I wonder what would happen
Crayon's post of the mating call of disneyland dad got me thinking. I wonder what would happen if two parents with disneyland guilt parenting styles got together? Like two divorced people, with part time kids that they spoil rotten. Sounds in theory like a situation with no conflict, but I seriously doubt it. I think the couple would fight endlessly about how to allocate limited financial resources, each trying to maximize the amount of spoiling for their own spawn, while at the expense of the other parent.
I think these two "like" people would actually repel each other. That's why so many of these disneyland dad's seem to end up with "real world" partners, who make sacrifices on the part of their own biokids, or kids with the disneyland dad, to offset dad's outrageous spoiling of the princesses and princesses.
What do you guys think? Just curious!