Newbie saying hello!
Oh maaaaan am I glad I found this site. I spent most of what little free time I had this weekend (since BM never gets SO's kids on the weekends-the only time I have off work-because her hubby hates them) reading posts and blogs here.
I have a BS 13 who lives with dad- long story- he has Asperger's, SO has SS 11 and SS 8 who live with us, and we have a BD 1. In october we will have been living together a year. BM left SO whn SS8 was 15 months old with no intention of having them ever live with her. Sad. SS11 is full-blown autistic , and is sometime helpful but usually gross and annoying.
I try to always be the bigger person, the better person, the one who is all about the skids but it gets so hard. Like many of you guys, I am a bedroom dweller, because I don't feel comfy nor do I feel wanted.
Example: autistic ss11 gets all wonky like autistic kids do if he can't sit on the sofa alone and watch shows HE wants, no matter that SO says it's adult time there when adults are watching TV. I can watch TV but he asks me 50 times when it will be his turn and if a show ends he tells me it is over 50 times, even if I am watching the next thing. Easier to stay in my room. Also he bugs the SHIT out of BD 1 sometimes getting in her face going HI and stuff til she gets upset, no matter how many times we tell him to respect her space.
BM is a whole other story I will save for another time, though I will say I think I have it a lot better than many of the posters here. I am school PT in addtion to working, so I don't have a lot of time to post more info, but I will say I totally feel for all of you here, and I know how you feel for the most part. I am looking foward to venting here wehn I need to, which will be a lot I am sure since it is back to school time.
Welcome! Since I have zero
Welcome! Since I have zero experience with mentally challenged children, I can't offer any help or advice here other than to keep lines of communication open between you and SO and hope for the best!
welcome! I have no personal
welcome! I have no personal experience with a mentally challenged child, but can say that patience is most likely the key here. from what i understand, autistic children are very difficult to be around. sorry you are struggling. you are in the right place though with this group. no one here will judge![Smile](