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Interstate Visitation Plans

StepDoormat's picture

There is a possibility that DH and I are moving out of state next year. If we do, it will be because it is the absolute best opportunity for us. SD16 and SD13 don't/won't visit and right now we get SS10 EOW but BM is working on PASing him too.

I am curious - what arrangements do you have for interstate visitation? All summer/part of summer? I can't imagine that DH and I could convince his kids to come for more than a couple weeks in the summer... and GOD, I wouldn't want them to!!

Just wondering what the standard is...

icehockey101's picture

Every other Thanksgiving/Christmas (ie: one year Thanksgiving, next year Christmas). Originally every spring break. All summer, from day after he gets out of school until 1 week before he starts.

StepDoormat's picture

DH wouldn't push if they refused. He isn't one to throw thousands of dollars into a court battle just to deal with them being miserable once they are forced. Anymore, at least. He did this once... and it was a really bad experience that BM became in contempt of her contempt with. Wink

SMof2Girls's picture

We get all summer, starting a week after school gets out and ending a week before school starts again.

Rotating Christmas and Thanksgiving breaks. Every Spring Break. And 4 undetermined holiday weekends per year (we agree on those in advance).

My skids are 5 and 6 now though, so too young to really have a say. We're also planning to fight for primary custody. This interstate arrangement is only a few months old for us and we're hoping temporary.

SMof2Girls's picture

Agreement also says that BM cannot withhold visitation on any time that would normally be his .. our agreement is odd though because her school is temporary

Probably not a great example