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Need some advice please

baybee9404's picture

H works the 3rd shift, I work the 1st so we wont need daycare. To make a long story short back in July... I had a big blow out with BM. I told H i wanted nothing to do with her nor will I have anything to do with her, dont involve me with nothing and i haven't in the past 6 months. BM calls my house knowing H is at work no lie 16 times in a matter of 10 minutes... Not sure what made her think i would answer at all if i didn't answer the first time. She left me a nice nasty message, then goes and calls H mother to complain about me..(why she still has his moms number is beyond me) H's mom calls me and asks what going on i told her the truth and said bad enough i watch their child for free i wont play receptionist for free tooo, she can call when H is home to speak to her kid not when i am....
I told H about the situation and he told me to stop playing kid games and grow up she is just calling to talk to her daughter... (mind you the daughter he has full custody of because she tried to kill herself in front of the daughter, she hasnt supported her in 6 years, we are the one who do everything for the child and she does when she wants and see her when she wants too.... this chick thinks she got control.. she might have it over H but not me.... needless to say I told H go fuck himself and if he wants a receptionist he needs to pay me... along with the nanny services...

furgus68's picture

Told you to stop playing games and grow up? Why is it, when the BM is playing OBVIOUS games, and it upsets us, we are the ones who get told to grow up etc.? 'Cause it's easier and less scary for a grown man to tell BM to stop? Yes, I've heard similar comments before when angry at the game playing. I do commend you on your telling H what to do. In my case,been with BF 2 years,the 2 kids are grown (daughter's 25 and married with a baby, and son is 22 years old with the maturity level of 12)so really, why would BF even need to talk to BM? BM called BF last night to tell him she could not baby sit grandson on Saturday, and arranged for BF to do it. UM, some reason the daughter couldn't do it? It wasn't last minute, or an emergency.

Snowbunny's picture
