less like
Oh no, this sounds less like crowding and more like child worship. Do you really want to deal with all this?
I can see having a lot of family around. I've had that situation growing up. BUT taking his vacation so he doens't miss anything?? too much making things child centric.
1. Good for you to have
1. Good for you to have separate abodes!
2. He must be "freshly divorced"
GG (biodad I live with) was like this in the early years. Some things you might have heard already:
"I don't get to see my kids that often"
"My kids NEEEEEEED me; you go alone" (this in response to a request to take a few hours off to go to a company xmas party; at this time GG was seeing the three peccories EVERY WEEKEND. . . ZERO couple time)
"We see each other after work so that's plenty of "alone" time."
I had to put my foot down yet flatter his ego. Try this:
"Sometimes I just want you all to myself."
That worked for awhile. Sounds like you have a solid guilty daddy on your hands, but don't worry. His constant catering and playing "step 'n' fetch" to his own spawn while they ignore you and disrespect him will soon have you disgusted and then you won't WANT to spend time alone with him as a couple b/c you've lost so much respect.
Sorry if I sound so cynical but that's a road many of us have been down.
Do yourself a favour dear and start looking for a nice CHILDLESS man!!!
OH and here are the warning
OH and here are the warning signs of guilty daddy. . .more than one? RUN!!
1. Does your man allow co-sleeping with his children? (aka the kiddies routinely jump into bed with him at night)
2. Does he have to lie down with them to get them to sleep?
3. Do the children seem somehow "stunted" socially? Do they have poor hygiene habis, eating habits, bedtime habits?
4. Does your man subscribe to the "one big happy family" model? (expects you to love his children as much as or more than him)
5. Does your man have the "inability" to say no to his children?
6. Do his children seem overly "hyperactive" to you?
7. Does your man say "just relax; you worry too much" or "Everything will be just fine" if you bring up a legitimate concern
8. Do the children seem "overly needy" demanding that dad spend 24/7 with them? Do they physically lay all over him and go bonkers when daddy steps out of their peripheral vision?
9. Are they unable to do age appropriate tasks or want dad to do things that could easily be done themselves?
10. Does dad seem overprotective of his children; unwilling to let them try things out on their own?
11. Has dad said things like "I don't want to make waves with the BM b/c it will affect the children" or "we'll take the high road" when faced with blatant BM stepping over boundaries.
If you can answer YES to ANY of these questions, get your sneakers ready to go.
Do you know your man's FINANCIAL situation? Do you know if he has massive left over marital debt? How high is his CS obligation? Have you seen the divorce decree or mediation agreement. Does it seem overly slanted in BM's favour?
Love and "understanding" simply does not cover it all. Especially in the case of stepmom is supposed to be "understanding" when all of her money goes to household expenses b/c almost all of biodad's money goes to CS.
How long would you be willing to float biodad should he lose a job and have massive CS obligations?
There are many other considerations as this type of relationship is not to be taken lightly.
OMG you and I are
OMG you and I are experiencing the EXACT same situation. My BF lives with his grandma, mom, uncle, male cousin, female cousin and her two kids AND his two kids....I WILL NOT MOVE IN WITH HIM.
I won't even get a separate place with him and the kids, they are too clingy! His son does the exact same thing as yours, when he sees us sitting together on the couch he'll shove in between us. Or demand that daddy sleep next to him. Won't let me do anything for him (tie his shoes, fix him lunch) nope just wants "DADDY" to do it. It's effing annoying and I've gotten to the point where I don't even go over there all that much cause I feel resentful. And his daughter is a whole nother story, read my other thread on her(Do They Always Get Worse??)
I'm not gonna be relegated to second class citizen while he expects to be #1.
And it's soooo BORING when I go over. The kids watch blues clues or treehouse turned up sky rocket volume high.....UGH. And he doesn't want to leave unless heading to the store or something cause he feels too guilty leaving his kids. There is no peace.
When he came over I asked him to stay the night and he says to me, 'NO, I have kids!' Making me feel like a selfish needy, b*tch.
Don't move in with him, DO NOT (am I ever glad I didn't). And don't give up your plans just cause he's stuck with the kids.
Not sure if you've gotten to that point yet but you're gonna get sick of going over there and wanting to find other things to do than spend alllllllll day with the kids around. I certainly have,
I'm planning on going on a cruise without him. He asked why he's not invited and I said, 'Well you got KIDS, remember???'
Love this ^^^^ You go girl!
Love this ^^^^
You go girl!
Thats a lot more people than
Thats a lot more people than I have to deal with!! No wonder you won't move in with him, it'd drive me nuts within 2 days I think! I hear ya bout the blues clues, haha, I've watched far more dora and diego than any grown woman should, and isn't it funny how they think they own the TV, go out and play already...
Thats a lot more people than
Thats a lot more people than I have to deal with!! No wonder you won't move in with him, it'd drive me nuts within 2 days I think! I hear ya bout the blues clues, haha, I've watched far more dora and diego than any grown woman should, and isn't it funny how they think they own the TV, go out and play already...
The summer of 2010 was the
The summer of 2010 was the "last straw" for me. We (he and his kids and I) went on vacation to see his side of the family. My SD (11 at the time) packed only 1 bathing suit. I told BF she only packed one, and she insisted she was fine.
We get there and she talks to her Aunt and her Dad to complain she only has one bathing suit. My answer to it was "OH well, you were told to pack two and you chose not to, so now you deal with it" Dad and Auntie felt that we should buy her another one. Auntie goes out shopping with me and tries to manipulate me into helping her purchase one. I took no part in it. Auntie buys one, brings it home, SD wears it once, and then decides she doesn't like it.
The 3 Skids behavior was horrible the whole time (7 days too long!)I warned him when we got back that I will probably not be taking a vacation with them again. He was puzzled and didn't understand why I would reject a vacation with the kids.
This summer, we took separate vacations. I went on a cruise with my BD 25 and had a wonderful time. He spent his vacation with his boys and the bratty SD did not go. BM had her staying between 3 different places, while BM went on a kid free vacation herself.
Don't give up your place of refuge. I wish I had one!!