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Is it just me...Or is this no concern of DH?!

stepsonhatesme's picture

Now let me say, yes I know MMM and Dh were married for years, and they have a history.
Both SS have posted on their FB pages that their uncle died. They also told DH yesterday (Christmas day), when they had to come with us to MIL house. (different rant) Anyway, last night MMM calls to tell Dh that her BIL died, and that she would let him know all the details when she found out. I dont know why he would need them, this XBIL and DH were not close, DH has never spoken of him since we have been together. He has spoken of other XBIL, but not this one. I asked why she had to call, and he said and I quote " She called to tell me b/c she didn't know if the boys had told me" seriously?! its all over their FB!! She knows this b/c she has commented on it as has my DH. So she is fully aware that he knows!!.. DUH
I think she just wants to try and keep him in the "loop" when she wants him to be. Its not his family anymore, he wasnt close to him, so I just dont understand letting him know.

Any thoughts?!

Orange County Ca's picture

Take these things at face value until proven otherwise instead of digging for some vile intent right off the bat. Like it or not these two have an attachment that for good or bad will last for life.

stepsonhatesme's picture

My SS are adults. They are 20 and 22. Dh has told me himself that XBIL and him were never close, so Im not just jumping to conclusions.
MMM has uttered the words almost exactly: " you are NOT part of my family, they are mine! Stay out of my family business. You stay in your family and I will stay in mine!!"
She sent him a text today explaining that the boys had told her that DH knew, but that SHE wanted to "make sure" he knew. REALLY?!?

Cocoa's picture

my dh's ex has done this...reached out to him by providing info about her family and friends (that he has absolutely nothing to do with now - and she knows it) as a way to hang on to that connection they used to share. it would be different if he had continued a relationship with these people after the marriage, but he has not. it sounds as if your situation is similar and yes, it would bug me, too had my dh not told his ex that these people mean nothing to him and he's not interested. her reply was "how can you be so cold?". ha! these pathetic women cannot get it through their head that our dh's ONLY connection to them now is their children, but keep begging for their attention. i simply LOVE it when my dh lets her know that her vagina is NOT made of gold and he's raised his standards considerably by moving on, and would rather not be reminded of his lapse in judgement by ever being involved with her. so, the ladies that say you are making too much of this aren't seeing that it's a ploy the ex is using. your dh has not made it clear to her that he doesn't give a shit. and, as far as supporting the children by attending the funeral...they already have family that will be there. his response should be to not bother providing him with the details, he's not interested.