Need to vent about DH!
I personally don't value Mother's Day much more than any other day for myself. I like to buy little gifts for my mother and my DD6 usually makes me something but this year I am just mad. DH told me he feels its the fathers job to get gifts for the mother in regard to SS4. Well, let me ever find out he is supplying gifts for BM when he does NOTHING here. Like I said, it's not a super special day to me but it would be nice to sleep in or get the first shower. Of course, I wake up at 6am with the baby to no caffiene in the house. I wait until 8:30 when DS takes his nap, run to the gas station and come home and DH is taking a shower! He got to sleep in and take the first shower. I then return to the mundane cleaning as usual as he makes a joke about a poem I found. The poem describes my days with DS and I actually cried the first time I read it and he laughed at me and it, which made me cry but not out of happiness. He then told me todays job was cleaning out the garage. Well, it needed to be done but not exactly what I had planned. So we go outside with DD and DS and he is basically yelling at me bc there were things I didn't want to throw away and he didn't want to keep them. After DS second nap, he loads him up in the car to take him to MIL house. Before they left I ask DS1 for a kiss and he turned his head and kissed his dad, which is fine but DH said "he loves me! yes he does!" which just hurt even more bc I wouldn't say that to him...the one DS1 is usually saying good bye to. I think it would have been nice if he said "aww give mommy a kiss" as that is what I would do for him. As they pull out of the driveway, DH says why don't we all go as a family? I said really, as you are pulling out of hte driveway u ask us all to go?! He didn't even ask if I would mind if he took DS1 away from me on Mother's Day. I mean, generally most days are like this. Little regard or respect for me around here but the fact that he couldn't even pull off a half respectful day that maybe consisted of me getting to sleep, shower or maybe not do the dishes annoys me. Maybe I am wrong for being upset bc it is just another day but to me, it just goes to show he doesn't appreciate me or anything that I do. Oh well, atleast its quite around here with just DD and no SS but DD tells me today isn't mothers day and really isn't anything special, etc. which is just another blow...oh well, I guess this is the life with lil kids and a jackass husband. EVen though my neighbors DD4 came right up to me and said "Happy Mothers Day" in the sweetest little voice. Sometimes I actually wish I was in someone elses family...
I honestly do understand
I honestly do understand where you're coming from. I feel very unappreciated especially by my SS9. I love him to pieces and would do anything for him, but also understand that he is just 9.
I got to wake up to my dh ex walking into our bedroom which to me wasn't a good start for Mother's Day. The rest of the day has been him out in the yard and working in the garage. Of course I still got him coffee, did dishes, laundry, etc. He gave me flowers a couple of days ago which he has only done one other time before so that was a nice surprise. I'm trying to be thankful for what I have, but today it's a little difficult. Will be thankful when it's tomorrow because SS9 and SS6 are with their mother and she won't be walking into our bedroom