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I HATE mornings!

k8tie's picture

I really really hate mornings! SD7 was in one of her moods this morning from the time she got up. She had a fit when I wouldnt let her out of her room until she took her diaper off because she has a habit of lounging around the house playing or watching TV in the morning still in her diaper and pj's. She would leak on the furniture and floor so I have to stay on top of her and make her stay in her room. I sent her back to her room this morning after catching her in the living room half asleep on the couch because she got up before I did. Then, when she finally decided to get changed after almost 20 minutes, she came down for breakfast. Depending on how much time she has before having to get ready for school, she either gets a hot or cold breakfast. Today was one of those mornings where she didnt have time for oatmeal and had a fit when she couldnt have it. I had her cereal ready and she hit the spoon that was in the bowl and cereal went everywhere! I hate sending her to school hungry but I didnt have a choice this morning. All this was before I even got my coffee so I was not in a good mood. Is there a way to make mornings easier? HELP!! What is everyone elses mornings like? Stressful like mine? You would think it wouldnt be this hard with a 7 year old!


planningMyEscape's picture

OMG. Where is her dad during all this? I'd make him do it, if that is a possibility. Also, he needs to explain to her that if she is 7 and still needs to wear a diaper, then she is MORE THAN capable of taking it off herself before she comes out to the living room/dining room or wherever!

And...could you have her eat breakfast at school? That is what I'm doing w/my 2 skids as soon as they move in!

k8tie's picture

Dad leaves the house at 5 because he as a good 45 minute drive to work, even more so in the winter. We have had that same conversation with her more times than I can count. After our talk, she will be good for a week or so and then she will slowly go back to being lazy again. Her excuse is always the same "sorry, I forgot". If I hear that excuse one more time I will scream! How can you forget??? Your 7 years old!!

I dont know how much time she has at school once the bus drops her off but I will look into having her eat breakfast there.


planningMyEscape's picture

Some kids wet the bed up to age 10 (or possibly even older?). I had a friend growing up who had a problem with it. I imagine putting a diaper on her at night is much easier on everyone than having her pee in the bed.

k8tie's picture

Koorb, no she isnt handicapped, she needs to wear one at night because I got tired of dealing with all the extra laundry in the morning and the smell.


branmuffin97's picture

If getting dressed triggers her to remove the diaper..require her to be dressed when she comes out of her room. Just ride her until it's second nature because yes, at 7, she obviously still needs the constant reminder.

Have you made her a visual chart? My son is 9, he HAS to have a constant routine, and we use a visual chart to aid him in the steps. It helps a lot. Mornings are rough with's certainly not just a step issue.

k8tie's picture

Thats my SD7! She takes her time with everything, not just mornings. I hear where is this and where is that every morning. I even have her clothes out and ready the night before but half the time, she changes her mind and wants to wear something else. She is the one that picked them out the night before, not me. I am about ready to drive her to school still in her pj's if she wants to take her own sweet time in the morning and be lazy!


k8tie's picture

I will have to change up our morning routine if I can. Right now, she wakes up, supposed to take off her diaper, come down to eat breakfast then I make her take a quick shower bath (yes make her because she will more often then not try to get dressed without taking one. And, I have to make sure she uses soap too. I will hate to have to hold her hand every morning to do it but I will if I have to.


branmuffin97's picture

It's only until a set routine becomes second nature. But really, 7 is a normal age to still need prodding. My 11 yo was about 10 when she "got it" and I am not an easy going smother mother! lol..My oldest has a HUGE independent streak and by 5...she really didn't need me for anything other than driving,lol.

branmuffin97's picture

My brother wet his bed until he was @12. it was horrible for him. He never had people stay the night...never stayed anywhere. He finally went on medication and it worked. It's definitely worth calling the ped over.

hbell0428's picture

Diaper........hopefully a pull-up; which is understandable; my son had to go to a specialist because of this and he is is embarrasing for him!! I am a drill sergeant in the morning- my 3.5 kids know that if they aren't where the are supposed to be; they are SOL and I am on it.......they don't dare screw my mornings up; in fact my BD12 wouldn't get out of bed this I grabbed a glass, filled it w/ water and held it abover her head...5...4...3....she got up!!

Needless to say I am not always a meany like this Smile But I have a job that I need to be on time for........good luck to you

k8tie's picture

The pull ups dont work with her because they just dont hold and even the smallest ones they have for big kids are still too big for her. Diapers are my only option to save my sanity right now. Thankfully, most weekends when DAD doesnt have to work, he gets up with her and lets me sleep in. It was great this past Saturday, he actually made me breakfast in bed for no reason at all.
