how old is too old to tuck a kid in bed?
Hi guys! My ss is 11 and his dad always has to tuck in in bed an read him a story no matter how tired he is after a full day of work. My question is, is he too old for this, or is this normal? I don't have any children of my own, so I have no idea.
I love that book. Yeah it's
I love that book. Yeah it's kinda creepy, but the message is sweet.
THIS I can't tell you how
I can't tell you how many times I read that book and Good Night Moon to my son.
I always include that book with baby shower gifts.
Run away Bunny is another good one about a mom's love for her child.
My kids are 23, 21 & 19. We
My kids are 23, 21 & 19. We stopped tucking them in bed when they were like 10 or so, maybe younger. They came and said goodnight or we waited for them to get settled then went in to say goodnight. But the whole sitting down having a full blown "tucking in" conversation to me is ridiculous unless your kid is having issues or is upset about something. Then that's when the before bed conversations come in handy.
I think going in every single night to "tuck in" a 13 year old is silly. Which is what my bf does when his daughter is in town.
He says it's bc he doesn't get to spend much time with her so he wants to take advantage of all he can.
maybe this is the same for your dh?
When I moved in with my
When I moved in with my partner, sd was 4, bf would also do this and Im ashamed to say that I was jealous, he would lean over the bed so that she could see the pictures even though he suffers chronic back pain, 11 isn't to old to be tucked in in my opinion its quite sweet really, I guess its their special time, I offer my sd the chance to have a story or stay up a little bit later, perhaps you could try that.
We tuck the kids in every
We tuck the kids in every night. They are 8,8 and 10. I don't see it stopping any time soon. Especially for SS and DH. That is when they really get their 1 on 1 time without my daughters around. They have a game they have played every night since SS could talk. I think it would be strange if they didn't do it.
Well I also have a SS11 and
Well I also have a SS11 and his dad tucks him in on the week day's only now. Of course he gives him and hug\kiss and goodnights on the weekends but just not the part of going in his room on those nights. I think kids are only kids once, and as long as the kid wants you to do that then why not. It' sweet and comforting.
maybe SS and dad consider
maybe SS and dad consider that their "special time" together.... ????
i think it is good
My 10, almost 11yr old
My 10, almost 11yr old normally goes to be by himself...but he does tell me he loves it when I tuck him in. No big deal.
My 9 year old gives me a hug
My 9 year old gives me a hug and a kiss, goes and brushes his teeth and then goes to bed on his own. However - He LOVES to read. So this is how he gets an extra 25 minutes or so of reading in because I won't know he's not sleeping if I'm not in there to "tuck him in". He thinks he's got me good, but really, I'm ok with it. He gets up in the morning without a fuss, his grades are excellent, and he's blowing the majority of the school away with his reading skills.
I do go into his room before I go to bed and kiss him on his forehead and "tuck" him in. Sometimes I go with him and have him read to me because I love the way he reads.
If he wasn't such a reader on his own, I'd be in his room reading and tucking him in. Not sure when I would stop, but I don't see 11 as that big of a deal.
My son is 11 and still wants
My son is 11 and still wants to be "tucked in." But it has turned into a funny thing for him because he will hide under the covers and put, for instance, a penguin head in place of his head. He always thinks of something creative to do that will make me laugh. Our tucking in is really a hug/kiss, and "I love you," and sometimes they want me to tuck them in for real, as tight as I can. I think the kid will let you know when they are too old for it.
My own son is 11. Our tuck in
My own son is 11. Our tuck in is now me popping my head in to say goodnight and maybe a quick conversation. Sometimes I still roll him in the covers like a burrito, but that's just for fun. It's only been in the past year that the tuck-in routine fell away. It hadn't been in full blown read-me-a-story mode for a couple years, but it still was a little routine we had and did involve actual blanket handling on my part. I don't think it was too weird.
It's my favourite part of the
It's my favourite part of the family day. Love it.