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Just saying HI and Bye

hellbomb's picture

Hi all,

I come back to this page now and then when I'm missing my hubby. It does nothing but get my blood pressure boiling because I spent time in these situations and felt the hurt and pain that y'all are going through.

I keep starting to write out something to tell you about my situation but it turns into a long and ranty post.

Sufficed to say, I am proud to say that I am no longer a SM. I broke up with my common law - even though we continue to live in the same house for financial reasons (he's about to declare bankruptcy and I can't bring myself to kick him out) and am no longer a part of his son's life.

I always wondered when enough would be enough and I would finally leave. Would I ever leave? The answer was yes. Eventually, it will become too much, and you will go. I kept being told what I wanted to hear, year after year but I never saw any action. I'm no dummy. I knew the ship had sailed without me. I'm so glad that it's over. I can't wait until he moves out and I can finally be completely free and focus on loving myself for a few years.

If any of you are holding on just in case, I urge you now - look deep into your heart and if you're ready - go. Life is too short to love someone who won't put you first. I will never - EVER - date another man with kids. Bless the hearts of you ladies (or men) who can do it, but it will never be for me.


Steppy MN2's picture

I too am no longer a SM. You are much more decent to you ex than I was. He told me one morning "I think I'm going to go thru with the divorce" and I told him "Well if you think you are going to live here (it was my house only) while you divorce me, well you have another think coming". Of course that translated into him claiming I kicked him out. Playing the poor helpless victim but I finally had enough of him and his kids being asses to me. Ha!
I hope you get him out soon so you can exhale and really put all this behind you and start a new life.
I'm with you but I would probably date a man with kids but I won't EVER be getting married again or living with a man. I enjoy my freedom of living alone and only would like a male for some companionship and some travelling.
And, yes, PLEASE dont' come back. I still stick around and comment once in a while and then give a sigh that I'm not in Stephell anymore.
Welcome to a new life!

Rags's picture

Congratulations on your new life. Though it always saddens me when a relationship ends because one partner or the other can't keep their head out of their own ass or see the truth and facts of their abject failure as a parent and are blind to the toxic bullshit that their spawn perpetrates I am equally happy when someone moves on from a toxic situation.

Come by and update upon occasion. My bride and I celebrated our 20th with a vow renewal in her hometown this past summer. The Skid officiated the ceremony, we had friends and family and had a blast. But .... the Sperm Clan has not yet been wiped off of the planet by the oft prayed for meteor strike on a family reunion so I doubt I will be leaving the community any time soon.