I feel like I'm slipping slowly down a dark tunnel
This is my first time posting on this site. I am looking for answers to my situation which seems just too complicated to resolve. When I met my partner, he was separated and living with his daughter. His wife had moved interstate and she had told him in no uncertain terms that she was ending their marraige. They had been separated for three months when I met him. I had to sell my home after we had been seeing each other for about 6 months and I moved in with him. His daughter(then 17) had already relocated interstate with her mother before I moved in as I was spending time with her father. Even then there would be unexpected emotional outburts from her which I found very difficult to be around and caused him to run to her rescue and help her feel better. We had a very nice life together without many complications after his daughter joined her mother interstate, I met his family and they seemed to accept me and I got on quite well with them. I have babysat my partners brothers children, took his mother's adopted daughter out to the movies etc etc. to try and establish a positive relationship with the family.
My difficulties started when his wife returned and changed her mind. She moved in with his brothers and insisted on meeting me immediately, coming to the door twice. I refused because she was being too full on and I knew she just wanted to assert her dominant position over me. Following this there were family get-togethers that I was not allowed to attend as his mother suggested it would upset his wife if I were there. His wife later got her own place 5 minutes away from us and he spent his daughters birthdays there without me. I was not able to go and even if I could I wouldn't have. I would have felt very awkward and intimidated. He always went and left me at home. I finally left and travelled 2000kms to my home town. I phoned in the morning I was on the road and he told me to have a good trip. I later found out he was beside his wife in bed at the time. When away he kept texting me and really saying everything I needed to hear to get me back, I found out 6 months after I returned that at this time he was having sex with his wife, but this stopped when I returned.
She still wanted him back and would leave messages that I would find that she had been there, the children refused to be around me and his mother and his family turned on me. When I was at work one day he took his mother and his wife to the local club for race day, I only found out when someone I know there told me. He did not own up to it at the time when I confronted him, he made up another story. He confessed to me later. Just before I left for the second time. When I returned again because of his pull over me (he told me that I would always attend functions and that he was sure he loved me)This was just after Christmas and I had already decided to go as his wife was going to be a part of Christmas - he bought her a christmas present also He also lied to me about his whereabouts - he was having dinner and lunches with his wife and children and they went christmas shopping together without me knowing. During this time the children, his mother and his wife were sending me nasty texts, telling me to leave town, they hate me etc. His response to this what that I was too sensitive and that they were only words. When I spent Easter in Melbourne for a break with my independent 25yo son, on my return I found pantys in his bed, earrings in the side draw, he said his wife must have planted them there. Due to the stress of all these issues for the past 18 months I started drinking and when he was also drinking these unresolved issues would come up and they was some violence at this time. He is on a dvo order, but I blame myself for the situations that arose as well as often I would be angry when drinking.He is stronger than me though and I would come off second best. In the past few months he has been trying harder, I have given up my job and I am now working for him and I have increased his business by quite a bit but I relie on him to pay me commission. He does cover all other costs though but I still feel vulnerable.
The wife has now found someone to date, but still calls upon him at a moments notice to pick up his daughter or to help her with something else and he has usually complied. If his daughter does not get her own way she will call and call and call and cry etc etc. until she does. At one time my partner and I had to hide in the unit as his daughter and wife were banging on the door to confront me. He use to discuss our relationship with his wife and also told the family about the three times there was violence and they of course blame me - it gave them the perfect excuse to hate me. I keep on keeping on through all of this, the children are now somehow ready to see me since now the wife has a boyfriend and it suits her, I think so I will be babysitting whilst she is out with her boyfriend. Just last weekend I went to my partners brothers 30th birthday, the wife was of course there and I was told that this time I could attend. It was uncomfortable, she flirted with him and rubbed me on the shoulder as she walked by after I saw her doing it. My partner smiled at her whilst she was flirting. His family still have a solid relationship with his wife and will invite her to all family functions even though my partner and I will not go if she is there. He tells me that he can't tell his family what to do.
After the 30th I had been so stressed about the situation I feel that it has just exhausted me this week, the next day also is when she wanted him to pick up his daughter without notice because she had decided to stay at the Casino. He didn't pick his daughter up and left her with his mother who has already agreed to babysit his daughter. The wife then sent abusive texts, the daughter got very upset and his mother phoned to him to tell him that he looked disgustng the night of the party and if he didn't do something to change that she would never speak to him again.
I feel like I am going crazy, this situation has zapped all of my strength, my partner hears me but is never able to provide me with any option that isn't a bandaide, he wants me to be strong and just continue on. I miss being able to be part of an extended family but there is no room for me. It is hard to now start trying for a better relationship with his girls given the abuse I have had over the past 18 months, I just don't trust any of them. I have spent most of the day in bed, I am totally exhausted and depressed. I have written alot but I have left out other things that have just kept adding up to kill my enthusiasm for life, my trust in him and any hope really to be happy right now. I think I have hit depression.
Nightmare situation, dirty
Nightmare situation, dirty unrealiable man, a bitch who thinks because they were together once can go after your man, even if she did plant those earrings what the hell was she doing in the bedroom, if I was your Mother I would drag you off to my house and not let you see him again, how ever old you are, this situation is terrible, you are now beholden to your partner for a roof and a wage, this ex wife sound unbalanced and with low morals, no wonder sd is prone to outbursts with a mother like that, take control back, leave him, that dirty bastard was unfaithful to you, he only told you because the guilt became so bad, he only confessed to make him feel better, don't you feel that you deserve better than this, it sounds to me as though you have a kind heart and you deserve so much better than this, well now is the time to get away from him and his family.
Thanks for your reply. I have
Thanks for your reply. I have really no-one to talk to anymore. I can't bring myself to confess to my friends who are interstate that I am back with him again. So, I can't phone them for support and advice. I do feel stuck at the moment. I am in my 40's and have allowed myself to be dependent on him, I couldn't stay at my job anymore due to stress as it was a very demanding role and I just wasn't coping. I have been in bed most of the day due to the indecision that I feel. On one hand he's telling me to get strong and he will handle things and that I am making a choice to feel depressed and convincing me that we have a future. On the other hand I know that he has never handled anything well before and he will probably just keep things from me so I dont know what's going on. He wont get a divorce either until our relationship is perfect he says, our issues though are because of his wife, mother and daughters. He has always been able to convince me to have faith in him despite my underlying feelings that he is just good an convincing me of things. At one point, when I was having trouble forgiving him for sleeping with his wife, his explanation was that it wasn't that bad as they were still married and he has slept with her for a long time. He keeps telling me now that he wants to do the right thing by me, but I can't let go of what he is capable of. I have organised a storage unit so I can move my boxes out of his room. This is one step I have taken so that I am a bit more secure if I want to exit. I would have to do it quickly as i know he would convince me not to. I have many bills at the moment, and have been trying to look for work again, trying to get back on my feet and get my self-esteem back but he is unhappy about this as he said I have now commited to his business. You are spot on, I know it. I just didn't want to confront the reality as it hurts.
Well a huge step in
Well a huge step in reclaiming your self esteem is to leave, he sounds toxic to me, years ago I was in a relationship with an utter bastard, he slept around hit me and was totally unreliable, but he was lovely at first, slowly but surely, he got me away from friends and family and then took all my confidence, this is what your bf is doing, make no mistake he is a piece of shit, he will destroy you and you will never be happy again if you stay with him, strong words but true, just think how lovely it would be to be with someone who treats you right? He has programmed you to feel weak so you don't leave, so you put up and shut up, take your power back and leave!!! Im always here if you want to chat
Thank you I needed to hear
Thank you I needed to hear some straight advice. I have been gradually declining in confidence and freedom. He put his knuckle into my chin the other day and kept pressing until I cried. He told me I hit out at him first but I didn't, he almost had me convinced again that it was my fault. Thanks for sharing your experience, it's helped me to get some clarity. I only have him to refer to right now.
Yes he will convince you that
Yes he will convince you that things ocurred differently than they actually did, he will rob you of your sanity/self respect/free will, have you looked at some web sites about controlling men? Imagine you are looking at yourself when you are sad, now hug yourself and tell yourself everything is going to be ok now, you will look after yourself and not let yourself be hurt by him or anyone again. Im really worried about you, I mean it when I say Im here anytime you want to talk x
Thank you for your support. I
Thank you for your support. I know I have someone to talk with if I need to. He is sitting at another computer away from me running his business at the moment. My emotional pain doesn't seem to affect him at all. I will look at some of these sites now. I am down on myself for getting into this and coming back time and again, I want to feel the strength I had only a year ago.
Well I suspect that he is
Well I suspect that he is well practised in this, when you fall in love you don't expect this to happen and by the time you do realise the damage has been done, Im a nice person and I was totally unprepared for what happended to me, I went back time and again as well, he would tell me what I wanted to hear, you can have my email adress if you like, if you leave, where will you go?
I have family in Melbourne,
I have family in Melbourne, but I have my possessions to sort out here first. Half are in this unit and half are in his friends garage. I am moving them into my own storage unit this week. If I leave and go back to Melbourne it will be for the last time. I have nothing left. I think if it wasn't so hard to organise and I felt stronger I would have left earlier. I stay because if I say I am leaving during the process of packing he has convinced me again to stay as the prospect of organising and moving is just so overwhelming. I will be starting again and I would have liked it to work out with him, but the reality is that I don't see it happening. Too much has happened so far, I have no trust in him at all and that affects me also. I will feel in a stronger position once all my possessions are under my control and can be shipped to me.
I understand what you are
I understand what you are feeling and how hard it must be for you to leave however, leave you must. Please talk to a GP and get some help for your depression. Lying in bed unable to find any enthusiasim for life is not a good sign. He will not change and you know that. He has cost you everything and now you are going to let him cost your son his mother. How is that fair to your son. Do you think your son deserves this. If you will not leave for yourself, leave for your son. If you are referring to Melbourne, Australia then their is a welfare system in place here to help you get back on your feet, you held down a good job once, you can again.
What you are dealing with is domestic violence, and there are places you can go to for shelter and they will help you find housing or perhaps you could stay for your son for a short while till you get on your feet. There are lots of things you can do, but there is only one thing you cannot do - You cannot stay in this situation. Please do something to help yourself NOW. All the best.
Double post
Double post
Double post
Double post
Thats right, maybe you hav'nt
Thats right, maybe you hav'nt left before because you hope things will get better? I think I did that. I wish I could see his stupid face when you tell him, btw I think you should have someone there when you tell him, when you go to your family, do tell them what happended, don't be surprised if they get angry, you need time to heal, don't be afraid to ask for help.
I will speak with a Dr.
I will speak with a Dr. tomorrow, I have been contemplating getting some anti-depressants. I hope this will improve my general energy levels. I was seeing a counsellor but he thought it was weak of me and that I didn't need it, so really in the end somehow convinced me to stop. I am going to get back in touch with her as I know I need to. This depression has hit me all of a sudden like a brick wall. Thank you for your help this evening, talking helps a great deal.
I've taken anti-depressents
I've taken anti-depressents and they do help, if you've never taken them before, they can make you feel worse for a few days, but then they do help, I suspect that when you leave you will feel much better, but then you will think about everything that has happended, its hard to process, but don't hide from it and get all the help you need, as for seeing a counsellor, it is not weak, if you had a broken leg you would'nt refuse treatment for fear of appearing weak would you? You've have been through something terrible, a lot of people would not have handled half of what you have, be strong and you have a wonderful future ahead of you, Would it be possible for you to leave when he was out?
OK, sorry, I didn't read the
OK, sorry, I didn't read the whole thing...but I did get to "he was texting me while next to his wife in bed" WTF? I hope you are not asking any questions about what you should do with this ahole??? RIGHT? You know he has no respect for you, right? You understand that a man that does that to you ONCE, will ALWAYS do it...right? OK, that's all I have to say.
OH yes, move on if you haven't already.
He explains things away so
He explains things away so well. I was confused about what was/is really going on. Thank you to all who responded. It has given me so much more clarity and conviction.
the depression that has hit
the depression that has hit you like a brick wall, has got big white letters painted all over the bricks: "The End". In that wall, there is a door. On that door, there is a handle. Turn it, go out, close it behind you and don't bother ever speaking to or explaining a thing to this PIECE OF RUBBISH. In one or two months alone, you'll be embarrassed he even convinced you with his crappy lines. This is my favourite: "He wont get a divorce either until our relationship is perfect". Think about how ironic that is, vness6! First of all it sets him up to never have to get a divorce because the one thing he is good at (I'll give him that) is saying you're not perfect. Second of all, think about it, he only has to make the relationship imperfect to keep married to his wife and keep you accepting that. And, how exactly does he make the relationship imperfect? Oh yeah, by hitting you, cheating on you, lying to you and ripping you off financially. DUH...........
vness6, that door has a golden handle. Turn it and get on with your wonderful escape from hell.
Please Vnessa66 listen to
Please Vnessa66 listen to Poodle, actually do more than listen to her, follow her advice she is telling you the absolute truth here. Organise your stuff to be moved as quietly as possible, tell him nothing, just leave a note if you need to do that to make YOU feel better, but don't do it for him. He does not deserve it. Antidepressants may be in order for you, and if you take them in conjunction with counselling I am sure you will be a whole lot better within a few weeks. However, the fact that "he" said you were weak for seeing a councillor is just his way of making sure you don't get better, he needs to keep you right where you are. Please take Poodle's advice and do as she says. I wish you all the best. By the way, do not sugar coat if for the doctor. Tell him excatly is going on, everything.
I agree telling you that
I agree telling you that counselling is weak, is his way of keeping control of you.
I have had some time to
I have had some time to myself today, so contacted my counsellor and spoke to her over the phone. I am forming an exit plan. I feel guilty about deceiving my bf however I know that if I tell him he will want me to leave without anywhere to go tonight. I don't feel I have any other option other than to work towards securing myself to leave without saying anything. I have also been reading about controlling and abusive relationships and feel that I'm experiencing what sites refer to as learned helplessness, where I have just been frozen for quite a while with no confidence to do anything. Bf has made me feel that he is superior to me in everyway, can't do anything better than him etc. and that my life would be empty without him. I know I have some hard things to do in the next few weeks.
My God don't feel guilty, you
My God don't feel guilty, you have been treated terribly, he is a grade a arsehole, you need to ensure that you are safe, after his recent behaviour, do what you need to, you know he has trained you well, you need to shrug him off and all his influence, if he was any kind of man there is no way he would have treated/talked to you in that way. Now look forward to a better future without idiot and easy knickers.
Thank you, it was the support
Thank you, it was the support that I got from you janeyc and others that woke me up totally. I had been second guessing myself for so long. He is very good at manipulating me, but as he talks now I try and recognise what he is saying and why he is saying it. I have told him I am looking for part-time work just to suppliment working for him and that I can do the same amount of work in the business also. I have to do my resume and look on-line for employment so I am trying to cover my bases. He's not happy about this but has digested it O.K. He has had an employee/gf receiving comission who can earn more than twice as much as what I am getting (spasmodically) and speaking about the business as if it is also as much mine. The reality is he could rip the carpet from under my feet anytime he wants to and he would keep the money I have worked very hard to bring his way in his 'company account/personal wallet', he is already speaking about buying himself a new car and has purchased a new laptop and other gym equipment through the company budget, he also recently bought his daughter a car(second hand) - so I don't think the laws about company money apply to him. I feel some loss as I would have liked this to work out, but I know in reality I am only in for more heartbreak if I stay here.
I have finally made up my mind and I wont let anything shift me from my goal now. I will be seeing my counsellor regularly to ensure I don't get trapped again.
That is wonderful, when I met
That is wonderful, when I met my ex the violent controller, I thought of myself as a bright, confidence and fairly intelligent lol, I thought it could never happen to me, well it did, after I got free, I beat myself up for being stupid but he was well practiced at what he did, Im sure he had done it many times, once you get free, please just be happy, this has happended many times to all sorts of people, I just want you to look forward and not feel that any of this is your fault, he would have quickly found out your weaknesses, he propably saw your kind heart as a weakness and used this for his own means, if I was your fairy godmother I would turn him into a toad, perhaps you could keep him in a jar or something, now what would I turn bm into I wonder?
Don't feel guilty about
Don't feel guilty about deceiving him. First, he has deceived you so you're quits. Second, dishonesty is OK if it is to prevent serious crime. This guy has been committing serious crime against you. Good idea not to let on that you are planning to leave but also, bear these things in mind. First of all do not apply for jobs etc on a computer or telephone or leaving paperwork that he has access to. He will either guess what you are doing or he will even try to sabotage the job applications by badmouthing you or harassing you there. You do not want him to know your future place of work. Next, be ready for this. Once you have moved out, you will get either violence and harassment (including by the ex wife) or you will get him going on his knees, begging, threatening suicide, becoming ultra romantic and so forth. Changer your mobile and email details. Warn friends and relatives not to give him contact info. Notify local police. Research and recognise thesebehaviours for what they are, disguised forms of control. Avoid every one of them and do not respond. Remember all those fairy stories and legends about people who walk along a dark path and don't look back, and don't deal with people calling them from the sides, and don't stick the beheaded head back on the person who's had it chopped off? Be like those characters because those stories demonstrate for you how to exit a dangerous but addictive/seductive man's life. Walk straight on and look straight ahead.
We're thinking of you on this site. Do it for your future please -- you're still young and have a great life ahead of you. Get this dog mess off your feet.
Thank you poodle, at this
Thank you poodle, at this stage he could try to swoon me, which is what has been happening because he senses I am not happy and is putting in a bit more where needed. As hard as it is and as much as he has worked on me before I have the experience of it never being real or true and I am hanging onto that to get free. With every nice gesture I think of what he has done before and dont get sucked in yet again. I will keep doing this until I have it set up to leave, it will never change, I know that now. They're good but I am adament that this is it for me. I will do all of the above and thanks for your advice.
That sounds good, now you are
That sounds good, now you are helping yourself, every action now is geared towards you leaving, do what you have to, when you leave you will have mixed emotions, you may miss him when you think of the goods times, just follow that memory with a bad one, it worked for me, you will be stronger for this, you have been so strong for keeping it together this long and you can continue to be strong, have you told your family what is happening?
Please make sure to let
Please make sure to let someone within your family know what is happening. I don't wanna be "that person" but someone close to you, close in relation and proximity needs to be aware of the possibly dangerous situation you are in. Let's be real. He is already violent with you. But he's been able to control you so far. If he feels like that might end the violence might escalate. Have someone with you when you leave.
Why are you still there?
Why are you still there? Run.
I spoke to a family member
I spoke to a family member last night and I was more honest about what has been going on. Yes, he would be upset if he knew I was leaving and turn on me so I am being careful but getting ready at the same time. I wont tell him until I am gone so he can't convince me to return or get nasty. Looking for work right now and once I have something that will provide me with an income I will make a move.
Could you not move in with
Could you not move in with your family before you find a job, starting a new job in the situation you are in is not a good idea, you are under so much stress, what will he say when he knows you are looking for a new job? You need to move in with your family and go from there, I think you need a rest in safe and secure surroundings, I think you should phone the police and a shelter for advice about leaving and tell them the date that you are leaving. Gosh I sound bossy, It's because I am worried about you, when I left my ex he threatened to kill me so I know that you have to be so careful. When people like your bf lose their power they act unpredicatably, he may cry and beg you to stay or become violent.
I still think it would be
I still think it would be much better for you to leave asap, finding a job when you are so depressed and stressed is not a good idea, I did it and it nearly finished me, you do need a rest and time to take stock, just tell your family everything that has been going on and Im sure they will urge you to be with them asap.
You know what would you say
You know what would you say to your daughter if this was happening to her?
When you have gone don't tell
When you have gone don't tell him a thing. He can work it out. Any contact from you will be a chance for him to try to win you over.
I have been dwelling over my
I have been dwelling over my resume trying to get in done in the midst of the feelings of real depression. In and out of bed, feeling hopeless and weak. I am very up and down at the moment. I'm planning my exit but don't seem to have the energy at the moment, I hope it comes back to me soon as I need it to get me back and move on. I think someone may be watching over me, as I got a call from a now x-friend of my bf who has remained friends with me. He describes him as selfish and a user. He has hated watching my decent into the gutter. He told me when he first met me I was a confident happy person (months prior to moving in with bf)with a professional job and he is worried about me. He has seen the unpredictable nature of bf and the change in bf when not happy. He is moving from his rental unit and has offered it to me to take it over, much easier than finding something else. He wants to see me out of my bf's grip. He's also referred me to a good female Dr. here. He can't fathom why I have continued to stay with bf, it's hard to explain why. I just keep saying I know, I know. I know why...I believed his empty promises over and over again until I finally gave up and lost faith. It took some time. He also made me feel that I was lucky to be with him, being all he is! This guy is likable at first, very personable and makes people feel good until you get to really know him. I just wish I wasn't so exhausted. He is working on me right now, flowers, more promises, remember the good times etc. etc. I will have to work in my business on my own now..guilt trips continue. I've just got to be strong for another week or so and then I can get my freedom back away from this confusing, heart breaking situation. I'm taking over the unit...good things sometimes happen when we least expect it I guess. I never reach out for anyone's help until I am really not coping. The feedback I got on this site from different people just finally helped to really wake me up to what's been going on. Sorry about another pitty post but it helps to share
I have been dwelling over my
I have been dwelling over my resume trying to get in done in the midst of the feelings of real depression. In and out of bed, feeling hopeless and weak. I am very up and down at the moment. I'm planning my exit but don't seem to have the energy at the moment, I hope it comes back to me soon as I need it to get me back and move on. I think someone may be watching over me, as I got a call from a now x-friend of my bf who has remained friends with me. He describes him as selfish and a user. He has hated watching my decent into the gutter. He told me when he first met me I was a confident happy person (months prior to moving in with bf)with a professional job and he is worried about me. He has seen the unpredictable nature of bf and the change in bf when not happy. He is moving from his rental unit and has offered it to me to take it over, much easier than finding something else. He wants to see me out of my bf's grip. He's also referred me to a good female Dr. here. He can't fathom why I have continued to stay with bf, it's hard to explain why. I just keep saying I know, I know. I know why...I believed his empty promises over and over again until I finally gave up and lost faith. It took some time. He also made me feel that I was lucky to be with him, being all he is! This guy is likable at first, very personable and makes people feel good until you get to really know him. I just wish I wasn't so exhausted. He is working on me right now, flowers, more promises, remember the good times etc. etc. I will have to work in my business on my own now..guilt trips continue. I've just got to be strong for another week or so and then I can get my freedom back away from this confusing, heart breaking situation. I'm taking over the unit...good things sometimes happen when we least expect it I guess. I never reach out for anyone's help until I am really not coping. The feedback I got on this site from different people just finally helped to really wake me up to what's been going on. Sorry about another pitty post but it helps to share
I have been dwelling over my
I have been dwelling over my resume trying to get it done in the midst of the feelings of real depression. In and out of bed, feeling hopeless and weak. I am very up and down at the moment. I'm planning my exit but don't seem to have the energy at the moment, I hope it comes back to me soon as I need it to get me back and move on. I think someone may be watching over me, as I got a call from a now x-friend of my bf who has remained friends with me. He describes him as selfish and a user. He has hated watching my decent into the gutter. He told me when he first met me I was a confident happy person (months prior to moving in with bf)with a professional job and he is worried about me. He has seen the unpredictable nature of bf and the change in bf when not happy. He is moving from his rental unit and has offered it to me to take it over, much easier than finding something else. He wants to see me out of my bf's grip. He's also referred me to a good female Dr. here. He can't fathom why I have continued to stay with bf, it's hard to explain why. I just keep saying I know, I know. I know why...I believed his empty promises over and over again until I finally gave up and lost faith. It took some time. He also made me feel that I was lucky to be with him, being all he is! This guy is likable at first, very personable and makes people feel good until you get to really know him. I just wish I wasn't so exhausted. He is working on me right now, flowers, more promises, remember the good times etc. etc. I will have to work in my business on my own now..guilt trips continue. I've just got to be strong for another week or so and then I can get my freedom back away from this confusing, heart breaking situation. I'm taking over the unit...good things sometimes happen when we least expect it I guess. I never reach out for anyone's help until I am really not coping. The feedback I got on this site from different people just finally helped to really wake me up to what's been going on. Sorry about another pitty post but it helps to share
I can never spell this word
I can never spell this word and the dictionary is in the other room so I'll just try my best, you'll get it. I think your husband is a narcasist. Look up some information on that and see what the signs of it are. Even if he is not, you will get some sort of understanding of how people with this type of nature treat others and the impact that has on you. If nothing else if may help you not to feel so alone in this and it may help you to stop blaming yourself and falling back into the same old trap. You are in a bad place right now,but keep moving forward you will get through this. Take things one hour at a time, one minute at a time if you have to till you can work yourself up to one day at a time, just get through the moment bit by bit. Please see a doctor as soon as possible though and keep up with your Councillor if you are happy with her. Forget the flowers he sends you, they will just die as will his promises they mean nothing. He does not want to lose HIS possession,he does not want what is best for you, in fact he doesn't want anything for you really, this is all about him getting what he wants. I am so very sorry for you. Clearly you have family who will help and support you through this, and you now have a place to live take that as a sign for you to move and GET OUT asap.
Yes you are right about him
Yes you are right about him being a narcissist, I am also trying to encourage her to leave asap.
Thanks for the spelling
Thanks for the spelling janeyc. I wish she would just go and go now. Her mental, emotionally and physical well being are far more important than her financial state. This guy certainly seems to be a narcissist to me and I know I have a SD with NPD. My husband was very controlling and selfish but not NPD, but I think I have that under control now, and as far as SD well she has been banned from my home and my life. These people with NPD are very, very dangerous to be around, they can make you really ill.
I was still am putting money away for myself as it has only been 9 months since I banned SD so who knows what will happen there, but if DH wants her back in his life, he can have her on his own. She made me sick, she has made him sick she is very toxic to everyone around her, but she is his daughter and he may decide he cannot live without her in is life, fair enough, but never again for me, I would rather live alone than have that back in my life again. But the day I threw her out I did not have a slush fund to fall back on and I didn't care, I was getting very ill physically and emotionally and I had reached a point were I would rather be broke and move in with my kids till I got on my feet than stay in this marriage with his attitude towards his daughter being what is was and with his daughter being in my life. Money can't buy health and happiness.
I have been dwelling over my
I have been dwelling over my resume trying to get in done in the midst of the feelings of real depression. In and out of bed, feeling hopeless and weak. I am very up and down at the moment. I'm planning my exit but don't seem to have the energy at the moment, I hope it comes back to me soon as I need it to get me back and move on. I think someone may be watching over me, as I got a call from a now x-friend of my bf who has remained friends with me. He describes him as selfish and a user. He has hated watching my decent into the gutter. He told me when he first met me I was a confident happy person (months prior to moving in with bf)with a professional job and he is worried about me. He has seen the unpredictable nature of bf and the change in bf when not happy. He is moving from his rental unit and has offered it to me to take it over, much easier than finding something else. He wants to see me out of my bf's grip. He's also referred me to a good female Dr. here. He can't fathom why I have continued to stay with bf, it's hard to explain why. I just keep saying I know, I know. I know why...I believed his empty promises over and over again until I finally gave up and lost faith. It took some time. He also made me feel that I was lucky to be with him, being all he is! This guy is likable at first, very personable and makes people feel good until you get to really know him. I just wish I wasn't so exhausted. He is working on me right now, flowers, more promises, remember the good times etc. etc. I will have to work in my business on my own now..guilt trips continue. I've just got to be strong for another week or so and then I can get my freedom back away from this confusing, heart breaking situation. I'm taking over the unit...good things sometimes happen when we least expect it I guess. I never reach out for anyone's help until I am really not coping. The feedback I got on this site from different people just finally helped to really wake me up to what's been going on. Sorry about another pitty post but it helps to share
Thank you and I cant believe
Thank you and I cant believe I posted the same thing 4 times, something was obviously playing up! Probably my brain at the moment. Yes, I have been reading alot about controlling personalities and narcacistic personalities. He has always set the agenda and what is important. He would really have no idea nor care what was going on with me, very lonely and unfullfilling person to be with. I nearly lost some very important people in my life through staying with him. He posted on my site and responded as if he were me. When I confronted him he brushes it off as if it is no big deal! I'm very careful now about deleting information, keeping my information hidden etc. I will get there..I know, just feeling very tired at the moment.
Sounds like you are already
Sounds like you are already living alone? Good. Be careful to keep a healthy distance from the new guy that is offering you support, you are very vulnerable. I also don't think it's a great idea to read a lot about your BF's personality type, you're trying to analyse a psychopath and ultimately, they just have different brains from normal people. Shrinks find them interesting to analyse, so do novelists and film makers, so do we on Step Talk, but in my experience women who are still subject to them can continue to be overpowered by them if they get into the romance of studying it all. YOu will be too tempted to get sucked back into your own sense of guilt and responsibility if you read about this too much. Try to turn your mind to improving your work prospects and your resume, and generally look for inspiration for the future not analysing bad stuff from the past. Make sure you get some physical exercise and as EBU said, see that doctor fast.
Thanks Poodle. Good advice, I
Thanks Poodle. Good advice, I appreciate it. I need to look forward. I guess I was just trying to understand why he was like that but ultimately it doesn't really matter. It wont change anything
You can analyse it to your
You can analyse it to your heart's content later, when you are safe. Just don't do it now cos it's a way the brain tricks itself into sticking around for more evidence. You have enough evidence. Go.
Poodle, I hadn't thought
Poodle, I hadn't thought learning more about what she was dealing with could actually be harmful. I had to look deeply into my husband and SD's personalities in order to help me find out what I was dealing with. It made me see that I wasn't going insane, because I sure as hell thought I was. My dh had me totally convinced that I was the problem. But what you say does make sense, I guess it just depends on your own personality and circumstnaces and with Vness66 being so vulnerable right now you have a very good point.
No I completely agree with
No I completely agree with you EBU and your insights are amazing help to others too. And the soul-searching she has to do is vital for emotional health -- but only when one is safe. I just have a feeling it has another function when one is right in the heart of the storm like vness is. Just reading her last 4 lines or so you can see a slight wavering as the analysis itself kind of renders her like a deer in the headlights, as if hypnotised by the guy. She needs to stop thinking it through and follow her gut instinct to get out. I think the depression that has descended is an incredible message from her subconscious mind to get out. Keep posting, vness, but keep moving on too.
Thx Poodle. I have to say
Thx Poodle. I have to say you absolutely know your stuff and it is nice that you never come from a vindictive or vengeful point of view either.
awww thanks EBU. I rate u
awww thanks EBU. I rate u too!
Thank you, I will keep
Thank you, I will keep posting. It helps a great deal. My son has described him as a hypnotist. Changes from sweet and caring to distant. It is always confusing, he knows exactly what to say when he has to. My looking for work has obviously set off alarm bells for him and now he is trying the very sweet and attentive. It does throw me off balance but I am still doing the things I need to do to get out. I did expect this.
Glad to know your son has
Glad to know your son has seen through him.
You're doing well Vness66
You're doing well Vness66 because this time you are seeing through his sweetness and light and you clearly know it is just a ploy to keep you right were you are. It may unsettle you a little this familiar hot and cold game of his, but I don't think yo will let if throw you off balance so much this time. You are doing well, just stay focussed on YOU
your health, your sanity, your well being and your son.
Haven't been able to post
Haven't been able to post until now. I had a disagreement with bf and instead of trying to understand how I felt he shook me an again put his fist up to me. Then disconnected the PC to stop me accessing it. I told him to do it and deal with the justice system.He calmed down. For some reason he decided to go onto facebook and antagonise my son with a message he had posted about me beating his butt at pool when I last visited. My bf replied 'I beat your mum's but. Bf knows my son doesn't like him and he did this while we were fighting. There is also a double connotation here where it could be taken that bf abused me. Bf said that he didn't even think about that. I then had to phone my son to let him know I was alright. Bf later stated it was the wrong thing to do but that my son would look like the aggressive one as he told him where to go and then blocked him. This happens over and over again, a few days going o.k. as long as 'we just get along' as he terms it. Just getting along means being o.k. with anything the bf wants to do whether it hurts me or not. It's also like what happened the previous night is almost wiped from memory. He has been upset that I am looking for work, but keep telling him it is part-time employment that I am looking for. I have been moving all my things today from his spare bedroom into a storage unit and also gathering things from a friends garage. Still in the middle of it. Bf did help with one load but I am doing the remainder on my own. That's the way I prefer it anyway, bad timing being mothers day, he text me to tell me that he loves and misses me and to let me know when he is finished and then he will come back from visiting his mother. I am not able to go as she dislikes me and it is mutual after the way she has treated me. I have been looking at jobs, finishing my resume..so that will be the next step for me. Can't help feeling a little lonely today if I lived in the same state as my son he would be taking me out to lunch. I guess that's what happens when you make someones life a priority and give too much of yourself, you end up running second in your own life. Well, I will continue to finish moving my things and happy mothers day.
That is horrible. You have
That is horrible. You have been treated so badly and his family are probably treating you that way because they believe you are the cause of bm and his break up. He is probably not just lying to you, who knows what he is saying to her and his family. That is just so unfair. I hope you get the strength to get up and walk out. No one deserves the way you have been treated. That is a bunch of games and he sounds like a big coward who is thinking with his crotch. Good Luck and you WILL find better!
Thank you, sometimes just
Thank you, sometimes just continuing to hear that what he is doing is treating me badly helps to push me forward. He comes across as if it is not that big a deal. This is the confusing part, knowing with your own eyes and ears that it is, but not completely trusting your own feelings because you have got someone telling you that you're wrong.
Thank you for your reply, much appreciated.
He is very controlling of
He is very controlling of you, and you are living in a domestic violence situation make no two ways about it. He is destroying your sense of self, your self confidence and your ability to think straight. He has isolated you from your son and he makes sure you are not welcome in his family, he has complete control. YOu are being bullied and abused, this is not normal behaviour and it is not a normal relationship. This is not love, and you stay with him out of fear I suspect, fear of being alone, fear of coping financially, fear of starting over again, fear of being seen as a failure whatever, it is all fear. He comes across as if it is not that big a deal - nothing confusing about that that is how bullies and abusers behave all the time. Ask your counseller. Of course he doesn't want you to get a part time job, he doesn't want you mixing with other people, he doesnt want you out of his control. Please stay strong, I wish you would walk away right now and be safe.
My divorce is finally final
My divorce is finally final from a man that was very verbal and emotional abusive. He always said well at least I don't hit you!!! Like that makes it better!! Hang in there and get out!!!! Please private message me and I'll give you my email address. It is really easy to start to wonder if your crazy, not them but trust me it is him!!!!
(1) leave him. (2) tell your
(1) leave him.
see a doctor and counselor.
(2) tell your whole family you are leaving.
(3) stop him being able to text or facebook both you and your family.
(4) do not enter debates with him.
(5) report all incidents to police.
This is just my personal view, but in my view posting about debates about incidents like this keeps an audience trained on these dysfunctional events and keeps them even more vivid and alive for you. That latest violent event is now over and should have propelled you out of the room, building, and situation you were in. If it simply propelled you to the computer then the computer is going to keep you stuck to your guy. If you want that, fine, if you don't, pack and go. All the best with this awful situation and hope it works out for you.
Vness66 Once again Poodle has
Vness66 Once again Poodle has the answer. You really need to think about what she is telling you, please.
I have left him three times
I have left him three times in the last year and because my life was in pieces and I was living with family members, I felt worthless. I have owned my own home, put myself through uni and worked full-time all of my life. To leave and have to face the reality of my situation was depressing and humiliating, so with his promises that are never fullfilled I went back time and again hoping this time he would make good on everything. He has a range of ways to manipulate me, including guilt. He was crying this morning about the loss of love in our relationship, I have put the walls up to avoid feeling hurt all the time. I'm just not a good pretender. He appears needy and sincere and certainly plays on my heart, I know that sounds ridiculous. It is fear, fear of leaving and having nothing and just returning to the situation as I have so many times before. What I am really trying to keep focused on is moving my things out(done) yesterday, so if I have to go quickly I can make a clean break this time. Next, getting back to work, with these things in place I have more choices and a stronger position to leave with a bit more dignity. I will put in place most of what you have suggested poodle I just know if I go now and things have settled for a while, enabling me more time to organise I will be up against quite a bit. I am ready to make a quick exit if I need to this time however. I know I come off like an idiot for remaining here at this time I just know what kind of hold he had on me so many times when I left with nothing in place.
Your not an idiot vness,
Your not an idiot vness, nobody understands unless they've been in a similar situation, it can happen to anyone and as I've said before, he is well practised in this manipulation/control, of course he's upset he is losing his power over you, for a Narcissist that is devastating, if he had on the whole had your best interests at heart and kept his zip shut, he would'nt be in this situation at all, lets hope he learns from this, though I doubt he will, once you get away, you will have a wonderful new start, time to be spent on you, breaking the shackles of control, getting your strength back, physically and mentally, I have faith in you and in time you will as well.
Well said janeyc, well said.
Well said janeyc, well said. You can do this Vness, you can do this and we are all with you. You are not the first woman to be in this situation and you won't be the last, this has nothing to do with any failings in you, in fact I think the more sensitive, compassionate and caring you are, the more chance you have of being sucked into this situation. That does not make you a bad person, just a good person in a bad place right now. But you can get out of it and you will be so relieved when you do.
I haven't posted anything for
I haven't posted anything for a while, just been combating the nice stage where you bf shows some apparent compassion and makes promises to change some things. I have kept reminding myself of the many times before when he has done the same thing and maybe has fulfilled a third of what he has promised. I have gone from being a fully functioning and hard working teacher to a person who is unable to function, confused, hurt, sad, depressed, second guessing myself constantly. The support from my counsellor and the advice of very supportive people in this forum has helped me so much...the key to leaving for me is about having resolve. So, every time I hear a promise or am treated with 'love' I stand strong in my belief that there is only more pain to come if I stay. He still owes me money through the work I have done in his business and I am waiting for this to be transferred as I need the money to start rebuilding my life. I will leave him with more money to come in that I have earned but I am cutting my losses. I have been able to identify the way he traps me into arguments to hurt me or belittle me for something that he feels I have done to him. I realise that whilst I am not perfect, it isn't my fault and have revisited every moment he has threatened me, played on my insecurities or actually physically hurt me. I have been doing the work, my things are in storage and this has alerted him to the fact that I could now go quickly, thus being more attentive than usual. I know when he feels more secure in the relationship again that it will change back to how it normally is. I have organised accomodation with my family and now all of a sudden I feel like I have a little more energy. I have had what feels like a huge boulder on my shoulders, having organised this now with the knowledge that I am returning to people who love and support me, and have planned my day to leave in just a few days, just a few more loose ends to tie up I am feeling more hopeful, scared but also relieved that I wont have to feel so insecure and alone anymore. He is emotionally unavailable and it is like being alone most of the time. I don't think he realises there is anything wrong with what he does, I really find this sad because I have loved this man...but now I'm taking care of myself first. Sorry about the length of the blurb, just feeling very emotional. Thank you to everyone who helped me see what I was truely experiencing. I honestly feel like I am fighting for my physical and mental health. This can send you crazy and I think he is very happy for me to sit in this unit on my own all day in deep sadness. If it was someone I loved I would be extremely concerned about them. That's the difference I guess.
Yep....packing my bags as we
Yep....packing my bags as we speak, he has gone out for a while, he wont notice because he is very self-involved. It's been going on for far too long and with the abuse added in I'm out. I have a list of things to do in the next few days and just focusing on that. I imagine he will probably go back to his wife after I leave because he has had her on the side-lines all this time. They both suit each other anyway. Starting to get some energy back to be able to get out, it's funny how good just making the right decision feels. Saying, sorry not doing this anymore does give you back some power. It's sitting in an unhealthy relationship and putting up with it through fear really that is humiliating. I'm looking forward to feeling even more strength when I actually walk out the door ....for the last time!