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New here and am in hell

MyHell's picture

Hi all,

Just joined and am looking for advice and support. Here's my sd is 16 and is ruining my once happy life. She has always been a challenging child, but things have gotten even worse during the teen years. She is died her hair freaky black, has posted pics of herself as a vampire on the Internet and recently bought earrings that are the size of screws in order to stretch out her ears.

She is messy, lazy and spends most of her time either on the Internet, her cell phone or text messaging. Only helps with housework when I nag her and as you can imagine, does a half-as# job. Within the past four days, she sent out 1,100 text messages, most of them out of network, which is costing me about $200 extra. In fact over the past 3 months, she has cost me about $700 extra in cell phone charges. I shut off the text messaging today, but h wont cancel her cell phone because he wants her to have one for safety reasons.

I have grounded her, yelled, begged and pleaded, but to no avail. Her dad is no help and is contributing to the problem. He refuses to see that there is anything wrong, and even sides with her when I am angry. Tells me I am unreasonable, and refuses to see that this kid has some huge issues including a lack of respect for anyone. Although she is 16, he won't let her get a part-time job because he thinks that she should focus 100% on school. I disagree, I think she has far too much time on her hands (as you can see with 1100 text messages in 4 days) and she is barely pulling a b average. Another problem is that my h has been drinking heavily every night and is passed out/asleep by 8pm, so he's obvious to what is going on.

I work 50+ hours a week and am sick of living like this. I am at my wits end. He disagrees with counseling and this is leading me to believe that the only answer to leave this hell behind me.

Any thoughts would be appreciate. Thanks in advance.

I am sick of this

tiff's picture

I agree the cell phone thing is an irresponsible thing to do- I think she should get a pt job to cover part of her bill. There are lots of teens that have jobs and keep an a average while earing money and it teaches her responsibility which is also a good thing for her future. welcome to the site!! I think counseling for the family is good if you are getting nowhere talking to DH with out it.

Ellen's picture

Why honey are you staying in a situation that is bad for you. If your husband does not want to help the situation and you are miserable you need to evaluate your priorities. You are number 1 if you are not happy no one is happy. You say you work, so you can be independent, I would talk to your husband and put your foot down if he don't want to help and stop his drinking then its time to heal yourself. I hate to tell anyone to leave but you are being used and abused. No one deserves that.
Good luck

stamina's picture

Why are you doing the disciplining? Doesn't this allow Dad to refocus his blame on you? Job...she could easily focus on job and happens quite successfully for many kids. So what is the real issue on his part? Guilt? The problem is not just the teen, Dad needs a boot in the butt as well. Kids is not going to change behaviour...she doesn't have to. In the meantime you are getting more and more frustrated and getting more and more annoyed and becoming the angry step mother while he stays the hero. Get some counselling to sort out how you can cope. She is only making your life miserable because you are allowing this to occur. Life is too short to be unhappy at the hands of anyone! Get some personal power and be a survivor, not a victim!