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Looking for support

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Hi Everyone,
I have been lurking around this forum for a few months now, trying to learn as much as I can. Its been nice to learn I'm not alone in some of the thoughts I've had.
I was wondering if any of you have grown biological children and now have found yourself with young children again.
I find myself in this situation..The man I am engaged to has two children ages 7 & 11. We have have them EOW and wednesday and nites.
I considered myself to be a good parent, there were rules and disipline for my children. They knew the rules and what was expected of them and if there was a disipline problem there was a consequence (losing tv time or playtime or cell phone). I was definately the primary care giver as my ex was usually not around.
My SO seems to think he owes his children "something" because they come from "divorced" parents and he cant always be with them. This hasn't been a problem for the last year but now its becoming more of an issue since his daughter is 11. Her and I got along ok until her dad gave me an engagement ring 9 months ago. Now she does her best to avoid me, she has to be sitting next to daddy all the time. If he wants to do something with me and she has to go with us, she cries and dad gives in and stays home with her. She needs daddy to put her to bed, daddy to make her lunch, dinner or whatever she needs or wants daddy is right there for her. He doesnt want to say no because it will upset her. I have mentioned to him that its ok to say no...Parents do tell children no...Daddy got her a cell phone so she could call him as BM has somethimes denied her requests to call him. But now she walks around with her nose in the phone all day long texting. I try to explain to her dad that he should be more attentive to this but he says she isnt doing anything wrong. His next line is "she is only 11" and my line is "Yes..she is 11. Pay attention"
So after all my do you all handle this? I know what I would do, but they arent my kids and I dont want to upset anyone, but in the process I'm getting upset?

I really love this man. We is kind and caring. We laugh together alot.