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Is it me ?

Tired of being 2nd's picture

So Yesterday SD called her dad to let him know that she was in town ( college) , So she said i won't be here next week for your birthday So can we meet for breakfast today, So he said yeah ! So he tells me i was like am i invited ? he says I don't know ?? WTF !! The thing is for birthdays with all our kids We all go out for dinners .. and everyone is invited ...I was very hurt , He says to me well just come .. I said i ain't going !!! Why does she feel that she can do what ever she wants and keep alienating me .. She lived with us for the last 7 years of her life until this april .. Where she didn't get what she wanted and movedout back to her momma ... I don't know What to do or say ... I try to just let things go to keep my marriage but if daddy don't get on the same page ...; I think it's inevitable ..

StickAFork's picture

Why do you assume you're not invited? It sounds like it didn't even come up ?? You could ask her yourself.
If you want to go, go. If not, don't. But certainly don't pout about something you're assuming.

In my case, SD has been VERY clear she means DH ONLY. Not even her stepsibs. No doubt left. Smile
Just recently, she included "all of us" for the first time. Shrugs.

Tired of being 2nd's picture

She doesn't really bother with anyone .. She said to him oh wear is ?? He came home making up excuses .. I am just moving on ...

Tired of being 2nd's picture

So for christmas Everyone in the family got a gift .. Except me ... She did put my name on a present for me and her dad .. but he also got his own .. My birthday Nothing .... i did receive a text late that night. So I asked the dad Does she have an issue with me .. he claims no .. and says something dumb .. Like makes excuses .. I am done .. just venting on this .. I know where i stand .. And i know where she stands in my life .... /She isn't 5 anymore she is an adult She knows right from wrong . I don't condone the behavior / i don't go out of my way for her / When i see her i hug her and say hello and i move on . All i want to say is that yes it hurts But the only one hurting here Is her dad .. Because he knows in his heart what is going on .. So i hope she matures and gets it one day life could be fabulous with us . Vacations have stopped with her .. I don't want to spend my free time with some one who ignores me Unless i am dumping money / holidays / Etc.......... Peace