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Just a vent...

Whatintheworld's picture

Little back story...while they were married BM asked DH to get a vasectomy. He agreed because he didn't want BM to go through anymore pain given she had "gone through enough giving birth to their two kids". Six weeks after he had the vasectomy (yes 6 weeks) she asked for a divorce. Therefore ending the chance of him ever having children with anyone else! I am one of those clockwork gals. Aunt Flo comes exactly on time, every time. This month I was eight days late. I knew good and well the chances I was pregnant were slim to none, however, I do have a friend that did get pg a few years after her hubby was cleared after his snip. Talk about shocked! Anywho, around 6 days late me and DH start to ponder the what if. We start to think it would be awesome to have a child together. Day eight Aunt Flo shows up and we realize it's just a fluke. There is nothing we can do about it but now we are both a little sad that we aren't and I'm mad that BM would pull such a bs thing on DH.

onthefence2's picture

I'm not sure how this is his ex's fault. It's his nuts. He had it done. She didn't hold a gun to his head. He obviously felt that he had enough kids and agreed to it.