New and needing help!
Fiancé and I have 3 kids together. Mine, his and ours. My SS4 has been such a joy, I've been in his life since he was 8 months old. BM was extremely difficult and nasty to Dad for a while and he finally got court ordered visitation and blah blah. Fast forward to December 2019, child was placed in dads custody due to BM getting felony child negligence charge which is now currently pending due to covid-19. Prior to this charge there's been plenty of things as far as child's well being that we have documented. BM shows up to our house today, without permission and with her other child's grandfather (he's not my SS grandfather) they snatch SS from dads arms and throws SS in a truck and of course as a parent he tried to get his kid and hold onto truck as grandfather drives off and is assaulting my fiancé. I chase them and jump in the bed of the truck to force them to stop so we can get the cops involved, yes technically she can take the kid with adult supervision....but like this? Then even after all the paperwork we showed to the cops and our lawyer speaking to them, they let BM take the child.
cops were no help! They only commented on me jumping in the truck, said they can't file assault charges, yet these people forcefully took this child and we are just so lost. I've spent almost 4 years loving this child and building a relationship with BM regardless of not always agreeing with her parenting. But overall she is horrible to this child and I've never been one to separate a mother and child but he is truly in danger with her and the cops ignored all of it.
has anyone else been through something similar? Lawyer is taking legal actions, but no one is telling us how to emotionally or mentally get through this. I keep questioning my actions, yet i didn't assault anyone at all. I keep of the trauma they put my SS through today. I feel like I should be doing more but idk what that is.
I'm confused, unless the
I'm confused, unless the court order says BM can take the child any time she wants and keep him for as long as she wants as long as she has supervision, then this is custodial interference. Usually supervised visits are clearly specified (eg, from 12-2 on Saturday) and don't mean that she can take the child any time she wants.
I'd try going to the police station and asking to speak to someone in command, if you can. Unless there is missing info, this seems like she could be charged with something.
I agree. To me it sounds
I agree. To me it sounds like your child has been kidnapped, literally, and under the "watchful eye" of the police. In most states, for a noncustodial parent to just snatch up a child, it can be considered kidnapping. "Parental kidnapping or parental abduction is defined as the concealment, taking, or retention of a child by his parent in violation of the rights of the child's other parent or another family member. Violated rights may include, for example, custody and visitation rights." But it can get a little more complicated than that, so it is wise you already have your attorney looking into it.
Here is a link to an article I found. This article also adds that the police usually consider such a civil matter and not a criminal matter; however, I'm pretty sure if it was a bio-dad trying to take a child away from a BM, the police would have responded much differently.
This is a concise well-written article that was written by someone who went through it. Best of luck to you!!
Here is a link to what the FBI has to say about it:
However, the article states, "The prompt reporting of the kidnapping by the custodial parent to officers and the timeliness of law enforcement personnel in responding to a child abducted by a noncustodial parent prove crucial in increasing the likelihood of recovering the child unharmed and apprehending the offender. When a custodial-motivated child abduction is reported to law enforcement, the child should be considered in danger. . . ." A heck of a lot good that did you!, going to the cops. I hope your lawyer in addition to getting your child back for your DH and you, makes the cops who looked the other way on this feel like they did something wrong--because they did. Maybe not legally wrong, but ethically wrong. My guess is they saw a BM in tears and thought nothing of looking the other way, or making your DH and you feel like you were the ones doing something wrong.
This article goes on to say, "The timely response of law enforcement, rarely the willingness of the parent to return the child, results in the recovery of the children." Sure didn't happen to you. I'd for sure go back to the local, or better yet, county police station and ask someone in charge what they are going to do about this. Ask them too why the initial cops responded the way they did.
Must have been a lot going on today for you. Can't imagine how you are processing that.
Let us know how things go and how we can help you.
Chidren 's services removed
Chidren 's services removed the child from BM and placed him with Dad. Call children's services and report what happened. If they removed him once, they should go out and remove him again.
And this is why a CWP and
And this is why a CWP and hand canon is a good tool for all law abiding citizens to have.
That could have permanently ended the problem when BM and GrandPa assaulted your DH and would have changed a kidnapping to an attempted kidnapping.
So our lawyer got an affidavit ready and through the court got his son removed from them and my fiancé picked him up yesterday and they are both home now. Which is great but now we are dealing with other problems. We have both received threatening messages from the "grandpa" which again is not blood related to my SS at all and we have gone to the cops and everything but they don't consider it a threat because it wasn't specific, which frankly is crap. I guess "watch your back cause you will be dealt with" isn't a threat! Absolutely insane. Not to mention that when the sheriffs first went to the home, they all pulled up and had been riding in the dark on ATV's on main roads and you could smell alcohol on them and they had the kids riding with them but the sheriffs said you can't assume that...yet they wouldn't do a field sobriety test and you could clearly smell the alcohol. I stayed home and there was a guy in a truck sitting near my house all day yesterday and i called non emergency line and they said they couldn't do anything about it cause he wasn't doing anything illegal...yet he looked suspicious and even if he wasn't watching my house he could be a child predator and apparently the law enforcement around here isn't concerned about that even though we have a lot of kids in my neighborhood. I have basically come to a point that I'm taking matters into my own hands because i truly fear for the safety of my family. Other then putting a firearm in my home and getting security cameras, I'm not sure what else to do at this point. My friends and family are so dumb founded about all of this and none of us can understand why any law enforcement isn't trying to help us prevent anyone from getting hurt. It's ridiculous.
also, thank you to all of you for the advice so far. At the very least it has made me feel like I'm not crazy for thinking what they did isn't okay! I'm glad I stumbled across this page
So glad you were able to get
So glad you were able to get your DH's and your child back! Keep good notes, and don't hesitate to get a restraining order on whomever is threatening you. It may take a while, even tho. it should not, but keep documenting threats, even so-called thinly veiled ones and requesting. Hoping it'll start to calm down after fake G-pa feels like he has fluffed his feathers a time or two in front of BM over this. Apparently he wants to "impress" her. (Are fake G-pa and BM having a thing!? Wouldn't doubt it.)
Unfortunately, sometimes cops get lazy, just like paid employees can in any profession. And, they do hate to get involved in what they see as civil suits (vs. criminal), but that is no excuse, really. The law is the law and they are supposed to enforce it. As you've seen, that is why you have to go through the judicial system sometimes (as you will do with a restraining order) to get them to properly do their jobs.
Congratulations! A win for the good guys!
It is great to hear of a potentially tragic blended family situation evolve as a win for the good guys!
Take care of that baby and your family.
Tolerate no crap from that sickening shallow and polluted gene pool on the side of the blended family opposition.