Newbie-Should I be upset about bf high child support payments?
Hi, everyone! First time poster. Lurker since starting a relationship with a divorced dad of three about a year ago. Our relationship has had its up and down, especially with me coming to terms with someone who has already lived a life with someone else. But after many discussions and compromises we have decided to move forward with this and build a life together. We just started the process of getting his vasectomy reversed because it has always been my dream to be a mother. This is a little rundown of us...
Me: 24,never been married, no kids, college junior, part-time worker, currently living with rooms (never lived on my own before).
Him: 33, divorced, 3 boys, EOWE visitation, military
The main thing that is currently giving me pause is how much he pays for child support. Hes a ssgt in the military, his ex was a sahm for the duration of their 11 year marriage. During their split because she was an authorized user on his account, she maxed out his credit cards then left him with debt from that in addition to an mortgage on a new house. He had to file for bankruptcy. So when it came time to figure out custody, child support, ect. he didnt have the money for a lawyer. While her dad, who is retired military, footed the bill for a big time lawyer for her. His ex's lawyer threatened him with 2500 in alimony in addition to 1500 in child support since she was a sahm for the duration of their marriage. So he just settled for paying 1500 monthly.
Present day, she underemployed (working little side jobs), sahming and homeschooling the kids. If it wasnt for the crazy amount of cs he was paying, she couldn't pay her bills. Because she chooses to only take these little side jobs so she can continue to be a sahm and homeschooler. On top of that she's engaged to some guy. So she will probably stop working all together when she marries her new dude. My issue with this is eventually we will have children. I dont want to have to struggle to raise our children. When his child support is disposable income for his ex and her new husband.
I telling him he needs to get his child support lowered now before his wife gets married and before we get married and have kids of our own. Because optics play a big factor in these things, him doing it at one of those points makes it seems like hes money grabbing because of her getting married or us having a family. Because they never went to court I figure he has a case for modification because his bankruptcy wasn't factored in, the kids healthcare being covered by Tricare wasn't covered, and despite the fact this ex was a sahm they could impute her income at 40h minium wage. Because that would be how much she could make if she wasn't voluntarily underemployed.
I just want some advice on all this. Do we have a case? How was your experience if you situation was similar? Should I even be worried about all of this since im only a gf right now? I dont want to come off as the domineering, evil second wife/step mother. Im not trying to put my future children before his. But I would like for both set of children to have similar upbringings, financially. Also they are his ex's kids too, so I feel like she should be doing more than she's currently doing. Or should I just run from all this baby mama drama while I'm young and still able to find someone child-free like myself. I love him deeply but this is something I have been pondering more and more lately.
Oh also the ex's dad got her a brand new 2016 SUV around thanksgiving. So she's probably not paying a car note.I take from that any money she falls short for, her father doesn't have a problem being the safety net. Just another person enabling her laziness.
Thanks in advance!
Have you checked the state
Have you checked the state calculators to see how much he would actually owe if CS was determined through the courts? The CS formulas are insanely high, and with 3 children he might actually owe almost $1500 a month depending on what he earns. My BM also doesn't work, and DH makes less than 35k a year-- I know that IF he owed full CS, it'd be something crazy, like $600 a month and that's for one kid with a father who barely makes enough to get by.
I checked the state
I checked the state calculator for the state of VA. Factoring in his income at $4000 a month and her imputed income of 1255.70 a month he should be paying $1028. Which I think it much more reasonable.
I think that what is the problem. The formula is a base formula that only factors in non-custodial parents income. Which is the amount he is paying now.But in reality most cases factor in both parents income including expenses like childcare,schooling, insurance,ect. and which parents pays for what. But because he was bullied into settling out of court they went with the base formula as the default. Crying she was a sahm and had no income to factor. I dont think she should continue to be a sahm on his dime. Then when she get married she'll probably con her new guy into sahm too or just keep working her little free-lance job. Then his $1500 will be disposable income for her and her new husband.
I will repeat. I dont have any problem with him paying child support. His children, my future step children, deserve to live as nice of life as my children but it also goes the same way. I have a problem with them (ei ex and new husband) living the high life off CS and our future children potentially suffering from it.
$1,500 is not a lot of CS for
$1,500 is not a lot of CS for three children who your DF has EOWE.
Go to your state's online child support calculator. What does he say he should pay per his income? You will read many NCPs here pay anywhere from $700-1,500 and more for one child. CS is usually based on a percentage of income.
It will do you no good to be upset over CS. I mean, no SM enjoys watching money float out the door every month, but it's the children's legal right to be supported.
Your desire to have more money for future children does not negate the basic legal rights of the current children to be fully support per state law and guidelines. When you marry this guy, you marry his CS. It isn't going away. It doesn't get lowered because his new fiancé or wide thinks he pays too much.
You're awfully young to be saddling yourself with three children , a man full of debt and CS until these children are adults and of age.
Oh My Gosh!!!!! I was upset
Oh My Gosh!!!!! I was upset when we had to pay $400 a month for one child who we have 50/50 custody of. If we had to provide everything she has to provide because he is with both of us an equal amount of time, why should we have to help her support him as well, because my SO makes more than she does??? I could not wrap my head around it....I still can't, but that's the order.
I won't complain (as much) any more, I feel for you!!!
I agree Coco. Its freaking
I agree Coco. Its freaking disgusting. I personally find sahming a luxuary for the rich. But if you can swing it with your finances who am I too judge. I actually have a few friends that are sahm and they fell into it for various reason. Your family your life, whatever I say.
But it sickens me to think Im going to be busting my a!! to take care of my kids. But you get to live off MY husbands money. What they did in their marriage is one thing, eventhough I think its such a fool for letting it get that far. But CS is for support of the children! Not so the ex can stay at home all day living the good life like she still married because she get enough to cover rent,ulities, and groceries. B*(@&@&@* needs to get a job. A real one.
For all our trouble it seems like seconding wifing and step moming is just a constant count down of when you can finally have your husband to yourself. At least your sentence is almost up because his kids are older.
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your story! Its nice to know I'm not alone.
Oh boy.... Your very young
Oh boy....
Your very young and my best guess is your parents are NOT pleased with your current state. I am sure he is a great guy. Good Dad etc.
Interesting observation on my part, you wrote he is a ssgt . And not SSGT. which is proper and respectful.
Anyway. Please take your time, really think this thru and realize all of this is not going to end until the kids are adults. Child support will increase as your boyfriends rank goes UP. When he deploys and he will, bm will maintain full physical custody. Doubtful if she will allow visits with you. VERY sad.
DH next duty station could be 1000 miles from the kids and I bet HE will be expected to pay for 3 RT airline tickets Spring Break and all of Christmas Holidays.
YOU wrote they had an 11 year marriage,,,,magical number is 10 (not combination of 10 if divorced then remarried) for VA retirement benefits which BM is also entitled to if DH goes to 20plus years.
Miss, if you want to forever be broke then stay the course. IF you are deeply in love with this man expect tough roads ahead for the next 15plus years... EVEN if you get married and have kids.
BM's dad, retired military. AND is gifting his baby girl lawyer fees and SUV's. YUP she will remain a stay at home mommy, homeschooling the children until they are ready to go to college which DH may also have to pay.
PLEASE find another never married GI around your age. Your life will be so much happier and you can travel the world with him AS his first and only wife without kids. Awww think of the possibilities.
Much respect for our Military Families.
PLEASE keep us posted and GOOD LUCK
All extremely good points.
All extremely good points. Military only complicates step situations because it further controls what a parent can and can't do, and that is already heavily controlled through COs and CS.
Plus, even if his CS is lowered, your job prospects are going to be impacted, too, if your BF ends up stationed out of the country or is moved frequently. With another kid, high CS (even if reduced to $1,000/mo), and the potential for you to not find and maintain gainful employment, it's going to be even rougher.
"Plus, even if his CS is
"Plus, even if his CS is lowered, your job prospects are going to be impacted, too, if your BF ends up stationed out of the country or is moved frequently. With another kid, high CS (even if reduced to $1,000/mo), and the potential for you to not find and maintain gainful employment, it's going to be even rougher."
Well I live in a military town, my father's military tho I didn't have the military brat lifestyle. Im pretty ok with the moving aspect of it all. I dont want to stay in this place forever. Having a military husband whos job pays for our move plus helps me get a job-Im on board with all of that. My cousin is raised military, married military like me. She has currently stationed with her husband in NV. She works on base in a job that I have gone out for a number of times. But she's a military spouse so she gots an in. Even the mundane jobs like worker at the commissary or BX/NEX make $3 or $4 more than what they would be making if they were working at a walmart or some other civilian grocery store.
When he's able to PCs in 2 years. I am actually hoping for overseas ones because there are a number opportunities as a English teacher in the countries the AF has bases in (Spain,Germany,Korea,Japan,ect). On top of that they only require an Bachelor degree plus the pay is on que with a higher level entry level job in my field. I figured if we move overseas we could Space-A(free flights through military means)the boys out one or two months every couple of months throughout the year. Honestly, Im hopping this would happen because then we could have grounds to file for joint custody and they could get his cs lowered as well.
"Anyway. Please take your
"Anyway. Please take your time, really think this thru and realize all of this is not going to end until the kids are adults. Child support will increase as your boyfriends rank goes UP. When he deploys and he will, bm will maintain full physical custody. Doubtful if she will allow visits with you. VERY sad."
That's actually another reason why I am trying to get him to do it now. My bf in is 11 years in right now. So he has 2-3 years to make rank before they kick him out. They are also 2 or 3 years out of the divorce and the initial CS arrangements. Cant you do a modification every 3 years? I figure if he does the mod and it gets lowered then he might rank up in the next cycle or two but he will only have to be paying CS on his old pay since they would have just did a mod.
A question for you, since you seem to be military or former military. If he was to make rank, is there anyway for his ex to find out and go for more CS?
"Interesting observation on my part, you wrote he is a ssgt . And not SSGT. which is proper and respectful."
No disrespect intended. I wasn't aware there was a big difference. Thanks for the info
When in doubt, consult an
When in doubt, consult an attorney. They can put in all the numbers and give you a good estimate of what his CS payment should be. I would assume that the military could provide him some legal assistance on this...?
Keep in mind, too, that each state calculates CS differently. Some states take into account both incomes and overnights. Some are flat percentages. Some only look at the NCP's income. You can't rely on what someone in another state does because that state may do things completely differently.
That is the main thing I have
That is the main thing I have been pushing him too do. He's not to keen on doing all this because he's afraid it might effect his kids negatively. He's also pretty timid and non-confrontational by nature. But I explained to him his ex isnt doing her part to provide for her kids because she staying under employed so she can sahm. Their living situation hasn't been the best for a while now. First she was splitting the rent of a decent house in a ok neighborhhod with some acquaintance of her that had a dog. While their oldest has asthma no less. During that period he had major increases in his asthma flare ups. Then dog went crazy and attacked her (it could have been one of the boys). Soshe had to move from that place because of the dog situation. Now they are living in some shady part of town.
I explained to him as the child of a sm that always had at least two jobs and working retail where a lot of my coworkers have jobs, he's ex isnt doing what she needs to do to put the boys in the best accommodations because she can skate by on his CS check and her free lance jobs. He took what I said into consideration and said he will look into case reviews from different lawyers after he gets his advancement test out the way.
"I would assume that the military could provide him some legal assistance on this...?"
LOL, Nope. The military will assist you legally in some matter. I had an ex get legal advice on a traffic violation. But ever divorce, custody, CS. Because honestly if they opened that floodgate that would be the only thing they handle.
I though maybe they would at least refer him to local lawyers that are affordable and has experience in military divorces. He said no, all they did was hand him some pamphlets on how to cope.
"Keep in mind, too, that each state calculates CS differently. Some states take into account both incomes and overnights. Some are flat percentages. Some only look at the NCP's income. You can't rely on what someone in another state does because that state may do things completely differently."
We have done a couple of calculators online, all being based on cs in VA. They all say he is paying between $400-500 more than he should if they imputed her income. But I know we would probably get the most accurate estimate with a lawyer.
-"We have done a couple of
-"We have done a couple of calculators online, all being based on cs in VA. They all say he is paying between $400-500 more than he should if they imputed her income."--
The difference may be in this:
-"His ex's lawyer threatened him with 2500 in alimony in addition to 1500 in child support since she was a sahm for the duration of their marriage. So he just settled for paying 1500 monthly."-
If in the divorce decree he "settled" on an amount , that is going to be his amount.
As to your 'plans' you're figuring for oversees travel for the three children (come for a month every couple months or so or whatever you said)? Only naïve youth allows one to keep believing the 'world' works the way they want it to. Just saying... your DF needs to have a lawyer's advice, it's going to cost him big bucks and in the end it just doesn't 'work' the way you've got your mind set on. Are you saying all three boys are under the age of five right now? Because no court is going to let children miss months of school so Daddy can get lower CS nor will one agree to children going to school in two different countries every other month.
But I guess that's ok. You'll live and learn. Some people just have to learn the hard way.
I wish nothing but the best and in the best interest for the three children in your story. Good luck to these three children.
Since he settled on an amount
Since he settled on an amount in the divorce papers does that take away his or her able to petition for a modification every three years?
You can read my post up-thread about my idea on overseas visitation if he was to get orders out of the country. I forget who I replied to.
Basically his kids are homeschooled online. They can study anywhere. Plus they arent' small children, only the littlest. And they definitely wont be in 2-3 yeas.
It will help your mental
It will help your mental state if you quite worrying about what BM is doing. You can't stop her Father or fiance from spending money on her. Also, how much they help her won't make any difference in how child support is determined.
It sounds like you have only been physically with your SO for 6 months since he was deployed for 6 months - which is not very long for you to be already involved in his child support issues. The biggest red flag is the fact you have not met his children, yet you already think they won't be a problem. There is no way you can know that without meeting them, and it often takes a few months before children's true feelings show up. Read around this site to know how much trouble kids can cause in a relationship.
My advice is to take a step back before you get too deep into this relationship. At the very least, you need to meet and spend some time with his kids before you get in the middle of his CO issues. Your 20's are a time to figure out who you are and what you really want out of life. You are young to tie yourself down to someone with so many kids and money issues.
RUN!! Chef voluntarily
RUN!! Chef voluntarily overpaid his CS (3 kids) to the tune of ALL his income--married for 10 years to the stay-in-bed Girhippo. It's sooooo not worth it. Almost 14 years of impoverishment for Chef in which he'll never recover. 2nd families ALWAYS come 2nd. Not to mention BMs who are high conflict, despite getting handsomely paid to not work.
Unfortunately NCPs get
Unfortunately NCPs get hammered with CS far more often than not and getting it changed is difficult.
In our case my DW was the CP with full physical and legal custody while the SpermIdiot was the NCP with 7wks of visitation (5wks summer, 1wk winter, 1wk spring) and paid CS of $110/mo for a year, $133/mo for 9 years, $785/mo for a year and then $385/mo for 7 years. No matter what he did to try to lower CS it just went up each time he tried to get it lowered. This is a characteristic of the income shares model that most states use a version of in thier CS calculation formulas. It is based on the combined incomes of the BioParents and the % of parenting time each parent has. If the CPs income goes up and the NCPs does not... CS often will increase. If the NCPs income goes up... CS will increase. Parenting time is a significant factor.
Your SO screwed up by not defending himself during the divorce and the odds of getting much of a reprieve are slim and none IMHO.
But... good luck.
You’re 24. Find a childless
You’re 24. Find a childless man and avoid the hell of this situation. You’re in for it with this mess. Read the site if you don’t believe me.
Normally, I'm all for
Normally, I'm all for divorced moms getting out of the SAHM gig after the marraige ends. But your bf and the mom have decided to homeschool their kids. She wouldn't be able to work a normal job and continue homeschooling.
That CS does not seem too high for a man who wants his 3 kids homeschooled...
Idk. I feel like she could if
Idk. I feel like she could if she wanted to. I work part-time mornings to about 2 or 3 five days a week. Plus its not like she is actually teaching them herself. They do it through school online.Then the free lance job she has already gets her out of the house 2 days a week. What would it hurt 3 more at a job she can actually make money at? Because it would be 3 less days she'd have to sit on her butt.
The original plan was for her to homeschool the kids while she works on her degree to become an English teacher. 11 years of marriage plus 3 of divorce, still no degree. All the while the biggest problem in their marriage was her not getting a job and the financial struggles it put them in.
I understand the desire for the kids to stay homeschool it still pisses me off that she gets to stay a sahm because of it.
"the while the biggest
"the while the biggest problem in their marriage was her not getting a job and the financial struggles it put them in."
So your bf divorced his wife because she stayed home with the children?! Sorry, but I have a real hard time believing that. It sounds like you're hearing one very biased side of the story. Beware!
No he came back from a
No he came back from a deployment thinking everything was fine. She left her FB messenger open on their ipad. In it messages from a high school gf talking about how she was getting the steps in motion to leave him. He confronted her, she replies "you should have seen it coming, I've been unhappy for a while. While you were away I fell in love with kids scout leader and realized I didnt need to stay unhappy. blah blah blah."
He was blindsided
And how many times was he
And how many times was he deployed or otherwise GONE during their marraige? How many times did they move? My DH is a veteran. I'm fully aware of how much extra crap military spouses have to take on because the military member is never home. If this relationship lasts more than five minutes, you'll figure it out, too.
Have you ever homeschooled three kids at different levels at the same time? Just because they get their materials online doesn't mean bm is eating Twinkies and surfing Pinterest all day.
I bet if you ask bm, the biggest problem in their marraige is she was expected to feed, educate, clean up after and raise three boys alone and nothing she did was ever good enough for the guy who was barely around to help.
"And how many times was he
"And how many times was he deployed or otherwise GONE during their marraige? How many times did they move? My DH is a veteran. I'm fully aware of how much extra crap military spouses have to take on because the military member is never home. If this relationship lasts more than five minutes, you'll figure it out, too."
Oh no! I completely get it. Even he admitted during there time in Japan, they lived their about a little under 5 years and he was probably physically there for 2 of them. Early in his career he had a lot of "mini deployments" forget the official name. That will take him to Guam, Alaska, ect from weeks to a month at a time.
The military didn't help. But honestly the marriage was doomed from the get go. She trapped him with a baby at 19. While he loves his oldest he had a lot of resentment towards his ex from that. Then joining the military to support his family. Then her deciding to sahm/homeschool under the disguise of continuing her education- it put a lot of financial strain on the marriage. Plus they could never afford a babysitter or even to go out really. So it became all about the kids.
"Have you ever homeschooled three kids at different levels at the same time? Just because they get their materials online doesn't mean bm is eating Twinkies and surfing Pinterest all day."
Nope she's was writing her "book". Also posting failed attempts at mommy blogging and being a "photographer".
'I bet if you ask bm, the biggest problem in their marraige is she was expected to feed, educate, clean up after and raise three boys alone and nothing she did was ever good enough for the guy who was barely around to help."
projecting much? sounding kinda bitter
Lol nope! Just pointing out
Lol nope! Just pointing out what you think you know is only half of the truth. But I see you are only interested in hearing things that agree with what you think you know. Good luck with that!
Ilikepies, Have you ever
Have you ever watched the 1986 movie An Officer and a Gentlemen? Great movie showing struggles and dynamics of not only Officer Candidates but the 2 types of women in Soldiers lives.
Oh yes, there are still two types of women in military communities. They are very easy to pick out.
Call your local child support office and ask them the questions you want answered.
Good Luck
I think a modern term for the
I think a modern term for the blonde one that was pursing Richard Geres friend in that movie is dependa... yep you can usually spot them a mile aay and his ex is definitely one.
Trapped her high school sweetheart with a baby when he wouldn't give her a wedding ring as a graduation present. Both parents had the shotgun to his back. Plugs her daddy career track as a sure fire way to support the little family she forced on him. Then convinces him to let her stay at home to homeschool the kids while she works on her degree. 11 years, 3 kids, and san degree later she leaves him because she "fell in love" with the kids scout leader on his last deployment. Then bankrupts him so he cant fight dads lawyers.
I talked to my bf about it. He intends to call around to some lawyers in the coming months.
Thanks for the good luck. Realizing im going to need all the luck I can get
1.) When you say "trapped",
1.) When you say "trapped", did she purposefully sabotage his condoms? Like, did she poke holes in them or pull the condom off? I'm not looking for an answer, but unless she did something to his condoms, she didn't trap him. He did what young, dumb men do and knocked up his GF.
2.) He didn't have to marry her. There are plenty of unwed teen parents. That was his choice.
3.) She didn't force a family on him. Even if she sabotaged the BC (which is deplorable), babies are a side effect of sex. If he didn't want to be a teen dad that badly, he shouldn't have had sex (or at least not with crazy). I actually applaud him for stepping up and doing what needed to be done (supporting his family by getting a job, not the marriage part), but that's not 100% on her.
4.) She only convinced him as far as he was willing to be convinced. Again, he made the CHOICE to let her be a SAHM and homeschool the kids. They decided as a married couple to do that. He decided to stick around for 11 years while she "went to school" versus walking away. I'm not defending her actions, but you can't put this all on him.
5.) And finally, 3 kids aren't typically all accidents. Choices were made that gave him 3 kids with a woman who showed for many years that she wasn't going to financially contribute to the marriage. He added two additional mouths to feed, bottoms to clothe, and bodies to insure. She didn't do that on her own.
I don't say this to slam your BF. In fact, minus the number of children and branch of the military, this story is nearly identical to my DH's. For a long while, I blamed everything on BM, too, the same way you are. I overplanned and thought that he and I would be SUCH better parents and a better household. I thought my DH was WORLD'S GREATEST DAD YO EVER DAD ON PLANET EARTH!
Then I realized my DH is just as human as the rest of us and screwed up his own life. He had the choice to not sleep with BM, not marry her, not have another kid with her, not stay with her, not fold when she filed for divorce, etc. Sure, there are PLENTY of things I can blame her for, but that doesn't absolve my DH from making stupid, stupid decisions that are going to impact him -and me - forever.
So, as people tell you to slow down and take a deep breath and REALLY think this through, listen to the. I was a year older than you when I met DH and felt the same way you do, and it has bit me in the butt a bit. I found this place really quickly after getting together and lurked for a while. I was in too deep emotionally (a failing of mine) to back out, but I established boundaries quick and early. I don't (usually) cater to DH's poor decisions - I call them out and disengage if I don't find the solution he comes up with a suitable one. He knows I'll walk if things hit a certain point.
I only managed to get to what I was a point of contentment by learning early on that I can't make DH do something he doesn't want to do and realizing it's not my place to figure it out for him. He knows what I expect (and vice versa) and so far he has remained within those parameters. You need to realize that you can't force your BF to go for lower CS, you can't make BM do anything even if she is COed to do it, and you can't blame everything on BM.
So, slow down and see if your BF goes after this on his own. If you tell him that his high CS makes you nervous about having kids and having kids is a condition of you being together, se if he comes up with a solution on his own. If he doesn't pursue modification or come up with actionable steps to fix his mess, then you have a very clear picture of what the next decade of your life is going to be like with him. Trust ALL of us on that.
Lt Dad... ~full on mouth
Lt Dad... ~full on mouth smooch~
*winks and blows a kiss*
*winks and blows a kiss*
"1.) When you say "trapped",
"1.) When you say "trapped", did she purposefully sabotage his condoms? Like, did she poke holes in them or pull the condom off? I'm not looking for an answer, but unless she did something to his condoms, she didn't trap him. He did what young, dumb men do and knocked up his GF."
They were dating since they were 15, they had sex at 16, BC was working perfectly fine up until she got knocked up at 18? Oh and she also told him, herself she got off her BC "months ago" when he asked her how the flip did it happen. Yeah he was a dumb!!! but at the end of the day most people regardless of age would trust their partner of 3 years in a matter like that.
2-5: completely agree. I have told him what an idiot he was on a few occasions. We both are whovian and have a running joke in regards to his past "wheres the dr. with the tardis when you need him!"
Also thanks for the sound advice.
I'm a pretty determined, aggressive person by nature. I think if I keep on throwing ideas or plans at a situation I can figure it out. I'm still coming to term with the fact that you can't do that when the situation is a shot gun marriage that essentially destroyed the lives of 5 people. Even if I could, its not my place. Im still learning! lol
Because I love him...I know I
Because I love him...I know I might sound intelligent but im still young and dumb. lol
I didn't come in expecting to fall in love with him. He was a rebound actually. And I picked him because I wasn't looking for anything serious. At the time I would have been the friend telling someone to run, run far away from this situatuion. But life happens.
We've been together for a year this feb and 6 months of that have been deployed. We both agreed it would be better if we waited until I graduated before we got engaged. That's a year away. Then it might take up to two years to get the vasectomy reversal done. Children are a deal-breaker for me. I took him if it doesnt work-I'm out.
I have probably about 2 years to figure out if all this is what I want and I'm taking it slow. I figure if it all explodes in my face i'll only be 27.
Thanks for all of you guys insight and advice! Ill definitely be coming back for more in the coming months.
He was a rebound
He was a rebound actually.
Um...YOU are his rebound relationship?
OP, he may be telling you LOTS of things to keep you around. You're young, you're on his side of things... Do yourself a favor and do NOT rush into this. Slow down.
uhmmm not to start anything.
uhmmm not to start anything. But his divorce was finalized 3+ years ago. He dated many women since then. He broke up with the gf he introduced his kids to in October of that year and we started dating that February. How am I a rebound?
Advising someone to go slowly
Advising someone to go slowly is considered being bitter??? :?
OP said rebound. I may have misread and her SO is HER rebound relationship. I would still advise taking her time.
If you spend time reading on this site, you will find that quite a few men were looking for - and FOUND - a wife/SO simply because they wanted a live-in nanny. It happens to some people. ~shrugs~
Bitter? IDK, maybe some
Bitter? IDK, maybe some members, but many of the SMs here are also bio-moms. So they know how they feel as a SM and how they feel as a mother.
The OP sounds like a very young lady with a a world wide open to her as a future. If she wants to go through with marriage and being a SM, great, I wish her all the luck in the world. But because topics such as CS, COs and steplife in general seem to be something she isn't familiar with, I don't find it "bitter" to be honest with the OP.
Her best advice would be to research the actual situation she is thinking of entering (stepfamily) and to learn what's in her DF's own CO/parenting plan. The laws and guidelines of the state that the CO is in (which has jurisdiction).
If that's bitter, I don't know what to tell ya.
I'm sorry if I misread that.
I'm sorry if I misread that. You said he was a rebound. Is he your rebound? I would advise anyone in a rebound relationship to go slowly.
You need to consider the fact
You need to consider the fact that he may never give you children. Having a vasectomy reversed is possible but the chance of him producing a child after reduces with every year since he had it done.
Stop looking at the best case future and consider what the worse is.
You might end up living with a man who's 9 year's older than you, unable to give you a child, while he pays high amounts to his ex wife who has primary custody of his children and currently home schools them, is ok playing the minimal parenting role in his current children's life.
She had every right to alimony when they divorced so you're lucky he's not paying that also.
What do you guys have if nothing changes. Is your relationship good enough the way it is? What is the possible worse case that can happen? Are you ok with that?
Your 24. I basically restarted my life at that point. You can too if you want. You can find someone who doesn't have a prestarted family. Who isn't paying for kids that stay with his ex. Who has more chances of giving you a child.
You can accept this may be all you get... What you have right now.
"You need to consider the
"You need to consider the fact that he may never give you children. Having a vasectomy reversed is possible but the chance of him producing a child after reduces with every year since he had it done.
You can accept this may be all you get... What you have right now."
Yep that's a sore spot in our relationship right now. I told him point blank if he cant give me children im not sticking around to play stepmom and dealing with an ex wife. This is also why I'm not trying to rush into anything yet. We have 2+ years to figure out if his balls will work again. lol. During that time i'll probably meet the kids and the ex, get a real taste of what I'm in for.
Just as I understand he might not get cs lowered, we might be put in a financial strain because of it in the future, I'll have to deal with his kids and ex wife, we might not be able to live aboard like I would want,ect. He understands that I am putting up with a lot to be with him. The least he can do is try to create a family of our own.
Sounds like being a
Sounds like being a stay-at-home mom is the life you'd like to have - in fact, it sounds as if you'd like to have his ex's life! Marry better and you can have it. Otherwise, what you get the life you choose. Stop boo-hooing if money is so important to you and go find someone who can give it to you. His situation is what it is. You're not even engaged and you're jealous of his ex, resentful of him supporting his kids, and grousing about how you'll have to work for a living! You're calling his ex lazy for raising a gaggle of kids, teaching a gaggle of kids and working freelance. What the hell have you done??? Gone to school for a few years??? Wow! You're a work horse!
You'd better stop counting his money (or lack thereof) and start worrying about how his little darlings are going to take to you. It sounds as if they already put a stake in the heart of one girlfriend. You might get the heave ho when they give him the say so!
Really, you sound petulant and conniving. You've spent six months with him (or a year if we want to paint a better picture) and you've got it all figured out, don't you? You sound way too immature to even consider getting married. Get out, work a few hours, live on your own, pay your own bills and manage your own household, and find out how much work parenting is before you call her lazy. You give women a hard time and a bad name.
"Sounds like being a
"Sounds like being a stay-at-home mom is the life you'd like to have - in fact, it sounds as if you'd like to have his ex's life! Marry better and you can have it. Otherwise, what you get the life you choose. Stop boo-hooing if money is so important to you and go find someone who can give it to you. His situation is what it is. You're not even engaged and you're jealous of his ex, resentful of him supporting his kids, and grousing about how you'll have to work for a living! You're calling his ex lazy for raising a gaggle of kids, teaching a gaggle of kids and working freelance. What the hell have you done??? Gone to school for a few years??? Wow! You're a work horse!"
Like I have mentioned I live in a military town. When I go outside I trip over sailors and airmen. If I wanted to sit on my ass all day while hubby serves his country I could have gotten knocked up ages ago by some dumb young servicemen. But obviously I want to be a sahm because going to school for 4 year while working, just to continue 2-3 more years of schooling (I need to get my Master's in counseling to be a guidance counselor) is the sure fire way to catch a husband that will take care of me, right?
"You'd better stop counting his money (or lack thereof) and start worrying about how his little darlings are going to take to you. It sounds as if they already put a stake in the heart of one girlfriend. You might get the heave ho when they give him the say so!"
His ex relocated out of the country for her job. How did you not know that though? You know everything!
"Really, you sound petulant and conniving. You've spent six months with him (or a year if we want to paint a better picture) and you've got it all figured out, don't you? You sound way too immature to even consider getting married. Get out, work a few hours, live on your own, pay your own bills and manage your own household, and find out how much work parenting is before you call her lazy. You give women a hard time and a bad name."
Oh btw I pay my own bills, I manage my own household, and I will be working parenting in in the future because I'm just not getting all these degrees for shits and giggles. Hence why I'm evaluating the financial situation that I will be bringing myself and my future children in before I make a mistake.
Thanks for the pep talk. You've been really helpful :sick:
"When I go outside I trip
"When I go outside I trip over sailors and airmen."
So go find one who has intact balls and money to spend on you. If you marry bf your life is going to be soooo complicated! Having your own family will only increase the drama and financial strain that bf is already experiencing. Second marriages have a 67% divorce rate so you're already starting out in the hole.
He didn't want baby #1, he was *trapped* by that child. He has 3 kids he can barely afford and wanted to be done hence the vascetomy. Don't push your bf to reverse it but respect his decision and realize that he really doesn't want any more kids and is likely just going along with this to appease you.
You already said you're not sticking around if he can't give you a child. It sounds like you don't really love him but rather the idea of a baby with him. Contrary to popular belief babies dont *fix* situations or keep people together.
There's so much that just isn't compatible in this relationship. You'd both be happier
if you went your seperate ways and found people who were a better match. A young never been married, no kids, sailor boy for you and a woman who doesn't want any more kids for him.
By way of background, I was a
By way of background, I was a military spouse and spent decades living and working inside the military community. There is a world of difference between being a civilian living in a military town and being an actual part of the military community and culture.
If I've done the math correctly and you've identified his rank correctly, he is a 14-year staff sergeant. Did he lose a stripe(s) somewhere along the line?
You have some very fanciful ideas about what military life is like both CONUS and OCONUS. If you think you will find employment overseas easily, think again. As others have mentioned, you will not get a job on the local economy due to very restrictive foreign status of forces agreements, and trying to get a job on base is extremely competitive. There are often military spouses with advanced degrees working menial jobs (like in the exchange or commissary) just to get out of the house and make a little income.
Even when you are in the States it's not always easy to find a job. Despite all the "Support the Troops" rhetoric and military spouse hiring programs, many employers don't want to hire them because they know they will usually be moving in a few years' time. Time is money in the corporate world and they don't want to spend precious training or other resources on an employee who is transient when they can hire a longer term local who is more of a sure-thing. Like it or not, that's the cold hard truth. Employers certainly won't point-blank tell you that but you will find yourself wasting a lot of time in interviews where "you were right up there on the top of the list" (so they say!) but another candidate beat you out by a slim margin. When you start your career that will most definitely be a factor to consider if you are a military spouse.
I can't believe you are looking into so many details of Space A travel, making plans for potential overseas visitation orders, etc. when you haven't even met his children yet!
You've looked into what countries YOU think would be good for your career and yet you have absolutely NO say over this whatsoever. Quite frankly, your boyfriend doesn't either. They can send him anywhere they need him including more deployments. And yes, you may wind up in a place in the middle of nowhere with not much around but the military installation.
It sounds like you are getting dribs and drabs of information about military life and not all of it is correct. Mix that up with your fanciful ideas of how you will control this situation with his ex-wife and kids, and you are bound for disaster.
You seem to be overly focused on his ex-wife and your expressed desires to manage that situation. You can't and you never will. You are obsessing over it now and you aren't even engaged. You are adamant you want children and want him to go through reversal. But have you ever had yourself tested to see if YOU might have any fertility issues? If not, you should do so. Not just for this guy but for any guy. It is vital information if having children is a deal breaker for you, especially if you are looking at a man who will have reduced viability due to a previous vasectomy.
You should also face up to the fact that you do not have the kind of personality traits (take-charge, control decisions) which will work well in a relationship with a man who has THREE children and an ex-wife. Like it or not, both the ex and the skids are going to be a part of your life FOREVER if you marry this man. And YOU don't get any say or control over much of what happens in that regard, whether it's child support, visitation, or anything else.
Oh, and just in case you aren't clear about this - the ex wife WILL get half of your man's retirement for the rest of her life should he make it to 20 years. She was married to him for 10 years so the LAW says she gets half his retirement. I know retirement may seem a long way away but just imagine trying to raise your own family one day, maybe struggling financially and seeing YOUR kid(s) go without, but knowing that his ex-wife is getting half of his retirement pay.
If you think it will all end when the youngest kid turns 18, think again. Go over to the "Adult Stepkids" forum and read for awhile. You will see that many stepparents are still having issues with skids who are in their 40s and 50s! Plus horrible heartbreaking stories about how adult skids use grandkids as leveraging tools to manipulate for financial gain or just to be cruel. Is this what you envision your life to be when you are in your 70s?
You are 24 years old, for God's sake! Get the hell out of this relationship and focus on your education and setting life goals for yourself. These are truly some of the best years of your life, DON'T WASTE another day on this dead-end relationship. Go out and find a nice, young, childless guy who wants to take the same path in life that you do. Imagine the difference it will be to go through all those wonderful "firsts" together with this kind of guy - marriage, home buying, childbirth, etc.
Not like the guy you have now, whose path has already been made in stone for him by another woman and three children.
Every day that you waste in this relationship, is a day when that ideal man for you may be passing you by. Don't lose that opportunity!
That's a very good point
That's a very good point about the retirement. She has to have asked for this at the time of the divorce, and it's likely she did. Hasn't FH told OP about this? It will come as an unpleasant surprise at retirement time! To my knowledge as a soon to be retired servicemember the amount is prorated. So for example if he served 20 years and was married to ex for 15 of those years she would get 75% of half of the retirement, not half of the retirement. Still a good chunk of money.
"But it sickens me to think
"But it sickens me to think Im going to be busting my a!! to take care of my kids. But you get to live off MY husbands money."
OK, he's not your husband. He's not even your fiance. You've spent six months with him. Get a grip.
You hardly know this man and yet you have already developed a scheme to reverse his vasectomy on someone else's dime, decided where you want him stationed, decided he must demand lower child support, researched how and when his kids visitation can be, decided his "lazy" ex must get a job (but not the one she has), and signed onto a stepparent forum when you are not even married and YOU HAVEN'T EVEN MET HIS KIDS!!!!
You are the second wife of nightmares.
You need more help than this site offers.
You are unbelievably anxious and overbearing about a new relationship. Maybe you should talk to someone who can help you through that and slow you down before you upset all the lives about which you're making decisions. Focus on yourself. Good luck.