More law guardian drama
WTF!!! So instead of hearing a word breathed from BM's attorney, the law guardian is now speaking on her behalf. What the hell is going on? The law guardian suggested both parents attend a child stress-prevention seminar, DH went, BM showed an hour late to the first, and didn't bother attending the second, and yet, LG is basically saying she's speaking to the mother, and the mother agrees to XY&Z but DH needs to respond by doing other things. The law guardian has not spoken directly to DH in well over a year, yet she speaks with BM on the phone, attends parent-teacher conferences with BM, and insists the non-truths BM suggests are totally fair telling the whole panel of teachers that SS12 suffers asperger's, when that has never been confirmed. The law guardian was there, and yet, all 7 of these school professionals were under the impression that SS12 has asperger's....did she miss that part of the conversation? I'm confused as to how she would hear all the same info BM was giving them, and still agree to formally test SS12 for asperger's, if she already agrees he's been diagnosed. Is it completely over her head that BM is going around telling people things that are not true?! And for some reason, this is okay????
Our lawyer basically told us the judge isn't going to listen to her if she's allowing faulty, incorrect evaluations sway her opinion, which it seems she's doing. The judge probably won't change a thing as far as custody, because BM has been behaving herself, probably trying to prove she should have the kids more...despite picking up SS9 over an hour late from school here and there...because, she just forgot.
The whole reason we are even IN court is because BM is the one who refused to discuss, and CONTINUES to refuse to discuss ANY OF THIS with DH.
Sorry for the vent....but I'm PISSED!!!
I know, seriously!! I think
I know, seriously!! I think she just had another baby to get the extra tax credit. That poor little things is 18 months old, doesn't speak, only grunts, and just learned to walk like a month ago. Yet, she shows up, talks to total strangers about how she wished she had a girl, because she already had 2 boys. The sad part, is the woman she told rolled her eyes and WTFed to a friend of mine. I'm not really gosspiy, it just coincidentally got back to me.
That's basically how we
That's basically how we responded to the letter from the our lawyer. He's away on vacation this week, so it'll have to wait until Monday. ARGH! So she did this purposefully knowing he'd be away, and we'd have to sit on it until then.