Munchausen syndrome by proxy
This topic comes up a ton.
so, Im going to ressurect it today. I found this interesting take on things, and it really is hitting home today.,child%20abuse%20or%20elder%20abuse
Last night a lot of things came out. Not to go into too much sordid detail but things got ugly. We cleared the air and worked it out. I listened to Munchkin Sd14, while she cried some things out. She revealed that she has been crying a LOT and not just at our house, the other house too.
THEN, to my dismay, she revealed that her mother wants to take her to a special doctor for her head injury that occurred more than two years ago (she was hit in the head by a soccer ball during a PE game at school). But her mother doesnt want to take her daughter to HER doc. Oh no, because he might think its a copy cat thing (NO! REALLY!) because her mother is on disability for a head injury that happened almost 4 years ago when she hit her head on monkey bars at the school she was working at (no word yet on her big payout)
So, another good reason to completely disengage. I dont know how this is going to play out for us as far as finances because DH is supposed to pay half of medical. But shes on state insurance to my knowledge. And who knows she might also try to sue THAT school system too, just for fun.
Oh, and Munchkin also added "you know, my moms not all THERE".